2� 15�8598
<br /> in�he Prop�r�y and r�gh�s under this�ecuri�y �nstrumen�; and(d� �akes such action as Lender may
<br /> reasanabty require to assure that Lender's interes��n th�Praperty and righ�s und�r�his Securi�y �ns�rument,
<br /> and Borr�vver's obligatian�o pay the sums secured by this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�, shall cont�nue unchange�,
<br /> LLf:nder may requir�that Borrower pay such re�nstatemen�sums and expenses in one or mare of the fo���wing
<br /> forms, a� selected by Lender: (a} cash; �b} mone��rder; �c} �ertified chec�, bank check, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashier's Gheck, pro��ded any such check is drawn upon an inst�tu�ion whose deposits are insured by a
<br /> federal agency, �nstrumen�a�ity ar ent�t�; �r�d} Elec�r�n�c Funds Transfer. Upan reinsta�ement�� B�rrow�r,
<br /> th�s Secur�ty�ns�rument and obiigations secured hereb� shall remain ful�y effec�x�e as if no accelera�i�n had
<br /> o�curred. Hovwe�er, this r�ght to r�ins�ate shall no�apply�n the case�f ac�eleration und�r Sec��on 1$.
<br /> ��. Sale �f Note; Change af Laan Ser��cer; Noti�e of Grrerran�e. The Note or a par�ial �nterest in the
<br /> Note��og�ther��vzth th�s Se�urity �ns�rumen��can be sold�ne�r m�re t�mes vvithout pri�r no�ice�o
<br /> Borrow�r. A sale m.i�h�resu�t�n a chang��n the entit� �known as�he "Loaf� Sej�icQr"� that callec�s Per�odic
<br /> Pa�men�s due und�r�he No�e and�his Securi�y �nstrument and p�rforms o�her m�r�gag��oan serv��ing
<br /> ob�iga�ions under the No�e, this Securit� Ins�rument, and Applicabie Lav�r. There also might be nne ar mare
<br /> changes af the Loan Servicer unrelated to a saie�f the Note. �f�here�s a change of the Laan Ser�icer,
<br /> Borrovver wi��be g��en written no�i�e af the chan�e which wx�� s�ate the nam�and address of the ne�v Laan
<br /> Ser���er, �he address�o which payrn�nts should be made and any ather�nf�rma��on R�SPA requ�re� in
<br /> connec�i�n with a no��ce of�ransfer nf�er�icing. �f�he Note is sold and�h�reaf�er�h�Loan is serviced by a
<br /> L.,�an Servic�r other than�he purchaser of the Nate, �h�mortgage loan s�rvic�ng ob�igat�ons�o Borrow�r w���
<br /> rema�n with the L.aan Servicer or b��ransferred�o a successar Loan SerWicer and ar�no�assumed by the
<br /> Note purchaser unless otherv�r��e provided b�r�he N��e purchaser.
<br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender ma�r commence,jain, or be joined�o an}��udi�ial ac�i�n (as�ither an
<br /> indiW��.ua� ���igant or�he member�f a class} that arises fram.the a�her party's act�ans pursuant to�his
<br /> S�curi�� �nstrument or�hat a�leges�ha�th�o�h�r party has breached any pro�ision of, or an�dut�owed b�
<br /> reason af, this Se�uri�y�ns�rument, until such Borrower or L,ender ha� no�ified�he other par�y �with such
<br /> notice given in compliance wi�h th�requirements af Section 15�af such alleged breach and afford�d th�
<br /> oth�r par��r hereto a r�asonable period after the gi��ng of such natice�a�ake carr��ti�ve a��ian. If Applicable
<br /> Law pr��rides a��me period which njust e�a�se bef�re cer�a�n action can be�aken, that time period�v�il be
<br /> de�med to be reasanabl�fnr purposes of�his paragraph. The no�x�e of acceleration and opportun�ty ta cur�
<br /> given to Borrov�rer pursuant t� Se�ti�n�2 and the not�ce of a�celera��an g�ven��B�rrower pursuant to
<br /> Se��ion �8 shall b�deemed to sa��sfy the natice and oppar�unity �o�ake corr�cti�e ac�ion pro�isions of this
<br /> Section�0.
<br /> �'I. Hazardous Suhstances. As used in th�s Section��: �a} "�a�ardous Substar�ces"are those substances
<br /> defined as tox�c�r hazard�us subs�ances, pollutants, �r was�es by En�ironmenta� Law and�he following
<br /> substances: gas���ne, kerosene, other flammable or�oxic petro�eum produ�ts, tox�c pesticides and herbi�ides,
<br /> ��la�z��sa�vents, mater�als contain�r�g asbestos ar forma�dehyde, and radioacti�e ma�er�als; �b}
<br /> "�nvr'�•ortrr�er��ar�aw"m.eans federal laws and�aws of the jurisd�c�ion vvhere�he Praper��r �s located�hat
<br /> relate�o health, safe�y or env�ronmentai pro�ect�an; ��� "Enviran���e��ta� �lear�u�"includes any r�sponse
<br /> . a�tion, remed�al ac�ion, or remo�al act�on, as de�ned �n En��ronmenta� Lavv; and�d) ar� "Envir�nmentaZ
<br /> Cot�ditior�"means a Condi�ion tha��an cause, can�ribut�ta, or otherwise�rigger an�nv�ronmenta� �leanup.
<br /> Borrov�rer shall not caus�or perm�t the pr�senc�, use, disposal, storag�, or release�f any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or�hr�a�en to release an�r �azardous Substances, on or in the Propert�. Borrov�er shall no�do,
<br /> nor a��ov�r anyone e�se to�a, anything affecting�he Pr�pert� �a} that�s �n�iola�ion af any Environmental
<br /> Lavv, �b} which cr�ates an En�ir�nmental Cond�t�on, ar(c}which, due�o�he pr�sence, us�, or release�f a
<br /> Hazardous Subs�anc�, crea�es a condition�hat ad�ersely aff�c�s �he value of the Propert�. The pre�ed�ng tvvo
<br /> NEgRASKA-SingEe�amily-Fannie MselFreddie Mac l..fN��ORM INSTRUMENT • Form 3D28 11�1
<br /> VMP� VMPfi�NE}(i 3d2�
<br /> Wa�ters Kluwer Financia�Ser�ices Page i 3 af�7
<br />