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2� 15�8598 <br /> satisfaction, prQ�ided tha�su�h inspection shall b�undertaken promptly. Lender may pay for the repa�rs <br /> and r���oratian in a singie disbursement or in a series af progress payments as the�uvork�s comp���ed. <br /> Un��ss an agreem�nt is mad�in writing ar Applicab��Law r�qu�res interest t� be paid on such <br /> M�sce��aneous Proc�eds, Lend�r shall no��e required to pay Barrower any �n�erest ar earn�ngs an such <br /> M���e��aneous Proceeds. �f th�r�storation or repair�s na�ecflnam��a�ly feasible ar Lend�r's secur�ty wou�d <br /> �e Iessened, the Miscellaneaus Prace�ds sha���e app��ed��the sun�s secured by �h�s S�cur��y �ns�rumen�, <br /> whether or na�then due, with�he excess, if any, pa�d�o Barrower. Such Miscellane�us Pro��eds sha���e <br /> applied in the�rder pra�ided far in Sec�ion�, <br /> �n th�ev�nt af a�ota� tak�ng, des�ru�tion, or ioss in�alue�f the Praper�y, the Misc���an�ous Proc��ds shai� <br /> be appx��d t�th��ums secured by this Security In�trum�nt, whether or no�then du�, wzth th��xcess, �f any, <br /> pa�d ta B�rrower. <br /> �n th�event af a partiai taking, destruc��on, or iQss �n va�ue af�he Property in which the fair marke�va�ue of <br /> th�Prop�rty�mmediate�y befar�the partzal �aking, destructian, or Ioss in�alue is equal to or gr�a��r�han the <br /> amoun�af the�ums secured by�h�s Security �nstrumen�immediately before the part�a� �aking, destruc�ion, or <br /> Iass in va�ue, un��ss Borrower and Lender o�herwise agre�in writ�ng, the sums s��ured by this Se�uri�y <br /> �nstrumen�shall be redu�ed by the amount of th��Vlisce��ane�us Pr�c�eds mu�tip�ied by the f�iiaw�n� <br /> fraction: �a} the tota� amaunt of�he sums secured immed�a��ly before th�partia� �aking, destruct�on, �r�oss <br /> in va�ue divided by ��} the fair mark�t va�ue of the Prop�r�y �mmediately befare�he part�ai taking, <br /> destruction, �r loss in�a1ue. Any ba�ance sha�� b�paid ta Borr�wer. <br /> �n th�event of a part�al �ak�ng, d���ru�tion, �r lass in�a�ue�f the Proper�y �n�vh�ch the fair market value of � <br /> the Pr�perty immediate�y befor��h�par�ia� taking, destruction, �r loss in va�u� �s less than the amoun�of�he <br /> sums se�ur�d in�mediate�y before the partial taking, destruction, ar�ass xn va�u�, units� Borrnwer and <br /> Lender�therwise agree in wr�ting, the Miscellaneous PrQceeds shai� be applied to the sums secured by thi� <br /> ��cur��y �nstrum�nt�vh�ther or not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Prop�rty is a�an�.an�d by Borrativ�r, or�f, af�er not�c�by Lender ta Borrov�er�hat the Dpposing Party <br /> �as def�ned �n the next sent�nc���ffers t�m�ake an award to settle a claim f�r damages, Borrawer fails ta <br /> r�spond �o L�nder��thin 3�days after the date the notice is gi�en, Lender is author�zed t�col�ec� and apply <br /> the M�sce��ane�us Praceeds either to restorat�on or repair of the Property�r ta�he sums s�cured by�h�s <br /> S�cur��y �nstrument, wh��her or not then due, "apposing Party" means th�th�rd part� �ha���ves Borrower <br /> M�sc�lian�ous Praceeds ar the par�y against whom Borrawer has a right of action in regard to Miscel�aneaus <br /> Pr�ceed�. <br /> B�rrov�er shal� be�n defaul� �f any ac��on or pra�eeding, whe�her Givil �r crim�nal, �s begun that, in L�nder's <br /> judgm�nt, could resu�� in forf��tur�af the Property or ather ma��rial impairm�nt af Lender's interes� �n the <br /> Prop�rty or r�gh�s under this Security �nstrument. Barrower can cure such a defau�t and, if a�ce��rat�on ha� <br /> � accurr�d, r�ins�ate as prflvided in Sectian �9, by causing the action or praceed�ng�o be dismzssed w��h a <br /> ru��ng that, in Lender's judgment, precludes forf�i�ure of the Property or other rnateria� zmpa�rmen�of <br /> Lender's interes� in the Proper�y or righ�s under�h�s S��ur�ty Instrument. The pr�ceed�af any award or <br /> claim for darnages that are at�r�butab�e to th� �mpa�r�ment of Lender's int�res� in the Praper�y are hereby <br /> assigned and shali be paid�o Lender. <br /> A�� M�sce��an�ous Prace�ds that are not applied�o restorat�on or repa�r of the Proper�y sha1�be applied in the <br /> order prav�ded for in Section 2. <br /> N�SRASKA-Si�gle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�FORM lNSTRUM�NT �or�3D28 7107 <br /> VMP� VMRS�NEy 413Q2} <br /> 1fVv�ters KEuwer�inancial Ser�ices Pag�10❑t 17 <br />