2� 15�8555
<br /> �VARRANTIES, Grantor, for itself, its heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns, repr�sents,
<br /> warrants,co�enants and agrees with Lender, its successors and assigns,as follows:
<br /> Performance of Ubligations. Grantor pr�mises ta perform alI terms, conditions, and ca�enants of this
<br /> Securit}�Inst�rument and Related Documents in accordance v�ith the terms contained therein.
<br /> Defense and Title to Property.At the tzme of execution and deli�ery of this instrument, Grantor zs�awfully
<br /> seis�d of the estate hereby conveyed and has the exclusi�e right to mortgage, grant, convey and assign the
<br /> Property.�rantor cv�enants that the PropeY-ty is unencumbered and free of aIi Iiens,except for encumbrances
<br /> of record acceptable to Lender. Further, Gran�or co�enants that Gra,ntor will warrant and defend generaily
<br /> the title to the Property against any and a1i c�a�ms and demands v�hatso�ver, subj ect to the easements,
<br /> restrictions, ar o�her encumbrances of record acceptable to Lender, as may be listed in the schedule of
<br /> exceptions to coverage in any ahstract of title or title insurance policy insuring Lender's in�erest in the
<br /> Property.
<br /> Candition of Property. Grantor promises at all times to preserve and to maintain the Property and e�ery
<br /> part thereof in good repair, working order, and condi�ion and will from time to time, make a11 needful and
<br /> proper repairs so that the value of the Property shal�not in any way be impaired.
<br /> Remo�al of any Part of the Praperty. Grantor pramises nat to remo�e any part of the Property from xts
<br /> present location,except for replacement,maintenance and re�ocation in the ordinar}�course of business.
<br /> Aiteratians to the Property. Grantor promises to abstain from the commissian of any waste on or in
<br /> connectian vrrith the Praperty.Further, Grantor shal�rnake no materia�alterations, additions or�mpro�ements
<br /> of any type whatsoe�rer to the Property, regardless of whether such alterations, additions or improvements
<br /> would increase th� va�ue of the Property, nor permit anyone to do so ex�ept for tenant impro�ements and
<br /> completion of items pursuant tv approved plans and specif cations, without Lender's prior written consen�,
<br /> which consent may be withheld by Lender in its sol� discre�ion. Grantor w�ll comply wxth all iaws and
<br /> regulations of all publi� authorities ha�ing jurisdiction��er the Property including, without�imitation, those
<br /> r�lating to the use, occupancy and maintenan�e �hereof and shall upon request promptly submit to Lender
<br /> evidence of such comp�iance.
<br /> Due on Sale-Lender's Consent. Grantnr shal�not sell, fi�.rfher encumber ar otherwise d�spose of,excep�as
<br /> herein pravided, any or all af its interest in any part af or all of the Property v�ithout f�rst obtaining the
<br /> written consen� of Lender. If any encumbrance, Iien, transfer or sale or agreement for these is created,
<br /> Lender may declare immediately due and payable,the entire ba�ance vf the Indebtedness.
<br /> Insurance. Grantor promises to keep the Property insured against such risks and in such form as may within
<br /> the sole discretion of Lender be acceptable, causing Lender to be named as Ioss payee or if requested by
<br /> Lender, as martgagee. The insurance company shall be chosen by Grantor subject to Lender's approval,
<br /> which shall not be unreasonal��y w��hheld. A�� insurance policies must provide that Lender vsrill get a
<br /> minimum of 10 days not�ce prior tv cance�lation.At Lender's discretion,Grantor may be required to produce
<br /> receipts of paid premiums and renewal policies.If Grantor fails to obtain the required co�erage,Lender may
<br /> do so at Grantor's expense.Grantor hereby directs each and every insurer of the Properly�o make payment of
<br /> loss to Lender vWith the proceeds to be applied, anly at Lender's option,ta the repair and replacement of th�
<br /> damage or loss or to be applied ta the Indebtedness with the surplus,if any,to be paid by Lender to Grantor.
<br /> Payment of Taxes and �ther Appiica6le Charges. �rantor promises to pay and to discharge liens,
<br /> encumbrances,taxes,assessments,�ease payments and any vther charges re7a�ing to the Property when le�ied
<br /> or assessed aga�nst�rantor or the Property.
<br /> En�ironmental Laws and Hazardous or Toxic Materials. Grantor and every �enant ha�e been, are
<br /> presently and shall continue to be in s�-ict cvmpl�ance w2�h any applicable �oca�, state and federal
<br /> environmentai laws and regulations.Fur�her,neither Grantor nor any tenant shal�manufacture, store,handle,
<br /> discharge or dispose of ha.zaxdous or tox3c materiais as may be defined by any state or federa� law on the
<br /> Property, except to the extent the ex�stenc� of such materials has been present�y disc�osed in writing to
<br /> Lender. Grantor will immediately notify Lender in writing of any assertion or claim made by any party as to
<br /> the possible �iolation of applicable state and federal environmen#a1 laws including the location of any
<br /> hazardous or toxic mat�rials on or about the Propert}�. Grantor indemnifies and holds Lender harmless from,
<br /> with�ut l�mitation, any Iiability or �xpense of whatsoe�er nature incurred directly or indirec�Iy out of or in
<br /> connection with: �a�any environmental laws affecting all or any part of the Property or Grantor; �b�the past,
<br /> present or future existence of any hazardous materials in, on, under, about, or emanating from or passing
<br /> through the Pr�perty or any part thereof or any property adj acent thereto; �c} any past, present or future
<br /> ha.zardous activity at or in connection�vith the Praperty or any part thereof; and (d� the noncompliance by
<br /> �rantor or�rantor's failure to comply fully and timely vWith environmental laws.
<br /> Finan��al Information. Grantor agrees to supply Lender such financial and ather information concerning its
<br /> affairs and the status nf ara.y of its assets as Lender, from tune to time, may reasonably request. Grantnr
<br /> further agrees to permit Lender to �erify accvu.nt� as w�l� as ta inspect, copy and to examine the books,
<br /> records and files af Grantor.
<br /> Lender's Right to Enter.Lender or Lender's agents shall ha�e the right and access to inspect the Property at
<br /> all reasonable times in ord�r to attend to Lender's interests and ensure compliance with the terms uf this
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument. If the Property, or any part t�ereof, shall require inspection, repair or ma�ntenance
<br /> which �rantor has failed ta provide, Lender, after reasonable notice, may enter upon the Praperty to effect
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