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2� 15�8538 <br /> Trar�sfer of the Fr�per�y or a Beneficia�Interest in Barrawer.If a�l or a�.;�part af�he Proper�y or any in�erest <br /> in it is so�d ❑r transferred �or if a benef�ia1 interes� in Borrawer is sald or transferred and Bnrrower is na� a <br /> natura� person} without Lender's prior written consent, L�nder may, at its o��tYon, require immedia�e paym�n� xn <br /> ful� of a�� sums secured by �his 5ecuri�y ��. �I4�rever, this option ;�hal� no� be exercis�d by Lender �f <br /> exercise is prohibi�ed by federal Iavv as af the da�e of�his S�curifiy�ns�rument. <br /> If Lender exerczs�s this opti�n, Lender shal� g�ve B orr��ver notice of acc�l.eration. The not�ce shall provi�e a <br /> periad of n�t less than�he mu.n�mum num�ber of days estab�ished by App�icable Law from the date the no��ce is <br /> delivered or xnai�ed within vvhich Barro,w�r mus� pay a�� sums secured by �r►is Securit�r Yns�rumen�. �f�orr��vver <br /> fails to pay�hese sums pr�or to the expiration of�his per=��, Lender may �n��oke any remedies permztted b� �his <br /> S e�urity Instrumen�With�u�fur�her notice�r demand an�on ower. <br /> �orrower's Right to Re�nstate. �f Barrow�r mee�s cond�t�ons, Bo���wer shall have the right to have <br /> enf�rcem�n�of��.�s 5ecurity Ins�rument discontiinued at any t�m�prior�o �h� eariz�r of: �a} S days �or su�h other <br /> period as App�icable Law may�pecify f4r reinstatemen��befare sa�e of�he�roperty pursuant to any po�vver�f saie <br /> c�ntained �n �h�s Security �ns�ru.ment; or �b} �n�ry of a �udgmen� enforci�:�g �h�s SeCu.rity �n5"�rutn�nt. Thase <br /> cond��ions are ��a�Borrn,t�rer: �a} pays Lender aI1 sums v�hich then would be. due uncier�his Secur�ty �nstru�m.�n� <br /> a�d�he Cantract as if no acceleration had accurred; �b�cures any defaul��f any a�her cavenants or agreements; �c} <br /> pays a1�exp�nses�ncurred in enforc�ng this Securi�y Instrumen�, including,bu�:not�imited�o,reasonab�e a�torneys' <br /> fees �o t�e ex�ent permi.tted by�au�; ar�d�d} �akes such action as Lender may reasonably require�o assure�ha��he <br /> Iien of th�s Secur��y Instrument,Lender's r�ghts in�he Pro�erty and Borrovtrer'���b�igati�n to pa��he sums se�ured <br /> by t�iis Securit��ns�rumen� sha�� con�inue unchanged. U��n re�nsta�en�.en�by�Borrovver, �his Security Ins#rumen� <br /> and �he obligat�ans secured hereby shal� r�main ful�y effe��ive as if no accel��ration had accurred. Ho�vever, th�s <br /> r�ght t�re�.nsta�e shall not apply in�he case of accelerati�n under the sec�ion ti.tled Transfer�f�h�Prope�ty ar a <br /> �enefi�ial In�erest in B�rr�vver. <br /> I�azardous 5ubsta�.ces.Borrovver shall n��caus� or per�it the presence,u�e, C�15p05�.�, s�orage, or rel�as�af an� <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or in the ProperCy.Borrou�er sha��nat da,nor a�lov�anyane else�o do,any��ng aff�cti�.g <br /> the Property�hat is �n vio�at�on of any Env�ranmental LaW. The pre�edzng �wo sen�ences shal� no� apply t� �he <br /> presence,use,Qr st�rage�n the Property�f small�uant��i�s af Hazaxdous Su��Stances that are generally recagx��zed <br /> to be appropr�a�e�o norma�res�den�ial us�s and to maintenance�f�he Proper�r. <br /> Borrower shal�pramp��y g�ve Lender writt�n not�ce af any inves�iga��on,claizri, dernand, la�vsuit ar o�her action by <br /> any governmen�a� or regulat�ry agency ar priva�e party inv���ring the Prop��-ty and any Hazardous� or <br /> Env�ronmental Lativ af �vh�ch Borrower has actual kr owledge. �f Borr��vver learns, or is notifie�. by any <br /> gflvernmental or regu�a�ary au�hori�y, that any r�moval or a�her remed�a�ian��'any Hazardous Subs�ance aff�cting <br /> the Praperty is necessar�, Borro�ver sha�l pramptly ta�e all necessary re:media� a��ions in accordan�e w�.th <br /> Env�ronmen�at Law. <br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Ha�ardous Subs�ances" are those subs�ances �.ef�r�ed as�oxic �r hazard�us substances <br /> by Env�ronmen�al Lavtr and �he fo�lo�wing substances; g�.soline, kerosene, c�ther flammable or �axic petra�leum <br /> prQdu��s, �oxic pesti�ides and herbicides, v�la�i�e solven�s, ma�eria�s contav:ung asbes�os or forma�dehyde, a.nd <br /> radioactive materials. As used in this paragraph, "Environ�nenta�Lavv"means f�derallaws and lav�rs of�he s�a�e af <br /> Nebraska that relate�o health,safety or environmental protecti�n. <br />�leration; Remed�es. Lender shall give notice �o ��rr�wer priar ta ��.ccelerat�on fo��ow�ng Barrfl�v�r's <br /> breach of any covenant or agreement xn this 5ecurity Instrument or the t:ontract under which a��elera�i�n <br /> is perma�tted �but no�pr�or to accelerati�n und�r the s�ctifln �itled Trans��er of the P�operty or a B�nef�ial <br /> Interest�n B�rr�wer, unle�5 Applicable Law provic�es o�herwis��. The n+�t�c� shal� specify; �a� the �efault; <br /> {b� the act�on re�uired to �ure th� default; ��� a date, not less �ha�� �he m�nimum number of days <br /> e�tablished by Applicable Law from the date�he notic�is given to Borr�,�ver,�y wh�ch the defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d) �hat fa��ure t� cure the defau�t on or �efore �he date sp��c�f�ed in th� notice may resu�lt fn <br /> acceleratxon �f the sums secured by t��s 5ecurity Instrument and sai+y of the Property. Ta th� Q�tent <br /> permitted by law, th� not�ce shall furth�r inform I3orr�wer of�he right�yo r�instat� after a�celera�ion and <br /> �h���ght to brxng a cvurt ac�ion�o a5ser�the nvn�ex�stence�f a defauit�r�any o�her d�fense of�3�rrower ta <br /> a�ce��ra��an and sa�e. If the default�s n�� cured on or b�fore th� da�e ��ae�ified in �he notic�,Lend�r at x�s <br /> �ption may re�u�re �mmed�a�e payr�ent in full �f all sums secured by �his Security Instrumer�t �vithou� <br /> further demand and may�nvvke the power of sale and any o�her remedie� permit�ed by Appli�abl� ]Law. <br /> Tv the extent p�rnutt�d by law, Lend�r shail b� entit�ed to cQllect all expenses �n�urred in pursu��ng the <br /> r�m�d�es provid�d�n this S�ct�an,�n�luding,but n��limited to, reasona]h�e attorneys' fee5 ar�d ��sts flf�i��e <br /> ev�dence. <br /> If the power of 5ale�s fnvoi�ed,Trustee �hall record a notice of default�n each county�n wh�ch any part of <br /> �he Fr�perty is located and sha�l ma����pies �f su�h no�Yce in the mann�r��re�cr�bed by App���a�Xe Law�o <br /> Borrower and to the other persons pre�cribed by Applicable Law. Aft��- the tzme re�u�red by ,A,.pplicab�e <br /> Law, TruStee shalx give public nat�ce �f sal� to th� per5flns and in the �nanner pre�cribed by Appli�ab�e <br /> Law.Trus�ee,withflut demand vn Borrower, sha��se��the Prvperty at�t�b�YC auc�ion to the h�gh�st bi�ider <br /> a�the t�me and p�a�e and under�he terms des�gnated i��he no�ice of sa��in one or mnre parce�s an��n any <br /> vrder Trustee determines. Trustee may pastpone sa1Q of all or any p�arcel af the Property �y public <br /> annvuncement at the time and place of any previou��y schedu�ed sale.L��:�der or its des�gnee may purcha�e <br /> th�Property at any sal�. <br /> Upan receip� of payment of the pri�e b�d, Trustee shall dQliver to the purchaser TruStee'S deed �on��yxng <br /> the�'roperty. The recitals in th�Trus�ee's deed shall�e pr�ma facie ev�id��nce of the fruth of tbe statements <br /> Q�444-2415 C�mpliar�ce Systems,Inc.8�54-51CC-2415.11.3.I498 <br /> Cons�mer Reai Estate-Se�urity Inst�ment DL2436 Pa�e��aFS www,car� <br />