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2� 15�8538 <br /> Payment of Principal and In�erest; Dth�r Charges.�3orrower sha�l prQmptly pay i�hen due the principal�:�and <br /> zrn�erest on the debt ovved under�he Con�ract and la�e charges or any Qther fees and charges due under the�on��ract. <br /> Applicab�e Law. As used in th�s Securi�ty Ins��, the term "Applicab:�e La�r" shall xnean a�� con�ra�I�ing <br /> app�icab�e federa�, sta�e and laca� s�atutes, regula�ions, ordinances and adminis�ra�ive rules and orders ��ha�have <br /> the effec�af�avv}as vvell as a��applicable f�nal,non-app�alable judicial Qpin�oa�s. <br /> Charges; Liens. B�rra�wer sha11 pay a�I �axes, ass�ssments, cha�g�s, fine� and imposi�i�ns att���autable �o th� <br /> Pr�perty wh�ch may attaz�priarity�ver�his 5ecur��y Ins�rum�nt, and leaseha:�d payn�.ents or ground rents, if any. <br /> At the request of Lender,B arrotiver sha1��rompt�y fiu�n.ish�o Lender r�ceipts��videnc�ng�he paymen�s. <br /> Borrvu�er shal�promp�ly discharge any l�e�uT�.ich has prior�ty�ver�his Sec�a��ty Ins�rumen�unless I�arrflv�e�: �a} <br /> agre�s in writ�ng to the paymen� of the obligation secured by �he Iien in a. manner acceptable �o Lender; (b} <br /> con�ests in go�d fai�h the �ien by, �r defends aga�nst enforcemen� �f�he li�r� �n, Iega1 proceedings whi�h in the <br /> Lender's �pini�n operate ta prevent the enforcem.ent of the Iien; or �c� se���res fr�m the halder af�.ie ��en an <br /> agreement sa�isfactory to Lender subordina�ing�he l�en�� �his Security Instrumen�. �f Lend�r de�ermines that any <br /> par� af the Property�s subj ect�o a lien which may at�ain pr�ority over �his ��;curi�.y Instrumen�, Lender may give <br /> Borrovver a not�ee iden�ifying the Iien. BorroWer sha�l sat�sfy the Iien or tak��ne or mare Qf th.e act��ns se�f�rth <br /> above vvithin ��da�s of the giving of notic�. <br /> Haz�.rd or Property Insur�n�e. Borro�v�r shal�keep the improvemen�ts no�v exis�ing ar hereafter erected o�the <br /> Pr�perty insured against loss by fre,hazard�ir�c�ud�d within�he term"ex�end��d coverage" and any other ha�ards, <br /> including floods or fl�oding, for which Lender re�uires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in �he <br /> amflunts and for the periads�ha�Lender re�uires. The insuran�e carrier providing the insurance sha��be chos�n by <br /> Borrovver subj ect to Lender's appr�val tivh�ch shal� no� be unreasonably wi���held. If Borr�vver fa��s �o ma���ain <br /> coverage described above, Lender may, a� Lender's opti�n, ob�ain cvver��;e to protect Lender's rights in the <br /> Pr�perty in accorda�ce wi�h s�ct�fln titled Protection vf Lender's R�gh�s�n���e Proper�y. <br /> A�l insurance po��c�es and reneura�s shall be acceptable �� Lender and sha�� i.nclude a standard mortgage cl�use. <br /> Lender sha�i have�he r�ght t�ho�d the po�i.cxes and rene�vals. If Lender requ�re�, Borro�wer shall pr�mpt�y g��re to <br /> Lender al�rec�ipts of pazd prem�iums and ren�wal na�ices. Zn�he even��f�o�s, Borrov�er sha�l give pro�rnp�n����e <br /> to�he in�urance carrier and Lender.Lender may make prnof of Ioss if n�t mad��promp�ly by B orro�rer. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree 1T1 W�'1�1rig, insurance procee�d� sha�I be applied to restarat�an or <br /> repair af the Proper�y damaged, �f, zn Ler�der's sale discretian, the res�oratia:� or repair �s economi�ally f�asible <br /> and Lender's securiCy is nat �essened. If, in Lender's sole discretion, �he restoratzon or repair is n�t economi�ally <br /> feasib�e or Len�ier's security would be less�ned,the insuran�e pr4ceeds shal�b��app��ed�o�he sums s�curec�b�this <br /> Sec�ri�y �nstrum.en�, whether or nat �hen due, with any excess pa�d �o �c}rra�rer. If Bnrrawer abandons �he <br /> Property, or does not a�swer wi�h�n the n�mber af days prescribed by App�icab�e La�v as se�forth in a no�ice from <br /> Lender to �arrflwer�hat the insura.�ce carrier has affered ta se�tle a claim, th��ri L�r�der xnay co�le�t�he insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds to repair or res�ore �the PrQperty or tc� pay sums secured by�h�s Secu.rity <br /> �nstrument,tivhe�her�r nat then due.The p�riod of time for Borrotiver to ansv�er as set forth in�he not�c�wi�l beg�n <br /> when�he no�ice is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrov�rer o�herwise agree in wri��ng, any app��cation of p��oceeds to princ�pal sha1��o�e�xend <br /> or postpone �he due date of the paymen�s due under�he Con�ract or change�r�e amoun�of�he paymentis. �f under <br /> �he section���1ed Accelerati�n; Remed�es, the Property is acquxred by Lender, Borr��uer's r�ght to any�nsurance <br /> pol�cies and proc�eds resu��ing fram damage ta the Proper-ty pri�r tv �he acc�uisi�ion shall pass �� L�r�der to �he <br /> ex�en�flf the sums secured by this 5e�urity�nstrument irnmedia�ely priQr to the acquisi�ian. <br /> PreServat�on, Ma�n�enance and Prflte��i�n of �he Praperty; Borrowe�'s L�an App���at�on; L�a�eh��ds. <br /> Borrower sha11 not destroy, damage ar impair the Property, allov�the Prflpert�T to de�erzorate, or c�mmit was�e on <br /> �he Prapert�.Borrawer sha��b�in defaul��f any farfei�ure action or praceedin�;,whe�her civ�l ar criminal,is begun <br /> �hat in Lender's goQ d fa�th j udgment �au1d resuit in farfe��ure of�he Prop er�T or ��herwise ma�erial�y imp air the <br /> �ien created by �his Securi�y Instrument or Lender's �ecuri�y �nteres�. Barrt��ver may ct�.re �uch a def�.ul� and <br /> reinstate, as provided�n sec�ion tit�ed B�r�ower�s Righ� �a Reins�a�e, by ca��s�ng the act�on�r pr�ceeding�o be <br /> dismzssed wi�h a rul�ng�hat,in Lender's go�d fa��h de�erminatian,prec�udes farfeiture of the Borrower's inter�s�in <br /> the Pr�perty or ��her rnateria� �mpairment of�he Iien created by th�s Security Ins�rumen� or L�nder�s security <br /> �nter�s�.Borrovver shall a�sa be in defaul�if Borrou�er,during�he laan applica�ion pr�cess,gave ma�erially fa�se or <br /> inaccurat� �nfarmat�on or statemen�s �o L�nder �ar failed to prtivi�e Lend��� �v�th any ma�er�ai �nforma�ion} in <br /> cannection wi�h the �oan evidenced by�he �antract. If�.h�s�Se�urrty Instrum��lt is an a�easehold, Borr�wer sha�l <br /> �omp�y ur�th aII the provisions af the Iease. If Bnrrawer acquires fee title���h�,Prop�rty,the�easehold and th�fee <br /> title sha1l not merge un�ess Lender agrees��the merger in wri�ing. <br /> Protec�ion of Lend�r's Rights in th� P�roperty. If B�rrower fai�s to perf�rm the covenan�s and agreemen�s <br /> cantained in this 5ecuri�y�nstrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may signif cant�y affect Lender'�rig�nts in <br /> the FroperCy �such as a proceeding �n bankruptcy, proba�e, for condemnatian ar forfei�ure or �o enforce Xaurs or <br /> regulations}, �h.en Lender may do and �a� for whatever is necessary �o pr��tect the value of the Prop�rty a.nd <br /> Lender's rzgh�s in the Property. Lender`s�.c�tions may include paying any surns�ecured by a li�n�w�ich has pri�rzty <br /> over this Se�urit�Instrumen�, appeaxing in caurt,paying reas�nable at�arn�y�'fees and en�er�ng an the�roper�y�� <br /> make repairs.Al�hough Lender may ta�e act�on under th�s sec�ion,Lender do�z�nat have�o do so. <br /> Any amou.nts disbursed by Lend�r under �his sec�ion sha�l become addi�ianal deb� of B�rrower secur�d by th�s <br /> Se�urity Instrument. Unless Barrower and Lender agree to ��her �erms of paymen�, �hese amoun�s sha�i bear <br /> C�ZO��-2�15 Compliance Systems,Inc.8CS4-5 i CC-2015,11,3.t 09$ <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL203d Page 2 of 5 www,�vmpliaz�� <br />