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<br /> M�erger. The�e shall be no me�-ger of�he interest ar�s�ate created by�his ❑eed o�Trus�with any other in�e�-es#or
<br /> es�a�e in the Prop��y at any time h�ld by ar for�he benefit of Lend�r in any capaci�y, withou#the written �onsen�
<br /> of Lender. �
<br /> Governing Law. This Deed v�Trust will b� g�►rerned by fede�a� law appl�cable to Lender and, to the ex#ent no�
<br /> preempt�d by f�deral �aw,#h� laws of#he Sta�e ❑f Nebraska wi#hau#rega�d #a its canflicts of law pro�isians. This
<br /> Deed of Trust has been acce�#ed�y L�nder in th�State of Nebraska.
<br /> Jvint and Serr�ra� L'rab�li#y. AfI ❑bligations of Trustar under this �]e�d of Trust shafi be joint and se�eral, and all
<br /> references �o Trus�ar shal! mean each and e�ery Trustor. This means tha# each Trustor 5igning be�ow is
<br /> responsible for all obligat�ons in th�s Deed o�Trus#.
<br /> No'IJVai�er by Lend�r. T�ustar understands Lender w�11 no�gi�e up any of Lender's righ�s under this ❑eed of Trust
<br /> unless Lender does so in writing. The �act that Lender delays or �mits ta exer�ise any right will no� mean that
<br /> Lender has gi�en up that right. I� Lender does agree in wri�ing to gi�e up one of Lender's rights, tha� does nat
<br /> mean Trustor will not ha�e f❑ com��y with the othe� pra�isions ��this Deed o�F Trusf. Trus�or also und�rstands
<br /> that if Lender dves consen# ta a re�uest, that does not mean that Trustor wili not ha�e to get Lender`s cans�nt
<br /> again i�the situatian happens again. Trus#or fu�he�unde�-s�ands that�us�because Lender cons�nts�o ane ar more
<br /> o#Trus�or's requests, tha� does no� mean Lender wil� be required to consent to any o�Trustor's future reques#s.
<br /> Trus�or wai�es presentment, demand for payment, pro��st, and natice of dishon�r.
<br /> Se�erabili�y, 1�a cou�t fin�is that any pro�ision of this Deed o�Trus# is not �alid or should no� be enfo�ced, that
<br /> �act by itself w�ll na#mean that the rest af this ❑eed of Trust wil! not be�alid or enforGed. Therefore, a court will
<br /> enforce the res�of�he pra�isions of this Deed af Tr�st e�en if a pro�isian af this Deed a�T�-us#may be f�und�❑he
<br /> in�al�d or unen�or�eab�e.
<br /> 5ucc�ssars and Assigns. Sub�ect to any limitations stated in this �eed o�Trust on �rans�er of Trustor`s inter�s�,
<br /> this Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure to the henefit a#�the parties, their sucGessors and assigns. �f
<br /> avune�ship of the Proper�y becomes�ested in a pe�-son other than Trustor, Lender, without natice �o Trus�or, may
<br /> deal with Trus�o�'s succ�sso�-s wifh refer�n�e to this �eed of Trus�and the Ind�btedness by v►ray of forbearance or
<br /> extensivn without r-eleasing Trustor#�-om the ob�igations af this Cleed of Trus�o�liability under the �nd�ht�dness.
<br /> Time is of th�Essence. Time is�f�he essence i�the perfat�manc�❑f this Deed af Trust.
<br /> lll�ai�er a� Ham�stead Exemptifln. Trustor hereby �-e�eases and wai�es a!I rights and benefits of the hom�stead
<br /> exemption laws❑f�he Sta�e of Nebraska as to a�l Indebtedness secured by this Deed�f Trust.
<br /> 17�FINIT��N�. The fol�ow�ng words shali have the fnilow�ng meanings when used in this❑eed o�Trus�:
<br /> Benefi�iary. The word "Beneficiary"means BANK�F THE WEST, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> Borrawer. The word "E3orr�wer" means E3RIAN J DARLlNG and RENEE E DARLING and includ�s all co-signers and
<br /> co-makers signing the Credit Agreement and all their successors and assigns.
<br /> Credit A�reemen�. The words "�t�edit Agreement" mean #he credit agreement dated December 9, 20'15, Wlth
<br /> ��'�d�� �I�'111� of$'�D,D��.DD frarn Trustor ta Lender,�ogether with aif renswals of, extensians o�, modif�ca��ons
<br /> o�, refinancings of, consolida�ions o�, and substitu�ians�or the p�omissory note or agreement. The ma�urity date a�
<br /> �his Deed of Trust is December '14, �Q4�. NOT�CE T� TRUST�R: THE CREDIT AGREE�IJIENT CONTA�NS A
<br /> Deed of T�ust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean �h�s Deed of Trust amnng Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes without limitatian a!I assignment and s�curi�y inte�est p�ovisians refating to the Personal Praperty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> En�ironmenta[ Laws. The words "En�ironmen�al Laws" mean any and a�� state, �ederal and �oca1 s�atutes,
<br /> regulations and ordinances relating tv fhe pro�ection �f human heaI#h o�- �he en�iranment, including withou�
<br /> limitation the Compr�hensi�e En�i�-onmen�a! Response, Compensation, and Liabili�y Act of '198�, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. Sec#ion J6Q`�, et seq. �"�ERCLA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorizatian Ac�t of 'I 986, Pub. L.
<br /> Na. 99--499 �"SARA"},the Hazardous Materials Transpo�ta�ion Act, 49 U.S.C. Section 18��, et seq.,the Resource
<br /> Conservation and Reco�ery Act, 4� U.S.C. Se�tian �9��, et seq., or a�h�r applica�le state or federal laws, rules,
<br /> or regula�ions adopted pursuan�'�hereto.
<br /> E�en�a�❑e�ault. The words"E�en#o�Defaulfi" mean any of the e�en#s o�defaui�set for�h in this Deed of Trus�in
<br /> the e�en�s of defau�t section a�#his Deed af Trus�.
<br /> � Exis�ing Ind�b�edness.�The words "Exis�ing lndebtedness" mean the indebtedness described in the Existing L�ens
<br /> pro��si�n of�his Deed af Trust.
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances. The words "Ha�ardous Substances" mean materials tha#, because o� the�r quan�i�y,
<br /> concen�ration or physiG�l, ch�;mical or intectiaus charac�erist�cs, may cause ❑�pase a present or potent�a� haza�d
<br /> f�human heai�h o�the en�i�-onment when imp�oper�y used, treated, s�ored, dEsposed of, generated, manu�actured,
<br /> transported or otherwise handled. The words "Hazardous 5ubstances" are used in �hei��ery broadest sense and
<br /> in��ude wi�hout �imitation any and all haza�dous ar taxic substances, materials or waste as defined by or fist�d
<br /> under the En��ronm�n�a[ Lavvs. The term "Hazardous Substances" a(so �ncludes,w��hout limi�ation, petrol�um and
<br /> petroleum by-produc�s ar any fr�c#ian the�eof and asbestas.
<br />