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2� 15�8499 <br /> C��EC] C]� ��LJ�I" <br /> ���nt��lued} Page � <br /> � <br /> payabi� and the same shall thereupon become due and payable withaut any presentment,demand, pro�est ar <br /> notice❑f any kind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> �a} �sth�� in person ar by agent, with �r withou� bringing any actior� or proceeding, o�- by a receiver <br /> appointed by a court and wi#hou�regard to the adequacy of i#s se�urity, enter upon and take possession <br /> of the Proper�y, �r any part�here�f, in i�s own name❑r in the name of Trustee, and da any acts which it <br /> � deems necessary or des�rabie�o preserve the�alue, marketab�lity or rentabili�y o�#he Prape�ty,o�par�of <br /> �h� Prape�ty ar interest in the Prope�ty; increase�he inc�me from the Proper�y or pratec��he security af <br /> �he Property; and, with o� withou� #aking possessi�n af �he Pr�ope�y, sue far a�- ather-wise col�ect the <br /> � r�nts, issues and pra��ts o�the Proper�y, inc�uding thase past due and unpa�d, and apply the same, less <br /> costs and expenses of operation and co3lec�ion at�o�neys'fees,�o any�rtd�b�edness secured by�his Deed <br /> of Trust, a�l in such order as Lender may determine. The enfering upon and taking po�session of the <br /> Property, �he coliection of such rsnts, issues and praft�, and the app�ication �here�f shall na� cure or <br /> wai�e any de�ault ar natice of defau[t under fihis Deed o�Trus�or in�alida�e any act dane in response ta <br /> such defau��or pursuant to such notice of default; and, no#withstanding the�ontinuan�e in poss�ssian of <br /> the Prope�y or the cv[lection, �-eceipt and applicatian o�rents, �ssues or pra#i�s, Trustee or Lender sha�� <br /> be entitled to exercise e�ery right pro�id�d for in �he �redit Agreemen# or�he Related Documents or by <br /> law upon the occurrence of any e�ent�f ci�#au�t, incl�ding�r��-ight to exerc�se the power❑f sale; <br /> �b} Commence an action to fo�-eclos�this Deed o�Trusfi as a ma�tgage; appflint a recei�er or specifically <br /> enfarce any of the co�enants hereof; and. � <br /> �c} Deli�er to Truste�a written dec�ara�ian Q#�default and demand far saie and a written not�ce❑f defaul� <br /> and election �o cause Trustar's interest in the Prope�ty�v be sold, which noti�e Trustee sha�i cause to be <br /> duly fEled for�re�ord in�he appropria�e offi�es of th�County in wh�ch th�Praper�y is loca#ed;and <br /> �d} 1Ni�h respect to al! or any part❑f the Personal Property, Lender shall have al! the rights and remedies <br /> �f a s�cured p�r#y under�he Nebraska lJn��orm Commercial Code. <br /> F�reclosure by Power ofi Sale. lf Lender elec�s#a�oreclose by exercise ofi�he Power o�5ale herein�vntained, <br /> Lender shall noti�y Trustee and shall deposit wi�h Tru�t�e this Deed o�Trust and the Credi� Agreement and <br /> such rece�pts and e�iden�e of expenditures made and se�ured by this�eed o�Trust as Trustee may requir�. <br /> �a} Upan receip�af su�h notice frarn Lende�-,Trustee shafl cause�a be r�corded, published and delivered <br /> ta Trus#or such Notic� of Defa�ult and No�ice o�S�ie�s �hen required by law and by this Deed of Trus#. <br /> Trustee shall, without demand on Trustor, af�er such �ime as may then be required by law and a�ter <br /> r�cordation of such Notice o�Default and after 1Votice o#Sale ha�ing been given as required by Iaw, sell <br /> the Proper�y at the tim� and place of sale fxed by i� in such Notice of 5ale, �i#her as a whole, or �n <br /> _ �epara#e I�ts �r par�els or i�ems as Trus�ee shall deem expedient, and in such orde�as i�may determine; <br /> at pub�ic auc#ion to the highes� bidder far cash in �awfu� money of the Llni�ed States payable a��he time <br /> o� sale. Trustee sha�l deliver �o such purGhaser o�- purchasers �hereo� its good and suf#icient d�ed or <br /> deeds con�eying #he praperty so sa�d, but withaut any co��nant or wa��anty, express ❑� �mplied. Th� <br /> recitals in such deed of any mat�ers ar�ac�s sha�l be co�rc(usi�e proof af�he �ruthfulrress thereof. Any <br /> pe�-son, including withou�limi�a�ian Trustar, Trustee, or Lender, may purchase��such sale. <br /> (b} As may be permitted by law, after deduc#ing a11 costs, fees and expenses o� Trustee and of�his <br /> Trust, �ncluding �osts o�e�id�nce af titie in�onnection with sale, Trustee shall appiy the proceeds o�sal� <br /> #a payment of �i} ail sums exp�nded under #he terms of this Deed af T�ust or under the terms o� the <br /> Credit Agreement not then repaid, in�iuding but no� limi�ed ta accrued interes�and late charges, �ii} ali <br /> o#her sums then secured herehy, and �iii} the remainder, i�any, to the persan o�persons legally entitled <br /> thereto. <br /> �c} Trustee may in�he manner pro�ided by law pastpone sa(e of a�1 or any por�ion afi�he Praperty. <br /> Remedies Nvt Exclusi�e. Trustee and Lend�r, and each Qf them, sha�l be entitled to enforce payment and <br /> per�ormance❑f any�ndeb�edness o�obl�ga��ons s�cured by this De�d�f Trust and�a exercise all righ�s and powers <br /> under�his Deed of Trust, under th� Credit Agreement, under any o�the Relat�d ❑ocumen�s, or unde� any othe� <br /> agreement or any laws now ❑r hereafter in force; n��withstanding, some or ail o� such �ndebtedness and <br /> ob�igations secured by�his �eed of Trust may nt�w or he�eafter be�therwise secured, whe�her by mortgage, deed <br /> a�t�ust, p�edge, iien, assignmen�or❑�herw�se. Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its enforcement, <br /> whe#her by court a�tion ❑r pursuant t❑ the power �f sale or o�h�r p�wers �ontained in this ❑eed o�Trust, shall <br /> prejudice or in any manner aff��t Trustee`s ar Lender's right t� realize upon or enforce any ath�r secu�ity now ar <br /> hereafte�heid by Trustee or Lend�r, �t being agreed �hat Trustee and Lende�-, and each of#hem, shal� be ent���ed ta <br /> enforce this ❑eed a�Trust and any athe�- securi#y now or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such order and <br /> manner as they or ei�her of them may in #hei�- absolute dis�re�ion determine. Nv remedy �anferred upon or <br /> reserved #v Trustee or L�nder, is intended to be ex�lusi�e of any other remedy in th�s ❑eed of Trust or by law <br /> p�o�ided or permi�ted, �u� each sha�l be cumu�a#��e and shai! be in additi�n to ��e�-y other remedy gi�en in �his <br /> Deed o�Trust or now or her�aft�r existing at law or in equity or by s#atute. Every pawer or remedy given by the <br /> �redit Agreement or any of the Related ❑acumer�ts to Trustee or L�nder or to which eith�� ❑f them may be <br /> atherwise en�itle�f, may be exer�ised, concurrently a�- �ndependen��y, fram �ime t❑ time and as �ft�n as may be <br /> deemed expedien� by Trustee or Lender, and either of them may pursue inconsistent remedies. N�thing in this <br />