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2� 15�8499 <br /> - ���� �� ����� <br /> ����t��u ed} .. Page 4 <br /> Proper�y, �hen Lender on Trustor's,beha�f may, bu� is not requ�red ta, take any action �hat Lender belie�es tn be <br /> appropriafe to protect Lender's interests. AI� expenses �n�urr�d or paid by Lender�or such purposes will �hen bear <br /> interes� at th� ra#e charged under the C�edi� Agreeme�t f�om th� date incu�rec� or paid by Lender �o the da�e o� <br /> repaymen�by T�-ustar. All such expenses will becom�a par�o�th� lndebtedness a�d, a� Lender`s opt�ar�, wi�� �A} be <br /> payable on derr�and; �B} be added to the ba#ance ❑f the Credi#Agr��men�and be app��ioned amang and be payable <br /> with any installment payments to become due during���h�r �'�} the term a�any app�icabie insu�ance pa�icy; ar �2} the <br /> remaining term o�#he Credi�Agreement; or �C} b�treated as a balioon payment which wili be due and payabl� at th� <br /> �redit Ag�eement's rnaturity. The Deed of Trust also w�lf secure payment of�hese amounts. The rights provided far in <br /> �his paragraph shali be in addi#ian to any other rights or any remedies to which Lender may be enti�led �n account of <br /> any default. Any such action by Lend�r shall not be cons�rued as curing �he default s� as to ba� Lender �ram any <br /> remedy that it��herwise wauld have had. <br /> WARRANTY; ❑EFENSE 4F T1TLE. The following pr��isions relating tQ ownership o�the Property are a part�f�his❑eed <br /> of Trus�: <br /> TEtle. Trustor warrants that: �a} Trusto� holds go�d and marketable�title o�record to �he Prope�ty in fee simp�e, <br /> �ree and clear❑�a�l li�ns and encumbrances other than those set farth in �he Rea� Praperty des�ription or in the <br /> Existing indeh�edness sectian be�aw o�in any title �nsurance policy, ti�le repa�t, or final#it��opinion issued in �fa�or <br /> o�, and accepted by, Lender in �onnec#ian with this Deed af Trust, and �b}Trustor has the full right, power, and <br /> authority to execu�e and deli�er�his Deed o�F Trust to Lender. � <br /> Defense ��Ti�le. Subject to the exceptian in �he paragraph abo�e, Trustor warrants and wii� fore�er defend the <br /> titl� to�he Prope�y against th� lawfu� claims a�all persons. ln the e�ent any ac�ion or proceeding is comm�nced <br /> that quest�or�s Tt-ustor's titte or the interest a�Trustee or Lender under this Deed af T�ust,Tr�s�o�-sha{I defend the <br /> a�tian at Trustar's expense. Trustor may be the nflminai party in such pr�ceedin�, laut Lend�r shall be en�itled ta <br /> part�cipate in the proceeding and to be represented in �he praceeding by �ounse! of L�nder`s own �hoice, and <br /> Trusto�will deli�er, or cause �o be d��i�ered, ta Lende�-such instruments as Lende�may reques�from time to tim� <br /> to permit such par�icipa�ion. �. <br /> G�mp�iar�ce Wi�h Laws. Trustor warrants tha� th� Property and T�-ustor's use ❑�the Property �amplies with all <br /> existing appl�cable laws,ardir�ances,and regulatians❑�go�ernmen�al au#horities. <br /> 5urvi�al of P�ornises. All pram4ses, agreements, and sfatements Trustor has rr�ade in this fleed o�Trus� shali <br /> survi�e the execu�ion and deli�e�-y of this Deed af Trust, sha�� be c�n�inuing in na�ure and shalC remain �n full fa�ce <br /> and effect un#il such time as Trustnr's Indebtedness is paid in fuil. � <br /> EX[STtNG IlVDEBTEDNESS. The following pro��sions coneern�ng Existing Indebtedness are��a pa�of this L7eed of Trus�: <br /> Existing Lien. The Iien of this ❑eed of Trus� securing #he Indeb#edness may he secondary and inferior t❑ an <br /> existing fi�n. Trus�ar expressly co�enants and agrees�o pay, ❑�see t��he paymen#o�, the Existing Indeb�edness <br /> and to pre��nt any de�ault on such indeb�edness, any default unde�-the instruments e�idencing such in�ebtedness, <br /> or any default under any security documen�s for such indebtedness. <br /> No Modif�cat�on. Trustar shall not enter �nto any a�reement w�th the ho�der a� �ny mo�tgage, deed of trus�, o�- <br /> othe� security agreement which has priority o�er �his Deed of Trust by which �ha� agreement �s madified, <br /> arnended, ex�ended, ❑r renewed w��hout the prior written c�nsent of Lend�r. T�-us�or shall ne�ther request no�- <br /> accept any future ad�ances under any such secur�ty a�reement wi�hout the prior writ�en cvnsent❑f Lender. <br /> CONC3EMNATI�N. The fo�lowing pro�is€ons relating�fl�ondemnat�on pro�eedings are a part of th�s Deed a�Trust: <br /> Proceedings. [f any pr�ce�ding �n condemnation is fled, Trustor shaii pramp�ly p�tify Lender �n writing, and <br /> Trus��r shall p��mp�iy take such steps as may be necessa�-y�o defend th� act�an and ob�ain the award. Trusto�- <br /> may be the nom�na! pa�y in su�h proceeding, buf Lender shall be entitled to par�[cipat�€n the pr�ce�ding and to be <br /> represented in the proceeding by couns�! of i�s own chaice, and T�us��ar wili deii�er �� cause to be de�i�ered to, <br /> Lender such instrum�nts and documen�ation as m�y be requested by Lender �ram �im� ta time to permi# such <br /> pa�#i�ipatinn. ' <br /> Applicatian o�Ne# Praceeds. !f all ar any part nf�he Property is condemned by em�nent domain pracee�ings or by <br /> any proc�eding ar purchas� in I�eu o�condemnation, Lender may at its elec�ion requi�e that all or any portion o��he <br /> net praceeds of tne award be app��ed to �he fndebtedness o�th� �epair or res�orat�on af the Property. `�Y�e ne� <br /> proceeds af the award sha�l mean the award after payment a�al� reasonab�e costs, expenses, and attorneys`fees <br /> incurred by Trustee or�Lender�n connection vui�h the condemnation. <br /> �MP�SITI�N UF TAXES, FE�S AND �HARGES BY G�VERN1111ENTAL A�TH�RITIES. The �ollowing pro�isions reiating <br /> tv ga�e�nmen��l taxes, fees and charges are a pa�t of�h�s Deed of Trust: <br /> Cu�rent Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upan request by L�nder, Tru��or sha�l execute su�h documents in addi#ivn tQ <br /> � th�s deed af Trust and take wha�e��r other ac�ian is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender"s �ien on <br /> �he Reai Property. Trustor sna�� reimburse L.ende� �or all taxes, as described belnw, together with ail expenses <br /> in�urred in recording, perFecting v� �on#inuing �his ❑eed of Trus�, inc�uding wEthout limitation a�l taxes, �ees, <br /> dacumentary stamps,and ather charges�or�-ecording or�egis�ering�his❑eed af Trust. <br /> Taxes. The following shall cons�i�u#e taxes ta which this section applies: �'�} a s�aecific tax upon �his �ype of <br /> ❑e�d of Trust ar upon a[i �r any part o�the lndebtedness secured by this De�d of Trus�; �2} a spee�fc tax on <br />