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2� 15�84�2 <br /> fu�l of aI� sums secured by this Securit� Instrum�n�. Hovvever, this opt�on shall not be exercised by Lender if <br /> e�ercise is prahi�ited by fed�ral law as of�he da�e af�his Security�ns��rumen�. <br /> If Lender �xercises this op��.or�, Lerider sha11 give B orrower nfl��ce �f acce�era��on. TI�e notice sha�� pr�vide a <br /> period of not Iess than the minimum number af days es�ab�is�ed by Applicab�e Lavv fram the da�e the no��ce zs <br /> delivered or maz�ed vvi�hin ���ch B�rrower mus� pay a�l sums secured by �hzs Securi�y Instrurnen�. �f Borrower <br /> fails tv pay these sums prior �� �he expiration of�his period, Lender may invoke any remedies pe�-m.itted by th�s <br /> 5ecurity Instru.ment witho��t further no�ice or demand�n Borro�ver. <br /> Borrower's Right �o Rein�tate. �f Borravver meets cer�ain conditions, �arravver sha�l have the righ� to have <br /> enforcernent of�his Secur�ty Zns�rument disc�ntinued at any time pri�r t� the earlier af: �a} S days �or such ather <br /> per�a�as App�icable Law may specify for reinstatement}before sale of the Proper�y pursuant to an�power of sale <br /> con�ained in �his Security Instrumen�; ar �b� ent�y of a judgment enfflr�ing this Security �nstru�ment. Thase <br /> condi�ions are tha�B�rroWer: �a} pays Lender aIl sums then wauld be due under this 5ecurifiy �ns�rumen� <br /> and the Contra�t as if no acc�lera�ion had occurred;�b�cures any default�f any o�her covenants or agre�ments; �c} <br /> pays a1I expenses incurred�enforcing�his 5ecurity Ir�strument, includ�ng,bu�no�Iimi�ed��,reasonable attorneys' <br /> fees �o the extent permi�te�by law; and (d}�akes such action as Lender may reasona�ly re�uire to assure�hat the <br /> ��en of�his Security�nstrum�nt, Lender's righ�s ix��he Praper�y a�d Borrovver's al�liga�i�r���pay the sums secured <br /> by this Security�nstrumen�.�ha11 cont�nue unchanged. �Jpon reinstatemen�by BarroWer, this Securi� Instrumen� <br /> and �he �bl�gations secured 1lereby shal� remain fu�ly effective as if no a�celera�ion had oc�urred. H��urever, �has <br /> right�o re�ns�a�e shall not app�y in the case of accelerat�an under�he section t���ed Transfer of�he Praperty or a <br /> Beneficial Interest in��rr�wer. <br /> Hazardous Substances.B�rro�rer sha�1 not cause �or perm.i.t�he presence,use, d�spasal, storage, �r release o�'any <br /> Hazardous 5ubs�ances on or in the Property.Borrawer�hal�not do,n�r allo�v anyone e�se to do,anyth�ng affecting <br /> �he Pr�per�ty�hat is �n v�olati�n of any Eraviror�me�n�al Law. The preceding two sen�ences shall not appiy to �he <br /> presence,use,or storage an�he Praperty�f sma1l quan���ies af Hazardous 5ubsta.nces�hat are generally recognized <br /> to be appropria�e ta nflrmal r�siden�ial uses and t�main�enance of the Propert}r. <br /> Borrower�ha�I pr�mptly give Lender written notice of any�nvestigati�n,claim, demand,�a�rsuit ar ath�r action by <br /> any governmen�al �r reguiat�ry agency or priva�e party inv�lving �he Proper�y and any Hazardaus Substance or <br /> Env�ronm�rata.I La�r of �hich Borrovver has actua� knoyvledge. �f Borrower learns, or �s no�if ed �y any <br /> governmental or regula��ry autharity,tha�any removal or other rem�diat�Qn of any Ha�ardaus Subs�an�e affec��ng <br /> the Property is ne�essary, Borrovver shall prompt�y �ake a�� r�ecessary remed�a� ac�ions in accardance wi�h <br /> Enviranmental Lavv. <br /> As used�n this paragraph, "Hazardous 5ubstances" are �h�se substances defined as�vxic or hazardous substances <br /> by Environmen�al Lavv and �xe fo��ou�ng subs�ances: gaso��ne, kerosene, ath�r flammab�e or �oxic pe�roleum <br /> prflduc�s, taxic pes�icides and herbicides, vala���e so�vents, ma�er�a�s con�ain�ng asbestos or fflrrnaldehyde, and <br /> radiaac�ive materials. As used in�his paragraph, "Environmen�al Lavv"means federal 1a�rs and lavvs�f the s�ate of <br /> Nehraska�ha�rela�e to heait�,safety vr environmental prfltect�on. <br /> Acceierat�on; R.emed�es. L�nder sha�I give r�ot�ee �a Borrower prior to acce�eration folloVv��g Borrower's <br /> breach flf any�vvenant or�gre�ment in this Se�urYty Instrurnent or th��flntract under which acce��ratf�n <br /> �s permit�ed �but nat prior to a�ce�erat�on under the se�t�an t��Ied Transfer Qf the Property�r a Be�e���a� <br /> Interest in Bflrr�wer, unle�s Appl��ab�e Law provfc�es atherw�se]. The no��ce shall specify; ��� the defaul�; <br /> �b3 the act�on requ�r�d to cure the default; �c� a da��, no� less than the min�mum number of days <br /> established by Appiicable La�v from the dat�the nQtice�5 g�ven to Borrvwer,by whi�h the d�fau�t must be <br /> �ured; and �d} that fa��ur� t� cure the default �n or befare �he date speci�ed in the not��e n�ay resuit �n <br /> acce�era��on of the sums �ecured by this Se�uri�y Instrument and sale of the Property. To the e�tent <br /> perm�t�ed by Iaw, the not��e shall fur�her�nf�rm�arrov�er vf�he right�a reinstate after ac�e�erat�on and <br /> the right to br�ng a court aE�t�on�o asser�the non-ex�stence of a defau�t vr an�ather def�nse of Barrower�o <br /> a�c�lerati�n and sa1Q.If�h� defauit is n�� �ured on or bQfore the date specified�n the not�c�,I�ender at its <br /> aptifln may require immedia�e payment in fui� Qf al� sums secured by this S�cur�ty Ins�runr�ent wi�huut <br /> fur�her demand and rr�ay invoke the power of sa�e and any other rem�dies perrni�ted �ay App��cable Y�aw. <br /> Tv the ext�nt permitt�d b� Iaw, L�nder shall be entitle� to c�Ilect aIi expens�s incurred �n pursuing �he <br /> remedies provided in this�ection,in�iud�ng,but not�imited to,reasonable attorneys'fe�s and�osts of t�.t�e <br /> ev�dence. <br /> If the power flf sale is inva�ed,Trustee shall recard a n�tfce of dQfauit in each county i�which any part of <br /> �he Property�s�vcated and shall mail c�pies of such no�ice in �he manner pres�ribed by Applicable I1aw�o <br /> Borrower and tv the other person5 prescribed l�y App�icable Law, After the �ime r�qu�red by Appi�cable <br /> Lav►v, Trustee shall g�v� public notice of sa�e �a �he persvns and �n �he manner prescribed �� Applicable <br /> Law.TruStee,,w��hou� demand an Borrower, shall se��the Proper�y a�publi� auc�ion�o the highest�idder <br /> at the time and p�ace and under the terms d�s�gnated�n the notice of 5a�e�n one ar mare parc�ls and in any <br /> vrder Trustee detern�ines. Tru�tee may postp�ne 5a�e of all nr any parce� nf the Property by pub�xc . <br /> ann�uncement at the ti�ne and plaCe of any previ�ously schedu�ed sa�e.Lender or its�es�ignee�ra�y purchase <br /> the Proper�y at any sa�e. <br /> Up�n rece�pt of payment of the price bid, Trust�e shall deliver to th�pur�haser TruSt�e's deed conveying <br /> the Praperty, The rec��a��in �he Trustee's deed �hall be pr�ma facie evidence of the truth vf�h�5tatemen�s <br /> made there�n. Trustee sha�� apply th� proceeds of the 5a�e in �he foll�wing arder: �a� �o all costs and <br /> expenses of exer�ising �he�owQr of sale, a�.d the sale, including the payment�f the Truste�'s fQeS actually <br /> C��0�4-2415 Compliarice Systems,Inc.$C54-7751-�4I5,i I,3,1Q9$ <br /> Consurr3er Real Estate-Security Instrurnent I]L203b Fage 4 vf 5 <br />