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2� 15�84�� <br /> LENDER SHALL PR�]VII]E ALL STATUT�RILY REQUIRED N�TICES �F SALE ANI] N�TI�ES �]F <br /> .TUDI�IAL HE.�RINGS BEF�RE LENDER E�ER�ISES ANY �F ITS RI�`a'rHTS �TNDER THIS <br /> INSTRUNfENT. , <br /> Upon the accurrence af an E�ent�f 1]efaul�, Lender may, withaut notice unless required�y law, and at its ap�ion, <br /> declare the entire Inde�tedness due and payable, as it may elect,regardless of the date or dates of maturity�hereof <br /> arad,if permitted by state lavv, is authariz�d and empavvered to cause the Property�a be s�id at public auc�ian, and <br /> to execute and deli�er to th�purchaser or purchasers at such sale any deeds of conveyance gaad and sufficient at <br /> law, pursuant ta the statute in such case made and pro�ided.The Trus�ee shall apply�he pr�ceeds af the Trustee's <br /> �ale, first, tv the cos�s and expenses of ex�rcising the pov�er af sale and of the sale, inciuding the payrnent af�he <br /> Trustee's fees actually incurred; second, #o payment af the obligation secured by the trust deed; third, ta �he <br /> payment of junior trust deeds, mor�gages, or �ther Iienholders and the ba�ance, if any, to the persan �r persans <br /> legal�y entitled thereta. The recitals in the Trustee's dee� sha�I be prima facie evrdence of the �ruth af the <br /> statements made in i�,If Lender chaoses t�in�oke the povver af sale,Lender or Trustee wi11 provide notice of sal� <br /> pursuant�o applicable Iaw. Any such sale �r a sale made pursuant to a judgment or a deGree for the foreclasure <br /> hereaf ma�, at the optia� of Lender, be m�d� en masse. The commencement af proceedings ta foreciase this <br /> Security Instrument in any manner autharized by lavv shall be deem�d as exercise of the abo�e aption. <br /> Upan the ��currence of an Event of Default, Lender sha�l immediately be entitled �o make application far and <br /> obtain the appointment of a recei�er for the Prapert�and af the earnings, in��me, issue and prafits of it,with�he <br /> pawers as the court makin� the appaintments confers. �`rrantvr hereby irre�acably consents to such appointment <br /> and waives notice of any application ther�for. <br /> N� �AIVER. N� delay or failure of Lender to exercise any right, rernedy, power or privile�e hereunder sha11 <br /> affect that right, remedy, pov�rer or privilege nor sha11 any single ar partial exercise thereaf pre�Iude the exercise <br /> o�any right, remedy, pawer or privilege. No Lender de�ay or fa��ure to dernand stric� adherence �a th� terms of <br /> this Security Instrument s�a11�e c�eemed ta cons�itute a�ourse of condu�t inc�nsisten�with Lender's right at any <br /> time, before or after an e�ent of default, ta demand stric� adherence to the terms of this Security �nstrument and <br /> the Re�ated Dacuments. <br /> SXJBSTITUTE TRUSTEE. Lender, at its option,may from time t�time rema�e Trus�ee and appoint a successor <br /> tr�stee to any Trustee appoint�d hereunder hy an instrument recorded in the county in which this 5ecurity <br /> Instrument is recorded. �Vithaut conveya�ce of the I'raperty, the successor trustee shall succeed to a�l the �itle, <br /> pvwer and duties conferred up�n Trustee herein and b}�applicable lav�r. <br /> J�INT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY. If this Securrty Instrumen� shou�d be sYgnec�by more than one person,a�� <br /> pe�sons executing this Secur�ty Instrument agree that they shall be jointly an� severally bound, where p�rmitted <br /> by 1av�r. <br /> SURVIV'AL. Lender's rights in this Securit}r Instrument wiil cantinue �n its suc�essors and as�igns. This Se�urity <br /> Instrument is binding�n a11 heirs,e�ecutars, administratars, assigns and successors of Grantar. <br /> NQ'TI�ES AND WAIVE�t �F NUTI�E. Un1eSs other�trise requYred by app�icable �aw, any no��ce or demand <br /> gi�en by �ender to any party is considered effectide: �i� �hen it is deposit�d in the L�ni�ed States Mai�with the <br /> appropriate p�stage; �ii� when it is sent �ia elec�r�nic ma�l; �iii} �hen it is sent vxa fa�simile; �i�� vrrhen it is <br /> dep�sit�d v�ith a nati4nally recognized a�ernight courier ser�rce, (�} an�he day of pers�nal de��very; or��i� any <br /> ather cammercially reason�ble means. A copy of any n��ice shall be sent to each part}�at the address of the party <br /> gi�ren at the beginning of this 5e�urit� Instrument unless an alternati�e address has been pro�rided ta Lender in <br /> writing. Tv�he extent permi�ted��iav�, �rantar waives notice af Lender's acceptance af this Security Instrument, <br /> defenses based on surety�hrp, any defense arising from any ele�tion by Lender under the L�nited States <br /> Bankruptcy Code,Uniform Commercia� Code, as enacted in the state where Lender is Ioca�ed or other applicable <br /> Iaw or in equrty, demand, natice af a�celeration, no�ice of nonpayment, presentment, prates�, natice af dishonar <br /> and any o�her n�tice. <br /> RE�UEST F�R N�TICES: �ran�ar requests that copie�of the natice of defaul�and not�ce❑f sale be sent ta the <br /> address of each party given at�he beginning of the S�curifiy Instrument. <br /> T� THE E�TENT PERMITTED BY LAW, �RANTOR 'VVAIV�S ANY RIGHT T� N�TICE, QTHER <br /> THAN �HE NQTI�E P�UVIx]ED A��VE, AND WAi�ES ANY RI�HT T� ANY HEARIIV�, <br /> ��0�4-2015 Cnmpliance Systems,Inc.910f74de-occeebcc-2U15.3.U.913 � <br /> Cammercial Real Estate Security Instrument-DL4a�7 Pagc 5 af 8 www.complian� <br />