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2� 15�8455 <br /> AgriBank, F�B <br /> P� Box 64949 <br /> 5�. Pauf, M�nnesot���'�64--0�4� <br /> Defined Terms: <br /> Benef�ciary. As sefi forth abo�e and used infi�rchang�ab[y v�rEth �h�t�r�n Lend��. <br /> Barrv►nrer: Maker or co-mak�r�, sign�r ar co-signer vf any L�an D��ument r�epresen�ing any �b�iga�ions <br /> secur�d by fihis trus�deed. <br /> Lender. A�se�forth ab��e an� used interchangeab[y wr�h �he fierm B�n�f�crary. <br /> Loan Documents: The desc�i��d na�es and any and a�l o�her n�fes, credi� agreemen�s, se�uri�y <br /> agreemen�s, U�� financ�ng s�a�emen�s, lease agreements, mortgages, deeds of firus�, any o�h�r <br /> docum�n� gran�ing a lien �o secure �he Qbliga�ians, and any other d�cumenf o�ins�rument execu��d rn <br /> connecfian with �r e�idencing any �bliga�ion �includ�ng any amendmenf, res�atemen� or modrfrcation <br /> fiher��o}. <br /> �3bMigatians: 1nc�udes, vtrithout limi�afiEan, a[[ credi� rncluding prrncipaf and any ad�ances, interes� and <br /> o�her amoun�s due fi� Lender under �he L�an D�cumen�s wheth�r or no� �his �rus� deed is sp�cifica��y <br /> referred �a in �h� ��idence of d�b�, inc[uding w�thou� [imita��on, fees, c�s�s, and expenses, �og��her vtirith <br /> afl renewa[s, ex��n�ions, or refinancing ��same and any fu�ure and add�tianal loans or advances made <br /> a� Len�er's opfi�on �o or on b�half �f Borrower by Lender a� under any ofher Loan Do�umen� �ar any <br /> purpos� whether rela�ed or unre[a�ed �o �he purpos� of the original credit, inc[uding ad�ances for �he <br /> pr�tection of �he Praperty, a�f a�torney f��s, costs and ��cpenses incurr�d by Lender to �h� exfen� <br /> permi�ted by [aw in �he collec�ian of any 1Qan or in fh� enforcemenf or preservation of �he r�gh�s a� <br /> Lender in and ta the Pr�ap�rty, regardl�ss of whe�her Trus�or is obliga�ed �her�Qn as a maker or ca- <br /> mak�r, signer or c�-signer, or as a guaran�or, �n��rs�r, sure�y or��her acc�mmada��an party. <br /> PersvnaI Property: All equipmen�, �ixfur�s and afiher pers�nal property �haf are now or hereaffer <br /> a�tached or afi�ixed to �he Rea[ Pr�per�y; toge�h�r with aIl acc�ss�ons, parts and additions �Q, a[I <br /> r�p�acemen�s of and all subsf��utians for any of such property. <br /> Real Property: T�gefher wi�h the be�ow [egafly d�scrrbed real es�a�e, a�l exis�ing or subsequenfily <br /> erected or affix�d bui[dings, stru�tures, Empro�ements or fixtures; a[[ crops, fimber, t�mb�r �o be �ufi, <br /> trees, plan�s, vines or o�her p�an�ings; all �nrafi�r, v�ra��r ri�h�s, inc�uding r�parian righ�s and surface wa�er <br /> righ�s, wa�ercours�s, irriga�iQn, drainage and difich righ�s; a!� rents, rssues, us�s, income, profi�s and <br /> roya[fiies; al� leases, permits, �ic�nses, pr'rW�l�ges, easements, righ�s ofi way, r�gh�s to possessron; aC[ <br /> righfis in and fo the lands lying in s�r�ets, all�ys and roads adja�ning fih� Reaf Prop�rty and <br /> appurtenances; al[ leases, pe�mi�s, lic�ns�s, �r pri�il��es, appurtenan� or non-appurtenan� to �he <br /> praperty, now or hereafter issued, ex�ended, ar renewed by Trustar, any S�afie, fihe Uni�ed Stafies, or <br /> any departmenfi, bureau, instrumentalE�y, or agency thereof; a�l pr��eeds in eminenfi doma�n, insuranc� <br /> payrr�enfs, p�o�e�ds or refund� of prem�ums or any �ther paymen� or se�tlemenfi rela��ng �o �h� <br /> Property; all �ilr �a5r gravel, �ocl�, geo�hermal and simE[ar resources o�afh�r mineral rights of wha�ever <br /> nature; and any and a[1 afh��ri�h�s relafed �o�he rea[ prvp�rky. <br /> Property: ���lecti�ely �he Real Property and fhe Personal Property, in�[uding without I�rr�ifa�i�n alf <br /> insuranc� proceeds and refunds of insurance p��m�ums relafi�d fio said Praperty. <br /> Trustee:As s�t f�rth abo�e. <br /> Trustor: As set forth above. <br /> The above named Trusfi�r for good and valuab[e c�ns�derat�on, her�by irr��ocably transfers, conveys <br /> and ass�gns �to Trus�ee, IN TRUST, W�TH P�WER �F SALE, for �he benefi� and security �f �h� <br /> Ben��iciary, i�s successors and assigns, an ass�gnmenfi and s�cu��ty rnteres� En all nf Trus�or's r�ghfi, tifile <br /> App#:5348537; CCF#. ��4667; No�e#:3��493� 2��5Q L�gal Doc.Date: Decemb�r�5,���� <br /> F�RM 5�1�,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Pag�2��F 8 <br />