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2� 15�8454 <br /> AgriBank, FG� <br /> P� Bo�c 6494� <br /> S�. Pau[, Minneso�a 55��4-��4� <br /> Defined T�rms: <br /> Beneficiary: As se�for�h ab��e and us�d rn�erGhangeably w��h �he�erm Lender. <br /> Borrow�r_ Maker or��-�m�ker, s�gner ar c�-signer of any Loan ❑ocumen� r�presen��ng �ny �bligations <br /> secu�ed by this�rus�deed. <br /> Lender. As set forth �b�We and used [n�erchangeabiy w[fih �he fierm BenefiGiary. <br /> Loan Dv�uments: Th� d�scr�bed n��es and any and �1� a�her n��es, credit a�reemen�s, se�uri�y <br /> agreerner��s! LICG financ�ng stat�menfis, leas� agreement�, mQrtga�es, d�eds of firust, an� ��h�r <br /> dacumen� �ranting � lien �o secur� th� �bligation�, �nd any o�her do�ument or ins�rumen� �xecufi�d in <br /> cann���ian with or ��idencing any C�b�igatian �inc�uding any amendm�nt, restatement �r modificati�n <br /> ther�f�}. <br /> ��ligatic�n�: Inc�ude�, vtirifh�u� limifi�tian, all cr-edit in�Euding prin�ip�� �nd any adv�n��s, interesfi �nd <br /> v�her amounfs du� �Q Lender under fhe Laan ❑��um�nts whe�h�r �r n�t thi� �rust deed is specif��l�y <br /> referr�d to in �he e��dence af debt, inc[uding w�thou� �imita�ian, fees, costs, �nd e�cp�nses, ta��fiher�ith <br /> a[f r�n�v��ls, ext�n5�on5, or r�frnan�ing o�same and any fu�ure and addifional loans �r�dvances made <br /> a� Lender'� op�ron t� �r on behaff af Borrower by Lender or under any a�her Loan Document f�r any <br /> purpose whe�her rela��d ar unre�a�ed �� �he purpas� o�F �h� orig�na[ cr�dit, inC[uding �dv�nces f�r �he <br /> pro���fion af the Praperty, aIl a��o�ney fe�s, ��s�s �nd ��p�ns�� incurred by Lender to �he e��en� <br /> p�rmi��ed by �aw �n th� ca���c�ion a� any loan ar ln th� enforcemen� �r preserva��an �f fih� rights af <br /> Lender in and �o the Praperty, regard le�s of whe�her Trusto� is ob[i�a�ed thereon as a m�ker or ��- <br /> maker, signer�r co-sign�r, or as a guaranfior�, endarser, sure�y or�fher acGammodati�n party. <br /> Persanal Pr�perty: Ail equipmen�, ti�c�ur�s and o�her p�rsona� prop�rty tha� �re now ar here�fter <br /> a��ach�d �� affix�d �� �he R�al Property; �oge�her wi�h �ll ac���srQns, parts and addi�i�ns t�, �11 <br /> r�p[acem�nts o�and a[1 subsfitu��ons f�r any of su�h praperty. <br /> Real Praperty: Tog��her vvith tne be[ow �egaf�y described r�a[ esta��, al� exis�in� o� subs�quen�[y <br /> ere���d or �ffia�ed bui[dings, struc�ures, impr�v�men�s �r �Fix�ures; all cr�ps, fiimb�r, fiimber to b� cu�, <br /> �rees, p[an�s, �ines or��her planfing�; �11 wa�er, wafier righ�s, including rip�rian righ�s �nd surface w���r <br /> rrghts, w�fi�rc�urses, frr�ga�i�n, drainage and di�ch rights; a�l ren�s, is�u�s, uses, incame, pr��Fi�s and <br /> raya��ies; a[[ leases, permits, C�Genses, privileges, easemen�s, ri�h�s �f way, rig h�s �o possession; all <br /> righfis in and �o �h� lands lying in s�r�e�s, a�[�ys and roads adj�ining the R�al Praperty and <br /> appurt�n�nce�; a(1 le�ses, pe�m�ts, lic�nses, or privi[eg�s, a�purfenant or non-appurtenan� to �he <br /> prop�r�y� n�vU or her�after issued, ��ended, or renewed by Trus��r, �n}� Sfiafie, �he Unr�ed S�ates, ar <br /> an� department, bureau, �nst�ument�lity, or agency fh�r��f; all proce�ds in �rr7inen� domain, insur�nc� <br /> paymen�s, proceeds or refunds of premiums ❑r any �fiher paymen� or se��lement rela��ng �a �he <br /> Property; a�l flil, gas, grav�l, ro�k, g��fiherma� and sirr�iiar r�saurces �r ather m�nera[ right� �f wha����r <br /> na�ure; �nd �ny and all o�h�r rights r�[a��� tQ the real praperty. <br /> Pr�perty: ��llec���ely �he Re�I �rap�r�y and �he Persanal Property, in�luding withaut �Emi�a�ion �I! <br /> insurance proGeeds �nd r�funds af insuranc� p�err��um� rela�ed t�sa�d Pr�perty. <br /> Truste�: As set forth �ba�e. <br /> Trustar: As se�f�r#h ab�ve. <br /> The a�ove named Trusfi�r far g�ad and valuab[� �onsidera�ion, h�re�y �rre�Qcably tr�nsfers, can�eys <br /> and assigns �a Trus�ee, 1N TRUST, WiTH P�llIrER DF SALE, �or �he benefi� and s�curi�y a� the <br /> Benefici�ry, its suc��ssars �nd ass��ns, �n ass�gnm�nt�nd security in�erest in all of Tru�fior's righ�, fiifi2� <br /> App#:5348535; CI F#: ��465�; Not�#:30�4931 ����G� Legal Doc.Da#e:L�ecember�5,��15 <br /> FaRM 5�'�1,Trust Qeed and Assignm�n�a�Rents Pa�e 2 0�8 <br />