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2� 15�8445 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> �C�r�tinued� P'age � <br /> an, und�r, abvu� ar from �he Praperty by an� pri�r owners vr occupants afi �he Property, ar {cy any ac�ual vr <br /> threaten�d litigation or cla�ms of any kind by any persvn relating to such ma�te�s; and �3� Ex�ept as pre�iously <br /> disc[�sed to and acknowledged by Lend�r in wri�ting, �a} neither Trustor nor any tenan�, �ontrac'tvr, agent or oth�r <br /> au�horized user of the Praperty shall use, generate, manufactu�e, stare, tr�at, dispase of flr release any Hazard�us <br /> Substance on, under, about vr from the Prop�rty; and {by any such acti�ity shaff be canducted in complian�e �rvith <br /> afl applicahi� �ederal, state, and lo�al IaWSr regulat�vns and ardinan�es, including withvut limitation all <br /> En�ironmen�a� La►►vs. Trustvr autharizes Lender and i#s agents to ent�r upon th� Prvperty to mak� su�h <br /> inspectivns and t�sts, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate tv determine compliance vf the <br /> Praperty with this sectit�n of the Deed o� Trust. Any inspectivns or t�sts made by Lender shall be for L�nder's <br /> pu�-poses only and shall not be construed to crea#e any respansibility or liability on the part vf Lender�o Trusta�or <br /> to any ❑ther persan, Th� represen�ations and warranties cvntained herein are based an Trus�tor's du� diligence in <br /> in�estiga�ing the Praperty far Hazardvus 5ubstances. Trustor hereby ��� releases and r►vai�es any future �laims <br /> against Lender for indemnity or contributian ira the ��en� Trustar becomes liable for cieanup or oth�r �osts under <br /> any such laws; and ��f agrees to indemnify, det�nd, and hald harmiess Lender against any and afl claims, losses, <br /> liabiiities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may directly or indirectfy sustain or suffer resufting from <br /> a br�ach of �his section of the ❑eed o�f Trust ar as a cvnse�uence of any us�, generation, manufaGture, ��a�age, <br /> d�sposaf, release or threatened release occurring prior�o Trustar's vwnership vr interest in the Property, whether�r <br /> nvt �he same was or sh4u(d have he�n known tv T�-ustvr. The prv�isians v� this sectian �f �h� Deed o� T�us�, <br /> in�f�ding�h�ahligativn t� indemnifiy and defend, shaii sur�i�e th� payment o��he Indebtedness and the satisfacti�n <br /> and recon�eyance af the lien o�f this Deed of Trust and shall not be a#fect�d by Lender's acqu�si�ian flf any in�ker�st <br /> in the Property, wheth�r by foreciosure or otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, Was��. Trus�or shall nvt cause, conduct or permit any nuisanc� nor commi�, permit, or suffer any <br /> s�ripping vf ar was#e on vr to the Praperty ar any porti�n o�the Property. VVfthaut limiting the generality of the <br /> foregaing, Trustor will not remo�e, ar grant�o any ather party the right to rem��e, any �imber, m�nerals �incfuding <br /> oif and gasy, coal, c�ay, sc�ria, sail, gra�el ar r�ck prvduGfis without Lender's prior writ�en cansent. <br /> Remv��l vf Imprar►ements. Trus�or shall not demafish ar remv�� any �mpro�emen�s from�he R�al Prop�rty without <br /> Lender's prior writt�n consent, As a cnnditian to the remo�al of any Impr��ements, Lender may require Trustor ta <br /> mak� arrangem�n�s satis�act�ry to Lender tv replace such fmpro�ements with Impro�ements of a't leas� equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Right tv En#er. Lender and Lender's ag�nts and representat���s may enter upvn the Real Prop�rty at a11 <br /> reasonable times ta attend t� Lender's int�rests and t� inspect the Real Property for purposes o� Trustar's <br /> cvmpfianc�with the terms and Gonditivns o�#his Deed a�Trust. <br /> Camplian�e with Gor►ernmental Requiremen�s. Trustvr shall prvmptly comply with afl IaWS� ardinances, and <br /> regulations, now v� he�eafter in effect, of al� go�ernmental authorities app[icable to �he use or occupancy of the <br /> Prop�rty, including uvithout iimitati�n, �h� Americans With ❑isabilitEes Act. Trustvr may contest in good faith any <br /> such law, ord�nan�e, or regulativn and wi�hhafd camplianc� during any pra�e�ding, including appropriate appeals, <br /> so fong as Trustor has notifi�d Lender in writing prior fiv da�ng so and sv long as, in Lender's svle opinian, Lend�r's <br /> interes�s in the Prvperty are nvt jeopardized. Lender may require Trustor ta post adequa�e s�curity or a surety <br /> bond, reasanably satisfactory to L�nder, �o protect Lender's interest. <br /> Duty to Protec�. Trustar agrees neith�r ta abandan ar fea�e unat�ended the Praperty. Trustvr shail da a[I other <br /> acts, in addition to fihose acts se�forth ab��e in this sec�ion, which fram�h� �haracter and use��the Prop�rty are <br /> reasonably necessary to protect and preser�e�he Property. <br /> DUE�N SALE-��NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's aption, d�clare immediately du� and payabi� a�l sums <br /> s�cured by this Deed af Trus�upon the sale or transfer, withou�Lender's prior written c�nsent, of all ar any part of�he <br /> Real Prop�rty, or any interest in the Real Property. A "sale vr transfer" means the con�eyance of Real Property vr any <br /> right, tit�e ❑r interest in the Real Property; whether �egal, beneficial or equitable; whether �oluntary ar �n�aluntary; <br /> whether by ou�kright sale, deed, ins�aflment sale contrac�, land contra��, cflntract �or deed, leasehold interest with a <br /> term greater than three �3} years, lease-option contract, or by sale, assignment, vr transf�r of any beneficia� interest in <br /> or tv any land trust ho�ding title tv th� Real Prop�rty, or by any other me�hvd of con�eyance a� an interest �n the Rea! <br /> Proper�y. H�w��er, this optivn shaff not be exercised by Lender i� su�h exer�ise is prvhib��ed by federaf iaw or by <br /> Nebraska faw. <br /> TAXES AND L�ENS. The falfowing pro�isions relating to th� �axes and liens on the Properfiy are par�t of this �eed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay when due {and in alf e��nts prior to def'rnquency� ali fiaxes, spe�ial taxes, assessments, <br /> charges tinciudin� water and sewer�, f�nes and impositions le�i�d against o� an ac�ount o�the Property, and shalf <br /> pay when due a�f �laims �or wark dane vn ar far ser�ic�s rendered vr mat�riaf furnished to the Property. Trustor <br /> shall maintain fihe Prop�rty fr�e of aff liens ha�ing priority o�er or equal�o�he interesfi of Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trust, excep� for fihe fien of taxes and assessments not due and except as vtherwise pra�ided in this Deed o# <br /> Trus�. <br /> Right tv Cvnt�st. Trustor may wi�hh�ld payment af any tax, assessment, ❑r Glaim in �onnectivn with a good faith <br /> dispute o�er the obliga�kion ta pay, sa Iong as Lender's in�erest in the Prop�rty is no�jeopardi�ed. I�a lien a�ises vr <br /> is �iled as a resul� ofi nonpayment, Trustor shail within fifteen �15} days after the lien arises or, if a �i�n is fil�d, <br /> within fi#teen {�5� days after Trus#vr has nvtic� �f the filing, secur� the dis�harg� vf the lien, or ifi reques��d by <br /> Lender, deposi�with Lender cash ar a suffiGi�nt�orparate su�e�ky b�nd ar other security satis�actory ta Lender in an <br /> amount sufifiicient to discharge the lien plus any casts and att�rneys' fees, ar other charges that could accrue as a <br /> resu��o�a#oreclasure or sale unde�th� �i�n. In any contest, Trustor sha�l d��end itself and Lender and shall satis�€y <br /> any ad��rse judgmen�t be�ore en�orcement against th� Prvperfiy. Trustor shalf name Lender as an addi�iona�o���gee <br /> under any surety bond furnished in the con�est pra�eedings. <br /> E►rid�n�e vf Payment, Trus�kor shall upon d�mand �urnish tv Lend�r satisfiac�ory e��d�nce of payment v�the taxes <br /> or assessments and sha!! authvrize �he appropria�e go��rnmentaf vfficial t❑ deli�er t❑ Lender at any time a written <br /> staterr7ent o�the taxes and as�essments against�he Pr�perty. <br /> Notice of Construction. Trustar shalf natify L�nder at feas� fifte�n �15f days before any wvrk is c�mmenced, any <br /> ser�ices are furnished, or any materials are suppfied to the Property, if any mechan�cTS IIE'I'lr materialmen's lien, ar <br /> ❑ther lien cou�d b� asserted an accaun� of the wark, serrrices, vr materials. Trus�or will upon request of Lende� <br /> furnish to Lender ad�anc� assurances satisfac�ory �o Lender tha� Trus�or Gan and wiil pay �he cast o� such <br /> impro�ements. <br /> PR�PERT� DAMAGE tNSURAN�E. The fvllvwing pro�is�ons relating to insuring the Property are a part of this ❑eed vf <br /> Trust. <br /> Main�enance af Insurance. Trus�or shall procure and maintain paliGies vf fire insurance wEth standard �xtended <br /> co�erage endorsemen�s on a replacement basi� for the fulf insurable �alue �a�ering all �mpro�ements on the Reaf <br /> Property in an amaunt sufficient �o a�oid app�ication of any cainsurance claus�, and with a standard mvrtgagee <br /> clause in favor of Lender. Trus��r shall alsv procure and maintain comprehensi�e gene�al liabili�y insurance in su�h <br /> co�erage amounts as Lender may request with Trustee and Lender being named as addit�ana� insureds in su�h <br /> liab��i�y insu�anc� policies. Addi�ionaily, Trustor shall maintain such v�her insuranGe, including but nat limit�d to <br /> , � <br /> h <br />