2� 15�8444
<br /> DEED �F TRLlST
<br /> �Continued} Page 'l�
<br /> Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 LI.S.C. Section 59�'I, et seq., or vther applicabie state or federal [aws, rules,
<br /> or regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
<br /> E�ent of Defau[t. The words"Event a�De�aul�"mean any of the e�ents af default set fvrth in this Deed af Trust in
<br /> �he e�ents af default sectivn of#his Deed of Trust.
<br /> Existing Indehtedness. The wards "Existing [ndebtedness" mean the indebtedness described in the Ex�sting Liens
<br /> pravision af this Deed vf Trust.
<br /> Guarantvr, The v►►vrd "Guarant�r" means any guarantor, surety, or accvmmadation party vf any ar afl af the
<br /> lndebtedness.
<br /> Guaranty. The wvrd "Gua�an#y" means the guaranty fram �uarantvr ta Lender, including withvu# �im�ta#ian a
<br /> guaran#y o'F afi or par�of�he Note.
<br /> Hazardous Substances. Th� words "Haza�daus 5ubstan�es" mean materials that, �ecause o� their quantity,
<br /> concentra#ian or physical, chemical or infectious �haracteristics, may cause or pose a present or patential hazard
<br /> �a human health or the envir�nment when improper�y used,treated,s�ored, disposed of, genera�ed, manufactured,
<br /> transparted vr vtherwise handled. The words "Hazardvus Subs�ances" are used in their�ery brvades�sense and
<br /> inClude wifihout limitativn any and al1 hazardous or �oxic subs#ances, mate�iafs ❑r waste as defined by or lis�ed
<br /> under the Environmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances"als❑Encludes,withvut I�mitation, petraleum and
<br /> pefroleum by-products�r any fraction therev�and asbestvs.
<br /> Impro�ements. The w�rd "Impravements" means a�l existing and future impro�ements, bu�ldings, structures,
<br /> mabile homes affixed on #he Real Prvp�r�y, �acili�ies, additions, replacements and vther canstruc�ivn on �he Real
<br /> Praperty.
<br /> [ndeb�edness. The w�rd "Ind�btedness" means all principal, interest, and ��h�� amaunts, costs and expenses
<br /> payabl� under the Note ❑r Reiated Da�umen�s, tagether with all �enewals af, extensions of, modifcations vf,
<br /> consoiidativns❑f and substitutions for the Nvte or Related Documents and any amounts expended or ad�anced by
<br /> Lender �� discharge Trustor's obligations or expens�s incurred by Trus�ee ❑� Lend�r ta enforce Trusfor's
<br /> obligations under this Deed �f Trust, toge�her with interest ❑n such amaunts as p�avid�d in this Deed af Trust.
<br /> 5pecifcajly, withaut iimitatian, Indeb�edness includes the futur� ad�ances set �arth in the Future Ad�ances
<br /> pra�ision vf this Deed of Trust,together with a�l in#erest thereon.
<br /> Lende�. The word "Lender"means First 5tate Bank Nebraska,its successvrs and assigns.
<br /> Note. The ward "Nate" means the promissary note dated December 4, 2�15, i11 th4 ariginal pr�ncipal
<br /> amau nt af$1�5,���.�� from Borrawer to Lender,together wi�h a!I renewaIs af,extensivns af, modificat�ons
<br /> of, refinancings vf, consolida�ions of, and substitut�vns for the promissory note or agreement.
<br /> Personal Praperty. The wards "Personal Property" mean ail equipment, fixtures, and o#her articles af persanal
<br /> prvpe�y now ar hereafter awned by Trusto�, and naw vr herea�ter at�ached or affixed tv the Real Prvperty;
<br /> tagether with alf accessions, parts, and additions tv, ail replacements of, and a!! substitutions far, any a�such
<br /> prope�y; and tngether with all proceeds �Enc[uding ►rvithout limitativn a11 insurance proceeds and retunds of
<br /> prem�ums}from any safe or other dispositEon of the Pr�perty.
<br /> Praperty. Th�ward "Property"means ca!lecti�e[y the Rea[Property and the Personal Property.
<br /> Real Property. The words "Real Proper�y"mean the �eal property, interests and r�ghts, as fur�her described in this
<br /> De�d vf Trust.
<br /> Related �flcuments. The wa�ds "Related Dvcuments" mean alE pram�ssvry nates, c�edit agr�ements, �oan
<br /> agreements, environmenta! agreements, guaranties, security agreemen#s, mor�gages, deeds of trust, security
<br /> deeds, collateral mvrtgages, and all other instruments, agr�eements and dacumen�s, whether now vr hereafter
<br /> existing, exe�ut�d in connectian with the Indeb#edness.
<br /> Rents. The ward "Rents" means a�l present and future r�n�s, re�enues, in�ame, issues, royalties, profits, and
<br /> ather benefits deri�ed from th�Prvp�rty.
<br /> Trustee, The word "Trust�e"means F�rst S�ate Bank Nebraska,whose address is 4915 Dld Cheney Road, Lincoln,
<br /> NE 6851�and any substitute�r successor trust�es.
<br /> Trust�r. The wa�d "T�ustor" means Douglas L Caskey and Kimberly L Caskey.
<br />