2� 15�8443
<br /> fails �o pa�these sums p��in��to the expi��a�i�n of�this pe�Yod, Lender may invoke any��emedi�s perm�tted�y this
<br /> Security Instrument r�vithout fu��ther�notice o��demand or►B�����we��,�
<br /> Barrower's R�ight to Reinstafie. If Bar��ower� meets �e��tain c�nd�tions, Bor��ower� shal� ha�e the ��ght �o ha�e
<br /> �nfaY�cement of�this Se�u��ity�nst��umen�discon�inu�d at any time pr7ar��o th�eaz��ie��of: �a} 5 days �oY�such other�
<br /> pe��ifld as Applicable Law may specify for���instatement}befo��e sale of the Pr�oper�y puY�suant�o any p�v�ae��o�'sale
<br /> contained in this Secu���y Ins��ument; or� �b} en��y of a judgment enfflr�ing this Secur���.,y Instr�umen�„ Th�se
<br /> c�ndzt�ons a��e that Bo��r�ovve��: �a} pays L.ender�a�l sums �hi.�h then would be due unde��thi� Secux�ity Inst��um�nt
<br /> and th�Secu��ed�ndeb�edness as �f no acceler�a�ion had ac�ur��ed; (b� cu��es any default❑f any othe��cavenants ar
<br /> ag��eements; (c} pa�s al� expenses �ncu���ed in enfo��cing �his Secuz7ty �nst��ument, in��uding, but not limited to,
<br /> r�easonab�e a��or�neys' fees to the ex�ent per�mitted �y law; and �d} �akes such action as Lender� may reasanably
<br /> ��e�uir��to assure that the l�en of'this�ecu��ity Instr�umen�,Lende��'s��ights in the Pz oper�ty and B�r��ower's oblzgation
<br /> t� pay the sums secured by thi.s 5ecu��ity�nstr�umen� sha1� cantxnue unchanged, Upan r�einstatemen�by B��x��wer,
<br /> this Secu��ity�nst��umen� and the obliga��ons secu��ed he��eby shall��emain fully effe�tiWe as if no accele��ation had
<br /> occu��r�ed„ Hfl�eve��, this Yight to ��einstate sha�l not apply in the case o�' accele��at�on under� �he s�ction tit�ed
<br /> Transfer af the Prnperty ar a Beneficial Interest in Barrower,�
<br /> Sale of Secured Ind��tedness �hange of Laan Servicer.The Secu��ed Indebtedn�ss o��a paYtiai in�e��est in the
<br /> Secu��ed Tndebtedness�tagether�with this Se�u���ty Ins�rument}may be sold one ar ma��e times wi�hout pr�ivr�no��ce
<br /> �o Bo�����er��� A sale may r�esult in a change in the entity (known as �he "Loan 5er�vi��r�"} �hat col�ects per�odi�
<br /> paymen�s due under� th� Secu���d Zr�debtedness and this Se�u�ity Instxument., The��e also may be one or� mor�e
<br /> chang�s ❑�'the Loan Ser��ice��un��elated to a sa�e of'�he Se�uY�ed �ndebtedness. If'ther�e is a �hange o�'the Loan
<br /> Se�v�cer, Bo�x�awer will be gi�en wr7tten notice of�tl�e change xn accardance with the �ect��n ti�led N�ti�es and
<br /> Appl�cable Law., The notice �ill state the name ar�d add��ess o�'�he new Lnan Se��icer� and the add��ess to �hich
<br /> payments should be made,�The n�tice v�ri�l a1s�cantain any othe��infa��mation requi��ed by Applicable Lavv.
<br /> Hazardaus Su�bstanees.B��r�ower�shal�not cause flr permit the p��esence,use,disposal, starage, o����e�ease o�'any
<br /> Hazar�dous Substances on�� �n the P�opez�y,B orrower�sha�l no��o,no��ailo`u anyone else to do,any�hing aff'ec��ng
<br /> the P��ope��t,y tha� is in �iolation �f any En�ir�onmen�al Law„ The p��eceding twa senten�es shal� not apply �a �he
<br /> pr�esence,use,or�stor�age an the Proper�ty o��small quantities of'Haza��dous Substances tha�ar�e gene��ally Y�ecognxzed
<br /> to be app��op�7ate�a nor�ma���esiden�ial uses and�o maintenance of��he P��Qpexty,�
<br /> Bar�o�ez�sha1�p��omptly gi�e Lender�vv���t�en notice o�any�nves�iga�ion,ciaim,demand,lawsuit az�other�actian by
<br /> any go�e�rimental �����egulator�y agency or prxvate part,y �n�olWing the Pr�aper�ty and any Hazar�dous Substance ar�
<br /> En�i��onmen�al Law of whzch Bo��r�owe�� has actual ktaowledge. ��� Borrowe�� learns, o�� is na�ified by an,y
<br /> gave��nmenta�or�r�egulator�y authori�y,that any��emoval or�other�remedia��an of'any Haza��dous Substance aff��ting
<br /> the Pr�p���ty is necessar�y, B���'ower� shail p��omp�ly �ake all necessar�y remedial a��ions in accordan�e with
<br /> En�i�onmen�al Law.
<br /> As used in�his pa��ag��aph, "Hazar�daus Substances" a��e those substances defined as toxic or haza��dou�substance�
<br /> by Environmenta� Law and the f'vllavving substances: gas��ine, kerosene, other� flammable ar ta�ic pet��oieum
<br /> pr�aduc�s, tflxic pes�icides and hezbiczdes, vvlatile sol�ents, mater�ials con�azning asbes�os or far�ma�dehyde, and
<br /> ��adioac�ive mater�ials��As used in this parag��aph, "Envir�onmen�al Law" means fede��a�.laws and laws of�the s�ate af'
<br /> Neb��aska�.a�r��Iate to h�alth,safety or�environmental p��o�ection,�
<br /> Acceleratian; Remedies. Lender �hall g�ve notice to Barrower prior tn acCe�eration fo�luwing Borrower's
<br /> breach of any cov�nant nr agreem�nt in th�s Secur�ty Instrument (1�ut not pr�or to aceeleration under the
<br /> se�tion titied Transfer of the Property ar a Beneficial Inter�st in Sarrower,untess Applicab�e Law prov�des
<br /> atherw�se}. The nat�ce sha11 spec�fy: �a} the default; �b� �he act�on required ta cure �he default; �c� a date,
<br /> n�t less than the mxnimum number of days established by App�icable Law from the date the n���ce is giv�en
<br /> to Barrower,1�y which the default must be cured; ar�d (d) that failure to cure the default nn or b�fore the
<br /> date speci�ed�n the not�ce may resu�t�n accei�ratior�of�he sums secured by this Security Instrument and
<br /> sale of the Property.To the extent permitted by law,th�not�ce shall further inform Borr�wer of the righ�
<br /> to reinstate af�er acceleration and the righ���bring a court acti�n t�as5ert the non-ex�stence of a default
<br /> or any other defense of Borrvwer ta a�celerati�n and sa�e.If the default�s nnt cured an�r before the date
<br /> D 2Q{14-2�15 CQmpliance Systems,Inc QSCB-SD91-2aiS.11 0.�092
<br /> �onsr��ner R�al Estate-5ecurity Instniment DL,Za36 Page b of 8 www.complian�esystems cam
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