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2� 15�8424 <br /> C�FED �F TRL��T <br /> ��antinued} Pa�e � <br /> N�TI�ES, Any no�ice required to be g��en under �this Deed vf Trust, incfuding without limitation any notice of defau�t <br /> and any natice Qf sale shall b� gi�en in wr�t�nc�, and shall be ef�ecti�� when actua�ly deli�ered, when a�tually recei�ed <br /> by telefa�simife �unless atherwis� required by fauvy, rrvhen deposited w�th a nationally rec�gnized o�erni�h�caurier, or, i� <br /> mailed, when depasited in the United Sta�kes mail, as fiirst class, cer�ified �r registered m�il pastage prepaid, directed tv <br /> the addresses �hown near the beginning o�this D�ed of Trust. All copies fl� n�ti�es o�fvreclosure firam the holder of <br /> any lien which has privrity o�er �his Deed of Trust shall be sent to Lende�'s address, as shown near the beginning af <br /> this D�ed of Trus�. Any person may change his or her address for natices under this ��ed of Trus� by gi�ing fiormal <br /> written n��ice ta th� Qther per�on ar persons, speGifying that th� purpose of the notic� is �o change the person's <br /> address. F�r nvtice purposes, Trustar agrees tv keep Lender informed at all times v�Trustvr's �urr�nt addr�ss. Unl�ss <br /> otherwise pra�ided ❑r required by law, if ther� i� more than ane Tru�tar, any na�+ce gf�en by Lende� tv any Trustor is <br /> deem�d�ta be natice gi�en ta ail Trustvrs. It will �e Trust�r's responsi�ility to tell th�v�hers af th�no�i���rom Lendsr. <br /> MISCELLANEL�US PRC�VISIDNS. rhe following misce�lan�ous pro�isians are a part of this De�d o#Trust. <br /> Amendments. V11hat is �ritt�n in fihis Deed a� `Trust and in the R�lated Do�uments is Trustor's entir� agreement <br /> with Lender concerning the mat�e�s co�ered hy this CJeed a�Trust. Tv be effect��e, any� �hange or amendment to <br /> th�s Deed af Trust must be in writing and mus� be signed f�y wh�e�er will be baund or�bligated by �he chang� or <br /> amendment. <br /> Cap�i�n Headings. Cap�ian headings in this C��ed vf Trus� are fvr cvn�enience purposes vnly and are not ta be <br /> used�Co interpret or de�ine the pro�isi�ns a�thi� �3eed ❑f Trusx. <br /> Merger. There shall be n� merger of th� interes�or estate �reat�d by this C]eed o�T�ust with any oth�r inter�s�ar <br /> estate in the Proper�y at any time held by �r far�he benefi�of Lender �n any capacity, withaut the wri��en consen� <br /> of Lend�r. <br /> Ga�ern�ng La►n►. This ❑eed v� Trust w��l be gaWerned by federal faw appiicahle t❑ Len�ler and, tt� #he �x�ent nvt <br /> preempted hy federa�law,the laws o�the S�ate of Nebraska withaut regard�a its �anfli�ts of�aw pro�isions. This <br /> aeed Qf Trust has heen a���p#ed hy Lender in the Stat�of Nehr��ka. <br /> Choi�e v€Venue. I� there is a lawsuit, Trustar agre�s upon Lender's request to submi�t to the juri�diG�ion o� the <br /> Gaurts o�H�II County, State af Nehraska, <br /> Joint and Se�eral Liahili�y, All obligatians af Trus�or under this Deed vf Trus� shall he jain� and se�eral, and al� <br /> references to Trustar shall mean each and e�ery Trustvr. This means that each Trus�or si�ning belvw is <br /> respansi�ie for all obligatians in this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> Na�IVaiW�r by Lender. Tru�tar understands Lender wil� nat gi�e up any ot Lender'� ri�hts under this L7��d of Trus� <br /> unfess Lender dves s❑ in �rvriting. The f�ct that Lender delays Qr omits to ex�rcis�e any right will nat mean tha� <br /> �ender has �i��n up that right. !f Lender does agree in writing �o gi�e up one of Lender'� rights, that does n�t <br /> m�an Trustor wi[I nat ha�e �a camply with th� ❑ther pra�isions of �his D��d of Trust. Trustor also understands <br /> that i� Lender d�es consent to a request, that does nat mean tha� Trustor wi!! not ha�� to get Lender's c�nsen� <br /> again ifi the situation happens again. Trus�vr furth�r understands�that�ust�eGause Lender consents ta ane ar more <br /> of Trustor's requests, that does not mean Lender wi�l be required to �vns�nt to any af Trusfior's future r�quests. <br /> Trusta�wai�es presentment, demand fior payment, p�otesfi, and n�tice of dishonar. <br /> 5��er�biiity. If a �aurt finds that any pro�isi�n ot this �eed t�� Trust is no� �alid ar sh�uld no� b� �nforGed, tha� <br /> fact i�y i�sel�will nvt me�n�hat the rest of this ❑eed of Trus� wili not be �alid or en�o��ed. There�vre, a cc�urt will <br /> enfv��e the rest of the pro�isions of this Deed of Trust e�en it a prv�ision�f this De�d oT Trus�may be�ound to b� <br /> inva�id or ur�en�Fvrceable. <br /> Successors and Assigns. Subj�ct tv any limitati�ns sta�ed +n this C���d o� Trust �n transfer af Trustor's interest, <br /> �his Deed v��`rust shall �e binding upfln and inure t� the henef�t of �he parttes, their suc�essors and assigns. If <br /> ownership vf the Praperty becames �est�d in a p�rson ather than Trus�ar, Lender, wi�h�ut natE�e �❑ Trustvr, may <br /> deal �rvi'�h T�ustar's successQrs wixh referen�e tc�this Deed of Trust and the Ind�btednes� hy way of far�earance or <br /> extension without releasing Trustar frcrm the ob�igatians o�this Deed �f Trust ar li�bility under the Ind��tedn�ss. <br /> Time is❑fi the Essen�e. Time is o�the essence in the perfarmanc�af this �]eed of Trust. <br /> 1Nai�er a� Hnmestead Exemption. Trustar here�y releases and wai��s all righ�s and benefi�s of the hamestead <br /> exemption laws of the 5tate af Nebraska as ta all �ndeb�edness secur�d by this ❑eed af Y�rust. <br /> ❑EFINITIC�NS. The following words shal! hav��h��ollowing m�anings when used in this Deed v'�Trust: <br /> Q�enef�ciary. Th� ward "�en�f�ciary" m�ans Ea�Ghan�� Bank, and its su�cessors �nd assi�ns. <br /> Bvrrow��. The �rvord "Barrower" means RC7DNEY g RADER and LlSA M RAC�ER and includes all �o-signers and <br /> co-makers�igning fih� Cr�edi�A�reemen�and all�heir successors �nd assigns. <br /> Credi�t Agreement. The words "Credit Agreement" mean �he credit agr�ement dated De�emher 9, �015, W�th <br /> credit �imit af $�a,���.���rom Trust�r ta Lender, togeth�r with all renewals o�, extensions o#, mQdifiGations <br /> of, re#�nancings of, cansQlida�ivns o�, and substitutions fQr the pramissvey nvte or agreement. N�TICE TD <br /> TRUST�R: THE CREDIT AGREENfENT CC7NTAINS A VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. <br /> Deed of Trust. The wards "Deed of Trusfi" mean this ❑eed of Trust am�n� TrustQr, Lender, and Trus��e, and <br /> includes withou� iimi�atio� all assignment �nd security inter��� pro�isions r�lating to the �ersonal Property and <br /> Ren�s. <br /> En�ironmen�al Laws. The wards "Envirvnmenta! Laws" m�an any and a�l state, federal ancf local statutes, <br /> regulativns and ordinan�es relating to �he prote�tion of human health vr the en�iranment�, including withaut <br /> Iim�tatiQn the Comprehensive En�irflnmen�al Respvnse, Compensation, and Liability A�t of '#98�, as amended, 4� <br /> L1.5.�, Section 9541� e� seq. �"�ERCLA"y, the Superfund Am�ndments and Reautharizati�n ACt a# 1986, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"�, �he Ha�ardvus Ma��rial�Transportati�n IIGt, 49 U,S.�. S�C�ion 1�341, e�se�., the Resourc� <br /> �ons�rvatian and Recovery A�t, 4� U.S,C. �e�tion �9��, et seq., ar vther applicable state or�edera! laws, �ules, <br /> or regulat�ans adapt�d pursu�nt the�eto. <br /> EWent of❑��Faul�. The words 'rE�ent of Defiau�t" mean any of�he e�ents vf de�ault se�fiarth in�his De�d vf Trust in <br /> the e�ents❑�defaul�section of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Exis�ing Indehtedness. Th� ►Evords "Existing Indebte�ness" mean the ind�btedness des�ribed in the Existing L�ens <br /> prv�ision c�f this Qeed ��Tru�t. <br /> Ha��rdou� Substances. The w�rds "�a�ardous 5uhstanc�s" m�an materials that, because Q� t��ir quan�ity, <br /> concen�ra�ion or physical, chemical vr infec'tious charaGteristiCs, may �au�e or pose a present or pat�ntiaf hazard <br /> to human heal�h or the en�iranment when imprpperly used, treated, st�red, dispos�d af, gen�rated, m�nufactured, <br /> transRarted Qr �therwise handled. The wards "H��ardvus 5ubstanGes" are us�d in their �ery broades� s�nse and <br /> include without fimitat+on any and al� ha�ardous or toxic substances, mater�als or waste as d�fined !�y ❑r listed <br /> under the En�iranmental Laws. The term "Ha�ardous Substances" �Iso includ�s, withv�t IimitatEvn, petrol�um and <br /> p�trc�leum �y-praducts Qr any�raction therev�and asbestas. <br /> Imprv►rements. Th� wvrd "Impra�emen�s" means a11 �a�isting and future impro��m�nts, buildin�s, StfuC�UreS, <br /> mobi�e homes af�ixed an the Real Property, �F��ilities, add��ians, repla�ements �nd other construction on the Real <br />