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2� 15�8424 <br /> C��Ea C]F TF��J�T <br /> ��ont�nu�d� Page � <br /> Environm�ntal Laws. Trustor author�zes L�nder and �ts ager��� #v ent�r upvn the Property �n make suc�t <br /> inspeGtions and tests, at Trus�vr'� expense, as Lender may d��m appropriate ta determ�ne campliance of the <br /> Pr�per�y wi�h this section o� the Deed o#Trus�. Any inspectians or tests mad� b� Lender shall �e �or Lender's <br /> purpases oniy and shall not be cvnstrue�tv create any respvnsibility or liabi�ity on the par�of Lend�r�a Trustar vr <br /> tQ any other pers�n. The representations and warranties �ontained herein are based an Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in�estiga�ing the Proper�y for Hazardous 5uhs�kan�es. Trustar hereby �1� re�eases and wai�es any �uture cfaims <br /> against Lender for indemni�� ar contribu�ion in the e�ent Trustor becomes liable f�r �leanup ar other casts under <br /> any such iaws; and (�� agrees ta indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and all clairr�s, Iosses, <br /> liabilities, damages, p�nalties, and expen�es which Lender may dire��ly vr indireGt�y sus��in ar suf�er r�sulting�rom <br /> a br�a�h of this section of the Deed v�f Trust ar as a canse�uence ❑f any u�e, �enerat�on, manu�actur�, s�o�age, <br /> dispasal, release ar threatened relea�e�ccurring pri�r to T�ust�r's ownership or interest in the Property, whe�h�r or <br /> not rhe same was or should ha�e been known to Trustar. The pro�isions vfi �his sectian af �h� ❑eed vf T�ust, <br /> includinc�the abligation�o indemnify and de�end, shall sur�����he paymen#�f�h� Endebtedness and�h�satisfact�vn <br /> and reconueyanGe o�the lien of this Deed a��rust and shal� not be affected hy Lender's acquisi�it�n afi any interest <br /> in the f�rraperty, wheth�r�y�a�reclosure ar c��h�rwise. <br /> Nuisanc�, V1�aste. Trustor �hall not caus�, c�nduct or permi� any nuisa�ce n�r cvmmit, permi�, or suffer any <br /> strip�ing of or wast� an or to th� Property or any par�tian of �he Property. 1Nithvu� lirr�iting the gen�raf�ty of 'the <br /> foregoing, Trustor will not r�mo�e, or grant '�a �ny other party �he right to remo�e, any timher, miner�ls �incfuding <br /> ai(and ga�y, coal, clay, scori�, soil, gra�el vr ro�k products wi�hou� Lender's prior wrir�en consent. <br /> Remo�al a�f Impro�ements. Trustar shall nat demalish ar remv�e any Impro�ements from the Rea[ Property vvi�hout <br /> Lender's prior written consent, As a candition to�h� r�mo�al �f any Improuem���s, Lender may require Trustor tc� <br /> make arrangem�nts satisfactory ta Lender to repla�� such Impro�emen�s with Impro�ements vf at �east equal <br /> �alu�. <br /> Lend�r's Righ�ta Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representativ�es may enter upon the Real Pr�perty at all <br /> reasona�[e times to attend to L�nder's inter�sts and to inspect the Real Prope�ty for purposes vf Trust�r'� <br /> comp�ianc�with the terms and conditions of this Deed v#Trust. <br /> �om��iance with Governmental Requiremen�s. Trustor sha[I promp�ly comply with all laws, ordinan�es, and <br /> reguiati�ns, naw o� her�af�er in �ffe�t. o'� all gvuernment�f authQrities applic�bl� ta the use ar ocGupancy of the <br /> Property. Trustar may can�test in g�od faith any such law, ordinan�e, a�regula�ian and withhold complian�e during <br /> any prv��eding, in�luding appropriate appeals, sv 1Qng as Tru�tor has notified L�nder �n writing privr to d�ing sa <br /> and s� �ong as, in Lender's svle apinion, Lender's interests in�he Prap�rty ar� n��jeQRa�di�ed, Lerrder may require <br /> Trustor fio post adequate seGurity or a surety band, reasonabl�s�tis�actory tv Lender, �o p�ot�ct Lender's interest. <br /> Duty to P'r�tect, Trustar ar�r�es neither #❑ ab�r�d�n ar lea�e ur��ttended the Praper�y. Trustor shall dQ all ather <br /> acts, in add��itan to thase acts set forth abo�e in�his section, whiGh from t�he charac�er and use of the Prop�rty are <br /> reasvnably neG�ssary to prat�ct and preser�e th� Proper�y. <br /> QUE�N SALE- C�NSENT�Y LENQER. Lender may, at L�nder"s apt�vn, declare immedia�ely due and payable all sums <br /> s��ured b�this ❑eed of Trus�upon the sale or trans�e�, withaut Lender's prior written consent, a#a�[ ar any part of the <br /> Real Prap�rty, ar any interes� in the Reaf Property. A "sale or transfer" m�an�the con�eyance a# Real Pr�perty ar any <br /> right, t�tl� or interes�k in the Rea! Prvper#y; whe�her lega�, beneficial �r equitabl�; whether �aluntary or in�aluntary; <br /> whether by outright sa�e, deed, installment sale eantract, land G�ntract, cvntract for de�d, leasehaid interes� with a <br /> term greater than three �3� years, lease�option �on�ra�t, t�r by sale, assignment, or trans#er o�F any beneficial interest in <br /> �r�o any iand trus� holding title ta the Real Proper�y, or by any Qther method of Gan�eyan�e of an int�r�st in the Rea! <br /> Prvp�r�y. Hav�rever, this aption shall nat be exerci�ed by Lender i� such e�cerGise is prohibited by federal law vr by <br /> Nebraska la�rv. <br /> TAxES ANa L1ENS. The �allqwing pr��isions re�ating to the �axe� and liens on the Property are p�r� Qf this Deed v� <br /> Trust: <br /> Pa�men�. T�ustar shall pay when due {and in �II e��nts prior ta d��inquencyy all t�xes, spec�al tax��, �ssessmen�s, <br /> charges �in�luding wa�er and sewer}, fines and impositivns ie�ied against ar ❑n account af the Prap�rty, and shall <br /> pay when due aff claims �a� work done an or ��r ssr�ices rendered or material furnished tv the Prop�r�y, Trustor <br /> shall maint�in the Praperty fr�� af all liens ha�ing priarity❑�er�r�qual to the inter�s�vf Lend�r under�his �]eed af <br /> Trust, exeept for the li�n o# taxes and assessments not due, e�ccep� for the Existinc� Indebtedness referred to <br /> b��ow� and except as otherwis� pro�ided in this �eed o�Trust. <br /> Ri�ht tc�Canfiest. Trustor may withhold payment o#any tax, assessment, vr cla�m in connection w�th a goad �aith <br /> dispute a�er the abl�gativn�v pay, so long as Lend�r's interest in the Property is not jeapardized. I�a iien arises or <br /> is filed as a result af nonpayment, Trustor shall wi�hin fift��n �15y days after the lien arises ❑r, i� a lien is fifed, <br /> within �i�teen {15� days after Trustar has nati�e of the �Fil�ng, secure the dis�har�e of the lien, or E� requested by <br /> Lend�r, deposit with Lender�ash o�a sufficient corpvrate surety b�ond or ather s�Gurity s�tisfac�ory to Lender in an <br /> amvunt su#tFci�n��o dis�harge�he �i�n pius any cvsts and aftvrneys' fe�s, or other char�es tha#�ould a�crue as a <br /> r�su�t of a#orec�asure or s�fe under the lien, �n any contes�, Trustor sha��defend it�el�and L�nder and shall satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgmen€ ��'�c�re enfvrGement against the Prop�r�y. Trustor shal�name Lender as �n �dditional obligee <br /> und�r�ny surety band �urnished in�he con�est pr��eedings, <br /> E►ridenc� a�F Payment. Trustor shall up�n d�mand furnish to Lender satisfactory �vid�nce ❑f paym�n��fi#he �axes <br /> or ass�ssments and shall authoriz� the a��rap�iate gv�ernment�l vfficial t❑ defiWer�a L�nder at any time a writt�n <br /> statement vf the tax�s and ass�s�men�s against the Property. <br /> Natice ofi Gonstructian. Trustvr shall notify Lender at least fifte�n {1�y days befar� any work is comrrienced, any <br /> ser�ic�s ar� furnished, or any mat�rials are supplied to the Proper�C�, if any mechani�'s lien, materia�men's fien, or <br /> other lien cauld be asserted vn accovr�fi �f the work, ssr��ces, ar mater'rafs and �he cost exceeds $1,���.��. <br /> Trus�or wilf upon requ�st �f Lender furnish �o Lender ad�an�e assurances sa�isfactory to Lender that Trustor can <br /> and wil� pay the�ost of such impro�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE iNSURANCE. The follawing pro�isivns relating t❑ insur�ng the Proper�y a�e a part of this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Maint�nan�e af Insurance. Trus�ar sha�l pro�ur� and maintain poli�i�s af �ire insurance with standard e��ended <br /> ca�erage endors�ments on a replaGement basis f�r �he fufl insurable ��lue �v�ering all lmpra��m�nts vn th� Real <br /> Property in an amau�� sufficient to avaid applicati�n of any cainsurance �lause, and with a ��andard martgagee <br /> claus� in fa�vr of Lender, �ogether with such vther ha�ard and liability insuran�e as Lend�r may r�asanably require. <br /> PaliCieS shall be writ��n in fvrm, amoun�s, co�erages and basis reasanab�y �c�eptable to Lender �nd issued by a <br /> com��ny ar �ampanies reasonably aGGep�al�l� �o Lender. Trustar, upon reques�t o� Ler�der, will deli�er t� Lender <br /> �rom time to tim� the poiiGi�s� or certificates af insuran�e in form satisfaet�ry tr� Lenderr in��uding s�ipulati�ns that <br /> cv�erag�s wi!! n�t�e canGelled ar diminished vvithaut a�least thirty {3�� days prior vvri��en notice�Q Lender. Each <br /> insuranc� policy alsa shaii incfude an endors�ment pr�Widing �h�� Go�erage in �a�or o� Lend�r will no� �e impaired <br /> in any r1v�y by any a�t, omiSsi�n or defaul�vf Trustar ar any oth�r person. Sh�u[d�he Real Property be Iacated in <br /> an area designated by the Administrator of�h� Federal Emsrg�ncy Management Ag�ncy as a special �lo�d hazard <br /> area, Trus�vr agrees t❑ obtain and ma'rntain F�deral Flaod �nsuran�e, if available, for the maximum amvunt o� <br /> Trustor's �redit I�ne and the ful� unpaid prin�ipal t�alance o�any prior liens on�he prQperty se�uring the loan, up ta <br />