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2� 15�84�4 <br /> DEE!] �F TRUST <br /> Lvan Na: �D1�9�498 �Continued} Page � <br /> Documents, and �2} the liens and securifiy in�erests creat�d by this Deed a�Trus�on�he Pr�perty, whether nvw <br /> ❑wned ❑r herea�fter acquired by Trustvr. Unless prohi�ited by law or Lender agrees to �he contrary in writing, <br /> Trus�or shal� reimburse Lender�ar all costs and expenses incurred in connectian wi�h the matters re�erred tv in fihis <br /> . �paragraph. <br /> Attorney�in-Fact. I�f Trustor-�ails t❑ d❑ any of fihe�hings re�ferred t❑ in the preceding parag�-aph, Lender may da sa <br />� fvr and in the name af Trustar and at Trus�vr's expense. For such purpos�s, Trustor hereby Erre�ocably appoin�s <br /> Lender as Trus�or's a��vrney-in-�act�vr th� purpose of making, �x�cuting, del��ering, filing, re�vrding, and doing aE� <br /> other things as may be necessary ar desirable, in L�nder's sole opinianf �o accomplish the matters referred fio in <br /> the preceding paragraph. . <br />, FULL PERF�R�IIANCE. If Trustor pays all the lndelafiedness, including wi�hout limitatinn all �uture ad�an�es, when due, <br /> and o�herwise perfiorms a!I the abl�gatians imposed upon Trustor under this Deed af Trust, Lender shall execute and � <br /> deli�er �❑ Trus�kee a request for full recon�eyanc� and shall execute and deli�er fio Trustor suitable statements of <br />. terminativn ❑t any �inan�ing statement on �ife e�idencing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Personal <br />� Praperky. Any recan�eyan�e fee required by law shali be paid by Trus�or, if permitted by applicable law. <br /> EVENTS DF DEFAULT. Each ❑�F the �ollowing, at Lender's �pfion, shall cvnstifiute an E�en� o� De�aul� under�his Deed <br />� <br /> o�Trust: � <br /> Payment I]efaul�. Trust�r€ails to make any payment when due under the Endebtedness. <br /> Dthe� Defaults. Trustor faifs to comply with ❑r tv perform any vther t�rm, ❑b�igation, co�enant ❑r condi�ion <br /> �contained in this Deed �f T�usfi or in any o� the Rela�ed ❑vcuments or tv comply wifih or �❑ pe��orm any t��m, <br /> vbli�ativn, coWenant or candition con�ain�d in any❑ther agreement between Lender and Trus�or. <br />; CompIiance Default. Failure �❑ comply wE#h any v�her �erm, ab�igation, co�enant or canditian contained in this <br /> ❑eed of Trust,the Nvte or in any❑f fihe Re�ated Documents. <br /> Defau�t on D�her Payments. Failure of Trustor within the time required by�his Deed of Trus��o make any payment <br /> for taxes or insurance,or any vfiher payment necessary�ka pre�en�t�iling ❑�F vr�v effect discharge of any ti�n. <br /> False 5ta�ements. Any warran�y, representation or sta�ement made vr furnished �v Lende�- hy Trustor ar ❑n <br /> Trusfior's behal� under this Deed v�Trust�r#he Rela�ed aocuments is false or misleading in any mater�al respect, <br /> ei�her nvw or at the time made or�urnished vr becvmes false or misleading at any time thereafter. <br />� <br /> �e�ecti�e Cvllateralizativn. This Deed af Trust ❑r any af the Related Dacuments ceases �� be in fulf �ar�e and <br /> effec� �includin� failure afi any �allateral dflcumen�to crea�e a �a[id and perfected security inter-est or lien� a� any <br /> time and for any reason. <br /> Dea�h or Insolvency. The death vf Trus�or,the insal��n�y❑�Trusfior, �he�appo�ntmenfi v�a receiWer�ar any part❑f <br />, Trustor's prvperty, any assignment fivr fihe b�nefit .vf creditars, any�,.type o�� credi�vr workvut, or #he <br /> �vmmencemenfi of any proceeding under any hankrup�cy vr insvl�ency laws 1�y or agains�t Trustor. <br /> , <br /> Creditor or Forfeiture Pr�ceedings. �ammencement o� �oreclosure �r forfeiture proceedings, whether by judicial <br /> praceeding, self--help, �-epossessian vr any other method, by any creditor of Trustor❑r by any go�ernmental agen�y <br /> •against any prvperty se�uring the Inde��edness. This includes a garnishmenfi o� any of Trus�or's accoun�s, <br />� � �including depvsit accounts, with Lender. Howe�er, this E�ent o� Default sha�E nvt apply if there f5 a good �aith <br /> dispute by Trus�or as t❑ the �a�idity vr reasvnal�leness o�the claim which is �he basis af the credi�or or�vr�ei�ure <br /> proceeding and i� Trustor gi�es Lender writ�en natice ❑� the �reditor ❑r �vrfeiture proceeding and depasits wi�h <br /> Lender-monies or a surety bond�ar the credi�or or�orfeiture proceeding, in an am�un�determined by L�nder, in its <br /> . svle discrefiian, as being�an adequate reserve vr bvnd fvr th�dispu�e. <br /> �Brea�h of�ther Agreement. Any breach by Trustor under the terms vf any��ther agreemenfi between Trustvr and <br /> Lender tha� is no� remedied within any g�-ace periad pro��ded therein, including withvut E�mifiation any agreement <br />, concerning any indebtedness ❑r ather obliga�kion❑f Trustor�o Lende�, whether existing now❑r later. <br />� <br /> E�ents Affecting Guaran�vr. Any ❑f�he preceding e�en�s ❑ccurs w�th respec�to any guaran�or, endorser, sur-ety, <br /> � or acc�mmodation party o� any of�the lndebtedness or any guaran�or, endvrser, surety, or accvmmoda�ion party <br /> dies or be�vmes incvmpetent, �r re�akes or disputes �he Walidity v�f, or liabifity under, any Guaranty n�F the <br /> Indebtedness. � <br /> Adverse Change. A material ad�erse change vccurs in Trustor's financial cvndi�ivn, ❑r Lender belie�es the • <br /> pr�spec�o�payment or perfor-mance of the lndebtedness is impaired. <br /> Inse�uri�ty. Lender in goad�aith belie�es itsel�F insecure. <br /> Exis�ing �ndebtedness. The paymenfi o�any instaf[ment❑f principal ❑r any interest on the Existing Indebtedness is <br /> not made wi�h�n the�irne r�quired by�he,pramissory note�e�idencing such indebtedness, vr a defiault oc�urs under <br /> � the instrumen�t securing such indeb�edness and is nat�ured during any applica�le grace peri�d in such instrument, <br /> or any suifi or other action is commenced t❑fvrecfose any exis�ing l�en on the Property. <br /> Right to Cure. !f any default, other than a defauft in payment, is �urak�le and i�Trus�ar has nat been gi�en a notice <br /> ❑f a breach❑f the same pro�isian❑�this Deed of Trust wi�hin�he preceding twelWe �'l�} months, i�may he cured if <br /> � Trustor, af�er Lender sends wri��en noti�e�o Trustvr demanding cure❑f such defau�t: �'�y cures the de�auft within <br />