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deflecting right 89° 08' 34" and running southerly parallel with and Fifteen <br />(15.0) feet west of the centerline of an existing railroad tract a distance of One <br />Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Seven and Ninety One Hundredths (1397.91) <br />feet; thence deflecting right 89° 50' 54" and running westerly a distance of Three <br />Thousand Four Hundred Forty Nine and Fifty Four Hundredths (3449.54) feet, <br />to a point on the west line of said Section Twenty (20); thence deflecting right 90° <br />20' 14" and running northerly along the west line of said Section Twenty (20), a <br />distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Nine and Sixty Five <br />Hundredths (1339.65) feet to the point of beginning EXCEPTING a certain <br />tract more particularly described in Deed recorded as Document No. 200509308 <br />and EXCEPTING a certain tract more particularly described in Deed recorded <br />as Document No. 200509309 <br />Further affiant sayeth not. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />) ss. <br />Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me a Notary Public this <br />9 day of Der Yn 4 e,- , 2015 by Hal A. Schager. <br />Notary ' u.lic <br />201508335 <br />