� 2� 15�8318
<br /> payment of juni�r trust deeds, mar�gages, or ��her lienholders and �he balance, if any, t� the persvn vr persons
<br /> legai�y �ntit�ed �hereto. The �ec��als in the Trus�ee's deed shal� be prima facie ev�den�e of the truth of �he
<br /> sta�emen�s made in it.If Lender�haoses t�invake the p�wer of sa��,Lender�r Trustee�ril�pr���de n�ti�e of sale
<br /> p�.0 suant to app��cable Ia�. An}� such sale ar a sale made pursuant to a judgmen� or a decr�� for the fore�l�sure
<br /> h�r�of may, a� the �pt�on �f L�nder, l�e made en mass�. The c�mmenceYnen� �f pr�ceed�ngs t� foreclose this
<br /> Security Inst�ument in an���anner au�horized b�la�shal�be deemed as e�ercise of�he alaa�e�pt�on.
<br /> i7p�n �he occurrence �f an E�ent af Defaul�, Lender �hal� immediate�y be en��t�ed to mak� applicat�on for and
<br /> vb�ain the appointme�lt of a recei�er f�r�he Proper�y and�f the earnings, in�ome, issue and prof�ts�f�t,vtrith the
<br /> pav�ers as the c�ur�making�he appo�ntmen�s canfers. Gran�ar herehy �rre�rocab�y c�nsen�s tfl such a�pvinttnent
<br /> and v�rai�es natice of any application therefar.
<br /> N� �VAIVER. Nv de�ay or failure of Lender t� e�ercise any r�gh�, remedy, po�er or privi�e�e hereunder shal�
<br /> affect�ha�right,remedy,pov�er or pri�rilege n�r sha�1 any s�ngle�r par��a�exer��se there�f preclude�he exercise af
<br /> any righ�,remedy,po�ver or pri�ilege.No Lender de�ay or failure ta demand siri�t adheren�e��the terms �f this
<br /> Secur�ty Instrumen�shal�b�deemed t� cons�itu�e a cvurse of�onduct incvnsistent v�ith Lender's right at any time,
<br /> before or af�er an e�en� of defau�t, to demand s�ri�t adherence �o �he terms of this Securi�y Ins�umen� and the
<br /> Related Dflcuments.
<br /> SUBSTITUTE TRi�STEE. Lender, at its vp�ian,may fram time�a time remove Trus�ee and app�int a successor
<br /> trustee �� an� Trustee appointed hereunder by an �.nstrument rec�rded Yn the county in �hich this Securit�r
<br /> �nstrument is recorded. W��hout c�n�reyance of�he Property, the success�r t�rus�ee �ha�l succeed �a al� �he t���e,
<br /> po�rer and dut�es conferred upan Trustee herein and by app�icahle Iav�r.
<br /> JUINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY.If this 5ecuri�.y Ins�rument sh�uld be signed by mor�than vne person, all
<br /> persons execu�ing�his S�curiiy Instrument agree-�ha�they shall be j ointly and s�verally bound,where permitted by
<br /> lav�.
<br /> SUR'L�IV�AL.Lender's rights in�his Security Instrumen�will c�ntinue �n its successors and assigns. This 5ecurit}�
<br /> Ins�i ument is b�nding�n a1I heirs,e�ecu��rs,adminis�rat�rs,assigns and successors of Grant�r. �
<br /> N�TI��S A�NI� WAI'L�ER��F N�TICE. Unless o�her�ise required by applicable �avv, any notice or demand
<br /> given b� Lender to any pa�-ty is c�nsid�red effec��ve: �i} when �t is depos�ted in�he Un�ted Sta�es Mai�with the
<br /> apprvpria�e pos�age; (i�} v�h�n i� xs sen� �ria ele�tron�c mai1; �ii�} �hen it �s sent �ria fa�simile; �i�} when it �s
<br /> d�pos��ed v�ith a na��ona�ly recognized vvern�ght c�urier servi�e; ��) on�he day of pers�nal deli�ery; or �v�� any �
<br /> ��her commercia��y reasonable means. A cop��f any notice shail be s�n��o each part�y at the address of the parCy
<br /> gi�en a� the beginni.ng �f�his Security Inst�ument unless an a��ernati�e address has been proWided to Lender in
<br /> v�rit�ng. To the ex�ent permit�ed by�a�, Gran�or v�aives no�ice �f Lender's a�ceptance�f this 5ecurity Ins�.i-ument,
<br /> defenses based on suretysh�p,any defense arising from any e�e�tivn�O}�Lender under�he Un��ed 5tates Ban�-uptcy
<br /> ��de, Unifarm Cvmmercial Co�e, a� enacted in the s�ate vvhere Lender is l�cated �r �ther applicab�e lavv �r �n
<br /> equity, demand, n��ice of accel�ra��on, ��o�i�e �f n�npayment, pres�ntment, pr�tes�, n��i�e �f dishonor and any
<br /> other notice.
<br /> RE�iTEST F�R N�TICES. Grantor requests�ha��opies af the notice�f defaul�and noti�e of sa�e�e sent t��he
<br /> address�f each�arty given a��ie beginning af the Security�nsti-ument.
<br /> '�]'L�AIVER �F APPRAISEIVIENT RIGHTS. Grantor�vaives a11 appraisement righ�s re�ating�� �he Property t�
<br /> the e��ent permi�ted by 1a�v.
<br /> LENDER'S E�.'ENSES. Grant�r agrees��pa�ali expenses�ncurred by Lender in connection vv��h enforcement
<br /> of i�s rights under the�ndeb�edness,t�us Secu.rity�nstrumen�ar in the event Lender is made party to an}�Ii�igat�an
<br /> be�ause.of�he e�is�ence of the Indebtedness�r thxs Security Instrument, as�reli as court cos�s, colle�t�on�harges
<br /> and reasonable a�t�rneys'f�es and disbursements.
<br /> ASS�GNABILITY. Lender may assign �r �therwise transfer this Security Instru.ment or an}� af Lender's r�ghts
<br /> under this 5ecurity Instrumen��i�hout notice to Grant�r. Grantar may not assxgn th�s Se�urity�nstrument�r any
<br /> part of�he Security Instrumeri�vv��hou��he express v�rrit�en c�nsent of Lender.
<br /> G�VERPTING LAW. This Secur�ty Instrument v�rill be governed hy�he Iav�s af the S�afie af Ne�raska includ�ng
<br /> all proce�d�ngs arising frvm this Security Ins�.rument.
<br /> S�VERABILITY. If a caurt af c�mpe��n� jurisdi�tion determ�nes an}� term or pr�v�sion �f �715 Se�ur�ty
<br /> Instru.�n�nt is in�ra�id or prohi�bi�ed by applicab�e 1aw, that �erm �r pro�is�on will be ineffecti�e �fl �he ex�ent
<br /> requ�red.Any te�-�n�r pr�visian�ha�has been determined�a be 3n�ra�id or prahihi�ed�ril1 be severed fr�m the rest
<br /> af�he Securi�ty Inst�ument w�thout invalidating the rema�nder of ei��er the affected pr�vision �r this 5�cur�ty
<br /> Ins�rument.
<br /> yL�'AT�ER UF JUR� TRIAL. All par�ie5 t� this Secu�•ity Instrument hereUy kno��vingiy and voluntarily
<br /> waive,tv the fullest extent perm�tted b� �av�,any right ta trial by jury�f any dispute,whether in contracf,
<br /> tort,or otherwise,arising�ut of,in connection vrrith,r��at�d to,vr incidental to the rela#ianship established
<br /> between them in this Security Ins�rument or an� other instrument, d�cument ar agreement e�ecu�ed or
<br /> deliWered in connecti�n with this�ecurity Instrument or#he Related Do�umen�s.
<br /> �2�04-2a i 5 Compliance Systems,Inc.1 E 1 B-789B-2�15.I 1.0.1 U l 9
<br /> Cammercial Real Estate$e�u�ity Instrumeni-DL40a? Pase 4 of 5 ww►v.campliancesys�er�s.cam
<br />