2� 15�8318
<br /> �ARRANTIES. Grantor, for ��se�f, i�s heu s, persvna� representa���es, successars, and assigns, represen�s,
<br /> warrants,cv�enants and agr�es with Lender,i�s success�rs and assigns,as fo�l��s:
<br /> Perfnrmance of ��ligation5. Grant�r pr�m�ses t� p�rf�rm a�I terms, G�17d.i���i75, and covenants �f this
<br /> Se�urit��nstrument and Rela�ed Documents in a�c�rdance v�rith the teYm,s conta�ned there�.n.
<br /> I)efense and Tit�e to Property.At�he time of execution and de�iv�ry of this�nstrument, Grant�r is�a�fu�ly
<br /> seised �f the es�a#e hereby c�nveyed and has the ex�lusive right to mor�gage, grant, c�n�ey and assign�he
<br /> Proper�y.�rant�r covenan�s that the Proper�y is unencumlaered and free of allliens,ex�ep�for encumbrances
<br /> vf re��rd acceptab�e t� Lender. Further, �ran�or c�Wenan�s that Grantor�ili �arrant and defend generally
<br /> �he title ta the Prflperty agains� any and a1I claims and demands vvha�sae��r, subj ect to �he easements,
<br /> restric�ion5, �r o�her encumbran�es vf record ac�ep�able to Lender, as may be lzsted in �he schedule of
<br /> e�cepti�ns t� co�erage in a�zy abst�act �f title or title insu�ance po�icy insuring Lender's interes� �n �he
<br /> Property.
<br /> �ond�tian of Pr�per�y. �ran�nr pramises at a1I times ta preserWe and to main�ain the Proper� and every
<br /> par�ther�of in good repair, �ark�ng �rder, and �ondition and�vil�from��me�o t�me, make aIl needful and
<br /> pr�per repairs so tha��li�value❑f the Proper�y shal�n�t in an�vvay be impaired.
<br /> Rem�val �f any Part �f the Property. �ran��r prom�ses n�t�a remave any part of the PropeY-�y �-am its
<br /> present l�cation,except for replacemen�,mai.n�enan�e and relocati�n in the�rdinary course of business.
<br /> Alterat�ons to the Property. Grantor pr�rn�ses to absta�n fiom the comm�ss�.on of any was�e on vr �n
<br /> connectian with�he Proper�t�.Fur�her, Gran��r sha�1 mak�no mater�al alterations,add�tians�r imprvvemen�s
<br /> of any type wha�soe�rer �a the Property, regardless �f v�he�her su�h al�erati�ns; addi�ians or �mpra�emen�s
<br /> would u�crease �Yie value �f the Prapel-�y, n�r pei-mit anyone ta do so e��ept far tenant Ympr�vemen�s and
<br /> completion of items pursuan�to approved p�ans and specifica��ons, �i�hout Lender's pri.�r wri�ten c�nsent,
<br /> v�rhich c�nsent may be �i�hheld b� Lender �n its so�e discretion. Grantor wil� comply vvith aIl laws and
<br /> regu�a�ions of a1�publi�author��ies having jurisdic�Yon��rer the Proper�y inc�udir�g,vc�i�hout l�mitati�n,th�se
<br /> re�ating to �he use, ac�upancy and main�enance the�eof and shal� upon request promp��y submit to Lender
<br /> e�idence vf such coinpliance.
<br /> Due on Sa�e--Lender's�onsent. �ran��r shal�n�t se�l,fur�her encumber�r atherwise dispvse�f, exce�t as
<br /> herein pravided, any or all �f i�s interest in any part �f or alI of the Praperty vt�ith�ut firs� o�fa�ning �he
<br /> �rriiten c�ns�n� of Lender. �f any encumbran�e, �ien, transfer or sale �r agreement for �hese �s created,
<br /> Lender may declare u�nrned�a�e��due and payable,�he entire balance vf the Indebtedness.
<br /> Insurance. Grant�r prolnises t�1�eep�he Pr�perty�nsured agains�su�h risks and in such f�rm as may�i�hin
<br /> the so�e discre�inn of Lerider be acc�p�a�le, causing Lender�� be named as loss paye� or �f reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, as mortgagee. �The insurance ��mpan� shal� be ch�sen �y Grantor subj e�t to Lender's appro�ral,
<br /> which sha11 n�t Ue unreas�nably vsrithhe�d. Al� insurance poli�ies must pr�vide that Lender will get a
<br /> minimum of 14 days nat�ce pri�r t�cancellation.A�Lender's discretion,Grantor may be required to produce
<br /> receip�s�f paid premiu.ms and renev�ra�p��icies.If Gran�or fails ta ob�a�n�he required co�rerage,Lender may
<br /> dv sfl a��ran�flr's expense.Gran��r h�reby directs each and every insurer of the Proper�y to make payment of
<br /> �oss to Lender wi�h the pr�ceeds��be ap�l�ed, only a�Lender's opt�on,to the repair and rep�a�emen��f the
<br /> damage or�oss or to be applied t��he Indebfi�dness vvith the surplus,if an}�,�v be pa�d by L�nder to Grant�r.
<br /> Payment of Taxes and flthQr App�icabie Charges. Grantor prom�ses ta pay and �� dischar�e liens,
<br /> ericumbrances,�a�es,assessmen�s,l�ase pay�nen�s and any vther charges relativag�a the Property when levied
<br /> or assessed agains�Grant�r vr�he Property.
<br /> Enviranmental Lavvs and Hazardous or To�ic Materia�s. Gran��r and eve�y �enan� have been, are
<br /> presently and shal� �ontinue �� be in str�ct comp�iance v�rith any appl�cable 1oGa�, sta�e and federal
<br /> envu onmenta�Iav�s and regu�a�i�ns.Fur�l�er,nei�her Grantar nor any t�nant sha1�manufac�ure, s�ore,hand�e,
<br /> discharge or dispose of hazardous vr�oxic ma�erials as may be defined b�r an� sta�e or federal �a� on the
<br /> Property, e�cept �❑ �.ie�e�tent �he e�is�ence flf such ma�eria�s has been presen��� disclosed in writing tn
<br /> Lender. Grantor v�i11 immed�a�e�}�n�tify Lender�n�nrriting of any asserti�n�r clairn made by any par�as��
<br /> �he pass��le v�olatian af applicahle s�a�e and federa� en�r�ranmenta� Ia�s including �he lncat�on of any
<br /> ha2ardvus or t���c materia�s on ar abvu��he Prvperty. Grantar indemnifies and holds Lender harmless fram,
<br /> v�i�hou�Iim�ta�ion, an�1�ability or expense uf whatsve�rer nature incurred di�e���y ar �ndirectly �ut of vr in
<br /> CD17ri�C�1�Il'W1��7: �a�any envu onmen�al�avvs afFec��ng a�l ar any part�f the Pr�per�y�r Grantor;[b�the pasf,
<br /> present or future e�xsten�e of any ha2ardous mater�a�s in, an, under, ab�u�, or emanating from ar passYng
<br /> �Iu�ugh the Prope�-ty or any par� thereof or any prope�-�r adjac�nt thereto; (c} any pas�, present or fu�ure
<br /> hazard�us activity at or in cannec�ion with t��e Property�r any part�hereof; and �d� �he nancampiiance by
<br /> Grant�r or Grantar's fai�ure t��omp�y fu1ly and�imely�ith envu onmen�alla�s.
<br /> Financial Information.Gran�or agrees�a supp�y Lender such financia�and o�her infvrmation concern�ng its
<br /> affa�rs and �he status of any of��s asse�s as Lender, from �ime to tune, may reasvnab�y request. Gran�vr
<br /> fiu-�her agrees to pe�-m�t Lender t� verif� accounts as well as t� inspect, cop� and �a exam�ne the books,
<br /> records and files�f Gran�or.
<br /> Lenderrs Right to Enter.Lender�r Lender's agents shal�ha�e the ri�h�and ac�ess t�u�pe�t the Pr�per�.y at
<br /> all reasvnah�e times in order t� attend �❑ Lender's interests and ensure Gompliance vv��h the �erms of this
<br /> Se�urit� Instrumen�. Yf the Pr�p�rtiy, �r any part thereQf, sha�l require inspection, repair �r ma�.ntenan�e
<br /> which �rantor has fai�ed��pro�r�de, Lender, after reasvnable notice, may enter upon the Proper�y�❑ effect
<br /> �2���-2UI5 Cnmpiiance Systems,Inc.IEIB-783B-2015.11.O.1fl19
<br /> Commercial Real Estat�Security Instrument-DL4�07 Page?nf 5 ww►v.Com�liar3ce5y5Eems.Cor[i
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