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2� 15�82�4 <br /> B�RRQ'�VER �aVEIVANTS�hat Borrower is�a�fu��y sezsed af�he�state hereby con��yed and has th�right to <br /> grant and conv�y the Property and�hat��e Prop�r�y ��unen�umbered, except for encumbrances of r�cord. <br /> Borrower warrants and wi11 defend genera��y th���t�e ta the Proper�y aga�nst a�� ciaims and demands, sub�ect to <br /> any�ncumbranc�s�f record. <br /> THIS SE�tJRITY �NSTRt]N�ENT comb�ne�un�f�rrn ca��nan�s for nationa�use and non-uniform.c��enants with <br /> lim�t�d�ariations by�ur�sd�ct�on to�ansti�ute a uniforn�s�cur��y �nstrument cavering real prop�r�y. <br /> Uniform Co►�enants. Borrower and Lender covenan�and agree as ffl�lov�s: <br /> '1. Payment af Principa�, Int�rest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges, Barrower <br /> shall pay when due the principal of, ar�d �n�er�st on, �he debt e�id�nced by the Nflte and any prepayment <br /> charges and late�harges due under the No�e. B�rrower sha�� a�so pay fund� far E�crow �t�ms pursuant ta <br /> Sec��nn 3. Payments due under the Na�e and this Securi�y Ins�rument sha�� be ma�.e in U.S. currency. <br /> Hovvever, �f any check or o�her instrum�nt receiv�d by Lender as payn�ent under the N��e�r this Se�uri�y <br /> Instrum�nt is r��urn�d�� Lender unpaid, Lender may require�hat any or all subsequen�paym�nts due under <br /> th�Not�and th�s Secur�ty Instrument be made in one or mare of the foliawing forms, as se�e��ed b� Lender: <br /> �a} cash; �b}money�rder; �c} cer�ified check, bank ch�ck, treasurer's che�k or cashier's check, pr�vided any <br /> such che�k is drawn upon an�nstitu��an whose d�posits are insured by a federa� agency, instrumentali�y, or <br /> enti�y; �r�d} E��ctronic Funds Transfer, <br /> Payme�t� are�eem�d receiv�d by Lender when recei�ed a�the��ca�ian de�igna�ed in the Not��r at such <br /> �ther lacatinn as ma��e designated by Lender zn accordance with the notice pra�isions in Sect��n �5. <br /> L�nder may return an�paym�n�or partial pa�rm�nt if the payment or partial payments are insufficient�a <br /> brzng�h�Laan curren�. Lend�r may accept any payment or par��a�paymen��nsufficient�o br�ng�he L�an <br /> curren�, without waiver of any r��h�s h�reund�r or prejudice ta i�s rights�o refuse such payment ar par�ial <br /> payments in�he future, bu� Lender�s not o1�l�gat�d ��app�y such payments at�he��me such paymen�s are <br /> acc�pt�d. If each P�riodic Pa�ment �� app��ed as af��s scheduled due dat�, then Lender need nat pay inter�st <br /> on unappli�d funds. Lender ma�r hald such unappl�ed fund�un�x� Borrnv�er makes paymen�s to br�ng the <br /> Laan curren�. If Borrower does no�da s�wi�hin a reasonable p�r�od of tim�, Lender sha�l e�ther app�y such <br /> funds or return them�o Borrower. If not applied earlier, su�h funds��1�be app�xed�a�he au�standing <br /> pr�nczpa� �alance under�he Note irnrn�diately priar�o f�reclosure. N�offs�t�r cla�m whi�h Borr�wer might <br /> ha�e now or in the future aga�ns� Lender shall relie�e Borrower from making payment�due under the Note <br /> and this Securi�y Instrum�nt or performing the cov�nants and agreements �ecured by this Secur��y <br /> �nstrumen�. <br /> �. Appl��ation af Pay�ents v� Proceeds. Except as atherw�se described �n th�s�ect��n�, a�l paymen�s <br /> accep�ed and appiied by L�nder shall b�applie� in�he f�llo�ving arder�f priori�y: �a} in�erest due under the <br /> Note; �b}prin�ipa� due under�he I�`ote; �G} amounts due under Sectian 3. Such paymen��shal��e app�z�d to <br /> each Periadi� Pa�ment in�h�order�n whzch it became due. Any remaining amoun��sha�l be app��ed fzrs��� <br /> �at�Charges, se�ond�a any�ther amaunts due und�r th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�, and then�a reduce the <br /> pr�nc�pa�ba�ance of th�Nnte. <br /> If Lender recei�es a paym�n�from Borro�v�r far a delinquent Periodic Payment which �nc�ud�s a suffiC�en� <br /> amaunt t�pay any late charge due, �he payment may be applied�o the�elinquent pay�nen�and the late <br /> charge. �f mare�han one Periodic Pa�rment�s�utstand�ng, L�nder may apply any payment recei�ed from <br /> B�rr��ver�a the repa�ment of the Periodic Payments if, and�o�he ex�ent that, each pa�men�can b�paid in <br /> full. To�he extent tha�any exc�ss exists after th�paym�ent �s appl�ed t��he fui�paymen�of�n�ar more <br /> Periodic Payments, �uch excess ma�be applied to any �a�e charges due. V�luntary prepayments sha�l�e <br /> applied f�rs�ta any prepayment charg�s and then as d�scribed in�he Nate, <br /> NEBftASKA-5ingie Famify-Far�r�ie MaelFredciie Mac UNEF4RM INSTRUMENT Fvrrr�342$710"i <br /> VMP Q VMP�{N�1{1�4�� <br /> VIIOI�E.'fS ICIEJWBP F1f1��Clc�I S�fVEC�S Pa�e 4 af�7 <br />