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2� 15�82�4 <br /> 23. Recanveyance. Upan pa}�men�of a�� sums s�cured by �his Securi�� Instrument, Lender shall reques� <br /> Trust�e�o recan�ey the Pr�per�y and shall surrend�r this Securit� �ns�rument and a�l notes e�idencing debt <br /> secured by�h�s Secur�ty Instrumen�tfl Trustee. Trustee shall recon�e� the Praperty vw�thou�warranty ta �he <br /> person ar persons�egally ent�t�ed to �t. Such pers�n�r persons sha��pay any recordat�on casts. Lender may <br /> �harge su�h person ar persans a fee for recon�e�ing�h�Proper�y, but on�y if the fee is paid to a�h�rd par�y <br /> �such as the Trustee} for serv�ces r�ndered and the charging of the fee i�p�rmitted under App�icable La�r. <br /> �4. Suhstitute Trustee. Lender, a�its op��on, may from ti�me�a t�me remov�Trus�ee and appoint a success�r <br /> trustee to any Trustee appoin�ed hereunder b�an ins�rument recorded in the county �n which this Security <br /> �nstrunzent is recarded. '�ith�ut con�reyance of the Pr�per�y, �he successor trus�ee shal� suc�eed to all th� <br /> t���e, power and du�i�s conf�rred upan Trust��herein and by App�icab�e Lav�. <br /> �5. Request f�r Notices. Borrower requests that copies�f the nat�ce of defau�t and sale be sent to Borrawer's <br /> address which is�he Propert� Address. <br /> NEBRASKA-SingEe�amiiy-�an�ie Mael�reddie Ma�iJNIFORM lNSTRUMENT �arm 3�28'�141 <br /> VMP� VMPfitN�}{'i 302� <br /> Wol#ers K�uwer�inancia!Ser�i��s Page�5 of 17 <br />