2� 15�82�4
<br /> in the Property and rights under this Security �nstrum�n�; and�d}��k�s such ac�ion as Lender may
<br /> reas�nabl}� require ta assure�hat Lender's int�r�s� �n the Proper�y and righ�s under t�is Securit� Instrument,
<br /> and Borrower's�bliga�ion��pay the sums secured by th�s 5�curity �ns�rumen�, shai��antinue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may r�quire�ha�Borrov�aer pay such reins�atem�n�sums and expenses in an�ar more af the fallovv�ng
<br /> form�, as s��ec��d by Lender: (a} cash; �b} money order; �c}cer��fied cheCk, �ank check, treasurer's check or
<br /> cash�er's check, prn��ded an�r such check is drawn up�n an inst��ut�on wh�se deposits are in�ur�d by a
<br /> federal agency, ins�rumen�a�it�or enti��; flr�d� ��ectroni�Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatemen�by B�rravver,
<br /> this Secur�t�Ins�rumen�and ob�iga�ions se�ured hereby shal� remain fu�l}�effecti�e as �f no a�ce�era�ion had
<br /> �ceurred, Hov�r�ver, �his right ta reins�ate shal� not appl� in��.e case�f acce�eration unde�r Section 1$.
<br /> 24. Sale af �Vate; Change af Loan Ser�icer; Notice vf �rieWance. Th�Not�ar a par��a1 �n�erest in th�
<br /> N�te (together v��th �hi� S�curi���ns�rument} ean be sold ane ar m�re�imes vvithou�prior n��ic��o
<br /> Borrov�er. A sale migh�resul��n a change in�he ent�ty �known as �he "Loart Se��uicer"} that col�ects P�riodic
<br /> Payments due und�r the Note and�his Securi�� Instrument and performs other mor�gage loan s�r�v�c�ng
<br /> a��igat�ans und��-the Note, �his Security �nstrument, and Appli�able Law. Th�re a�so might be one or more
<br /> changes af�he Loan Ser�icer unr�ia�ed to a sale of the No�e. If there is a change af�he I.oan Servicer,
<br /> Borrower v�r���be gi�en writ�en natice of�the change wh�ch vvxll s�ate the name and address of�he new Loan
<br /> Serv�c�r, �he address to which payments sh�uid�e made and any o�her�nformation RESPA requires in
<br /> conn�ction with a no��ce af transfer af ser��cing. �f�he No�e is soid and�h�reafter th�Loan�s ser�ic�d by a
<br /> Loan 5erviGer other than�he purchas�r of th�Not�, the mortgage�oan ser�icing oh�iga��ons t� Borraw�r�i��
<br /> remain with the Loan Servicer or b�transferred �o a successor Loan Servicer and are n�t assumed by the
<br /> N��e purchas�r un�ess o�h�r�v�se pro�ided b� �he Note purchaser.
<br /> Ne��her Borrower nor L.ender may commence,join, or be��ined to any�udicia� act��n tas ei�her an
<br /> indi�iduai Iitigant or the member of a ciass} that arises fram�he other par�y's actions pursuan��a�h�s
<br /> Security �nstrum�nt or that alleges�ha�the other par��has breached any pr��ision of, or any du�y ow�d b}�
<br /> reason of, �h�s Se�ur�ty �ns�rumen�, unti� such Borrov�er or Ifender has n�t�f�ed the o�her part� �w�th such
<br /> no�ic�given in campl�ance with the r�qu�rements of Section �5} of such a�leg�d breach and affarded the
<br /> o�her par�y here�o a reasonable per�od af�er�he giving of such na�ice to�ake corre�����action. �f Appl�cable
<br /> La�r prav�des a t�me peri�d v�hich mus�eiapse befflre c�rta�n ac�ian can be taken, that�ime period vvi11 be
<br /> deemed to b�rea�onable for purposes of th�s paragraph. The n�tice af acc�i�ra�ion and oppor�unity to cure
<br /> given to Borrower pursuan��a Sectian Z�and the n��ice of acceleration gi��n�a Borrawer pursuant to
<br /> Section i8 shall be deem�d�o satisfy the not��e and opportunit�ta�ake correc�i��ac�ian pro�risions af�h�s
<br /> Se�tion 2D.
<br /> ��. Ha�ardous Substances. As used�n�his Secti�n��: ta} "I-�azardous Su�staf�ces"ar��hose substances
<br /> de�n�d as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutants, or wastes b� Environmentai Law and th��o�law�ng
<br /> su�stances: gasoline, kerosene, o�her flarnma�le or�oxxc petro�eum pradu�ts, �ox�c pest�cides and herb�cides,
<br /> vo�a��1e sol�ren�s, naa�erials contain�ng asbest�s or formaldeh�rde, and rad�oacti�e materials; �b}
<br /> "Etz�iro�rne���ar.Lcz�r"m�ans federa� �aw�and laws of�he jurisdicti�n where�he Proper�y �s lo�ated�hat
<br /> relate to heal�h, safety or en�ir�nmentai protec�i�n; (c} "��xvirorir�zental Clea�rr.�p" �n��udes any response
<br /> ac�ion, remedia� action, or removal ac�ian, as de�n�d in En�vironmen�al Law; and �d} an "���virartrrxen�a�
<br /> Co��ditr.'on"means a�onditi�n that�an cause, contribute t�, or n�he�-v��se�rigger an En��ronmental Cleanup,
<br /> Borrov�er shall no�cause ar permit the presence, use, disposa�, s�orage, or re�eas�of any Hazardaus
<br /> Substances, or threa�en to rel�ase ar�y Hazardaus Subs�ances, fln or�n the Praper�y. Borrov�rer shall not do,
<br /> nor a�low any�ne els��o dn, an�r�h�ng affec�ing the Propert� �a}that �s in v�olation of an� Environmenta�
<br /> Lavv, ��} �h�ch crea��s an EnWiranmen�a� �ondi���n, or�c} �hich, due to �he presenc�, use, �r re��ase of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a candit�on that adverse�y affects the Wa�ue of th�Property. Th�preceding tvWo
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM fNSTRUMENT Farm 3�28#t��
<br /> VMP[] VMPfitN�){7302}
<br /> Wo�ters Kluwer�inan�ia!5er�ices Page 13 of 3 7
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