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2� 15�82�2 <br /> �d} neith�r Martgagor nor any prior owner or accupier af the Premises have <br /> received a summons, citation, Nat�ce of Violation, Admxnis�rati�e �rder, <br /> dire�tive, letter or other cornmunication, written or oral, from any <br /> governmental ar quasi-governmental author�ty concerning any releases �f or <br /> contaminations caused by hazardous subs�ances or violation �r alleged <br /> vioiation�f any Environmenta�Laws; <br /> �e} ther� are no underground storage tanks, �isible asbestos, asbestos-containing <br /> materia�s,P�B's or t]�FFI loca�ed on,in,under or about�he Prem�ses; <br /> �� there have been na releases at, upon, under or within, and n� past ar ongaing <br /> migration from neighb�ring Iands to the Premises of any hazardous <br /> sub�tances; <br /> �g� there is no radan gas infiltrating the Bui�dings in excess of current state and <br /> federal guidel�nes; and <br /> �h} all warranties and representat�ons given by Mor��agor, or any a�her party, are <br /> true, complete and correct as of the date hereaf. <br /> That Mortgagor agrees tha� any materials ar other i�ems found in, on, under or ar�und the Premises <br /> which qualify as hazardous substances, or any otherwise deemed una�cep�able by the Mortgagee, in <br /> its sole dis�reti�n sha�� be immediat��y remnved from �he Pr�mises, at Martgagar's so�e cos� ar�d <br /> expense,in comp�iance wi�h al�applicable Environmental Law, <br /> That Mor�gagor sha11, in add��ian�o th�se notifica��ons required elsewhere in this Martgage, notify <br /> Mor�gagee of: <br /> �a� the presenc� af any vis�b�e asbestos or asbes�os-c�ntaining materials, P��'s <br /> �except as shown an �he Envir�rimen�al Cer�ificate�, radon gas beyond <br /> acceptable�imits, or urea fo�-ma�dehyde foam insu�a�ian at, in, �n,under, on�o <br /> or fr�m xhe Pr�m�ses, and <br /> �b� �he receip� by M�r�gagor of any notice or other communication from any <br /> governmental entity or authority or from any �enan�s or o�her occupant or <br /> from any other person or source with r�spect to any alleged or actual release, <br /> contaminatian or other event invo�ving a hazardous sub stanc� o�, in, under, <br /> anta, or fram the Pr�rnises, and. <br /> (c� sha�� prampt�y send Mor�gagee copies of all resul�s of tests of underground <br /> storage�anks at the Premises. <br /> 7. ASSI�NMENTS AS ADI�ITI�NAL SE�URITY: <br /> That al�of the fol�o�uing are hereby assigned to Mortgagee as further security for the payment of the <br /> indebtedness and performance af the obligatians, covenan�s,prorn�ses and agreements hereby <br /> secured: <br /> �a� All the rents, �ssues and profits af t�e Premises. In case default be made�n <br /> payment af ar�y in�ebtedness secured hereby�r in the perfarmance of any of <br /> Mor�gagor's agreements conta�n�d here�n,Mar�gage�sha��be entitled, at any <br /> time,w�thout natice and in its sol�discretion,eith�r by its agents, at�orneys, <br /> employees or any receiver appointed by a cour�, and without regard to the <br /> adequacy af any security for the indeb�edness hereby secur�d, to enter upan <br /> and�mmedia�ely ta�e poss�ssian of�he Premises, or any part thereaf, and to <br /> do and perform any act that Mor�gagee may deem necessary or proper to <br /> canserve the value thereof, and to collect and receive a11 rents, issues and <br />