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2� 15�82�2 <br /> �ffice Equipmen��; all of the foregoing, as part of the Mor�gagor's leasehold�rat�rest her�inaf�er <br /> referred to as the"Prem�ses." "�ffice equipment" as used herein sha�l mean computers,�ypew�.ters, <br /> desks, and such s�milar items not attached to the buildings nr o�her improvemen�s. <br /> T� HAVE AND T� H�LI3 the Premises, togeth�r with, all and singuiar, the rights and <br /> appurtenances now or hereinafter in any way appertaining thereto; and Mortgagar hereby binds itse�f, <br /> its successors and assigns, �o vvarrant and forever defend a�l and singular of the Premises unto <br /> Martgag�e, its successors and assigns, against alI pers�ns or entities now or hereafter �laiming the <br /> same or any part hereaf, <br /> Said H�ME L�AN 1 TR ST FLTND L�AN hereinab�ve described, which this Mortgage <br /> s�cur�s, matures on I]ecember i , ��25, and pravides, among��her things, tha�upon default in <br /> the payment of principa� andlor �n�rest as therein provxded or �.n the performance or observance of <br /> any of the covenants or agreemen�s of th�s Mor�gage, �he prin�ipal rema�ning unpaid shall earn <br /> �nterest at the rate of twel�e percent �12%} per annum and shall, �f the legal holder of said note so <br /> � ��e�ts, became immediately due and payab�e, after any required notice including but not ��mzted to <br /> � the notice to the Department of Ve�erans Affairs as r�quired by Art�cle 2� af the Amendment #1 t� <br /> the Enhanced Use Lease dated December � , Z�1 S and any subsequent amendments there�n, and <br /> pro�ides for payment of a11 costs of collec�ion,including r�asonable at�orneys' fees, <br /> T�PR�TECT T�IE SE�URITY�F THIS M�RT�A�E,Mortgagor hereby covenants <br /> and agrees: <br /> 1. W TY�F TITLE AND FRI�RITY�F LIEN: <br /> Tha� M�rtgagor is th� lawful owner of th� leasehal�l �nterest �n and to the Premises; �ha� <br /> Mar�gag�r has a gaod right and au�hority to grant, canvey and pledge the Ieasehold �nterest; <br /> �hat the l�en of this Mar�gage is a�ien and�ncumbranc�on the M�rtgag�r's�easehald�nterest <br /> in and�o the Premises; and tha�Martgagor hereby warran�s and will defend Mortgag�r's righ� <br /> and c�aim thereta aga�nst�he�awful cla�ms of a��persons. <br /> . 2. PAYMENT: <br /> Ta pay the aforesa�d H�ME L�AN 1 TRUST FUND L�AN accord�ng �o i�s �erms and to <br /> pay all sums, of which the failure �a pay may resul� in the acquisi�zon of a l�en prior to �he <br /> lien of this Martgage. <br /> 3. PAYMENT�F�THER AS SES SMENTS AND�HARGES: <br /> To Pay: <br /> � �a� a�l taxes and assessmen�s of every �ype or nature affec�ing said Premises l�efore <br /> delinquent; <br /> �b} a11 other charges and encumbrances which may now or shall hereafter he or'appear to <br /> be a second�ien prior t�the lien of this Mortgage; and <br /> (c� a�I taxes up�n this Mor�gage, or on the interes�of Mortgagee her��n. <br /> In the event af the enactment of any Ia� impos�ng payment of a�� or any of the afaresaid taxes upon <br /> Mortgagee or upon�he r�ndering by any c�urt of a decision�hat the under�aking by M�rtgagor to pay <br /> any tax�r taxes as herein pr�vided is legaily inaperat�ve,then, and in any such e�en�,the debt hereby <br /> secured, w�thaut any deduc�ion, shal�, at the apt�on of the Mortgagee, become immedi�tely due and <br /> payable, notwithstand�ng anything cantained here�n ar any �aw heretof�re or hereafter enacted. <br /> Notw�thstianding�he foregaing, the Mortgagor shall not be requ�red to pay, d�scharge ar remave any <br />