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2� 15�82�2 <br /> 24. PAYMENT�F LE�AL FEE S AND C�ST S: <br /> That in the event of any such default, foreclosure, or other proceedings pre�iausly <br /> set farth and describe�l herein, Mortgagor shall pay such reasanable attorn�ys' fees as <br /> are authorized by laW, together wzth �he costs af extending the abstract, title report <br /> and a11 c�ur� c�sts, tagether with interest thereon from the �ia�e. of payment by <br /> Mar�gagee at the rate of 12%; and, until paid,the same shall be added ta and bec�me <br /> par� of �he principa� debt secured hereby and shall be collected as par� of sa�d <br /> principal deb� s�cured her�by and shall be collected as part of said princ�pa� deb� in <br /> any suit hereon. Mortgagar fur�her agrees tha� Mor�gagee may charge reasonable <br /> adminis�rati�e fees and be reimburs�d for a11 cos�s and expenses, including but not <br /> Iim�ted to extending the abstrac�, title repflr�s, title po��cy endorsements and <br /> attorneys' fees and expenses associated v�ith rev�evving and processing pos�-closing <br /> requests by Mortgagor, <br /> 25. TERMS M�RTGA��R ANI3 M�RT�AGEE: <br /> That the terms "Mortgagar" and "Mar�gagee," wherever used �r� this instrument, <br /> sha�� be construed to include he�rs, lega�ees, devisees, executars, administrarors, <br /> successors and ass�gns wher�the contex�may require or perm��; and the covenants <br /> and agreemen�s herein contained shall bind and inure �o the benefit of said <br /> Mortgagor and Mor�gagee and their respec��ve heirs, �xecutors, administra�ors, <br /> successors and assigns. The terms�.Vlor�gagar and Mor�gagee shall include singular <br /> and plural,regardless af gender. <br /> 26. �AIVER AND RELEASE 4F RI�HTS AND REMEDIES: <br /> � That Mortgagor hereby waives and releases any and all rights and remedies relat�ng <br /> to homestead, marshall�ng of liens and assets, r��iemptions and statutes of <br /> ��mitation, if applicable and �f perrnit�ed by �aw. Redempt�on, if perm��ted �y �aw <br /> after foreclasure sale, is expr�ssly wa�ved. <br /> 27. L�AN PURP�SE: <br /> That the loan secure� by this Mor�gage has been incurred and Made salel� f�r <br /> business purposes, such covenant and agreement having been made �o induc� <br /> � Mortgagee to make said�oan; and�he proceeds of said loan are be�ng used�ntirely <br /> for such business purposes. <br /> 28. TERMS INC�RP�RATED: <br /> The terms of Artic�e 1$ of the Enhanced-Use Lease dated Augus� S, ���5, as <br /> amended,between the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, an officer of the United States <br /> an behalf of the I]epartmen� af Veterans Affairs, and E�senhower Ridge <br /> Association is incorporated into this Mortgage as applying to Borravver and <br /> Lender. <br /> �9. USURY: <br /> That natvwithstanding any provisian herein or �n the H�ME L�AN 1 TRUST <br /> FUND L�AN secured hereby, the �o�al liability for payments �n the nature of <br /> interest shall not e�ceed the 1im�ts ri�v� impased by�he Usury Laws of�he S�ate of <br /> � <br />