2� 15�82��
<br /> reconveyance of any ma�ters or facts shall be ��nclusi�e proof af the tru�hfulness thereof, The grantee in
<br /> any recon�eyance may be described as "the person or persons legally entitl�d thereto."
<br /> 21, N�TICES. Except for notices, demands, requests, or ather communications required
<br /> under applicable �aw �fl be given in another manner, whene�er Ben��ciary, Trust�r or Trustee gives ar
<br /> ser�es any notice ��nclud�ng, without limitation, not�ce af default and notice of sale}, demands, requests,
<br /> or other communication with respect �to �his Trust Deed, each su�h notice, demand, request, or ather
<br /> communication shall be in writing and shall be effe�tive only if the same is deli�ered by personal service
<br /> or is mai�ed by certified mai 1, postage prepaid, addressed to the address as se� f�rth at th� beginning of
<br /> this Trust Deed. Any party may at any time change its address for such n��ices by delivering ar mai�ing
<br /> �o the other party hereto, as aforesaid, a notice of such change. Any notice hereunder sha11 be deemed to
<br /> ha�e been g��en ta Trustor ar Beneficiary, when gi�en in the manner designated herein.
<br /> 22. RE�UEST F�R NC�TICE, Trustor and Beneficiary hereby request a copy of any
<br /> notice �f default, and a copy of any notice �f sa�e thereunder, be mailed t� each person who�is a party
<br /> hereto at the address f�r such person set farth in�he firsti paragraph�f this Trust Deed.
<br /> Z3. G�VERNING LAW. This Trust Deed sha�l be go�erned by the Iaws of the state af
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> Z4, SU��ESS�RS AND ASSI�NS. This Trust D�e�, and a1� terms, �ondition�, and
<br /> obligations here�n, apply �a and inure to the henefit af and binds all parties hereto, their heirs, legatees,
<br /> devisees, personal representatives, successars, and assigns. The term "Benef ciary" shall mean the owner
<br /> and holder af the Note,whe�her or not named as Beneficiary herein,
<br /> z5. J�INT AND SEVER.AL LIA�3ILITY. All co�enants and agreements �f Trustor shaii
<br /> be joint and severa�.
<br /> ��. SEVER.ABILITY. In the e�ent �f any one ar more of the pra�isians contained in this
<br /> Trust Deed or the Note or any other security instrument gi�en �n cannection with this transaction shail for
<br /> any reason be in�alid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such inva�id�ty, il�egaXity, ar
<br /> unenfarceabi�ity shall, at the aption nf Beneficiary, not affect any other provision af this Trust Deed, but
<br /> this Trust Deed shall be construed as if such in�alid, i�legal, or unenf�rcea�Ie pro�is�an had ne�er been
<br /> cantained he.rein or�herein. �f the lien of the Trust Deed is in�a��d or unenf�rceahle as to any par� of the
<br /> del�t, ar if the lien is in�alid or unenforceable as to any part of the Prnpe�-�y, the unsecured or partially
<br /> secured por�ion of the debt shal� be �ompletely pa�d prior to the payment of the remain�ng and secured or
<br /> partia��y secured portion of the debt, and alI payments made on the debt, wheth�r �oluntary or
<br /> in�aluntary, shall be considered to have been first paid on and applied t❑ the full payment of that portion
<br /> of the debt which is noti secur�d�r n�t ful�y secured by the lien of�his Trust Deed.
<br /> �7. TRUSTEE LIABILITY. Sa lang a� the Trustee shall act in good fa�th and in reliance
<br /> upon notxces ar�d other�nformati�on which it, in its sole discretion, may deem to be re�iable, and so long as
<br /> Tru�tee sha�l exercise reasonable prudence and care in i�s admin�stration hereunder, Trustee shal� nat be
<br /> Iiable f�r any lass or damage susta�ned or incurred �y the Trustors �r any Beneficiary ar by any �th�r
<br /> pers�ns whomsae�er, it being expressly st�pulated that �he Trustee sha11 be �iab�e on�y f�r its �wn gross
<br /> negligence and w�llful defaul��n the premises.
<br /> 2$. NUMBER AND GENDER. Whenever used her�in, the singu�ar number sha�l include
<br /> the plura�, and the use of any gender shall be applicable�a all genders.
<br /> 29. A�CEPTAN�E I3Y TRUSTEE. Trustee accepts this Trus�when th�s Trus� Deed, du�y
<br /> executed and acknowledged, is made a public record as pro�ided by 1avv.
<br /> IN WITNESS �VHERE�F, Trustar has executed this Trust Deed as of�he date and year first
<br /> a���e wr�tten.
<br /> [Signature Page Followsj
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