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� 2� 15�8259 <br /> Ixmited liability campany and any managrng member in��res� in �he �imited liability company is so�d or <br /> assigned by any means whatsvever, or �3� Trus�ar is a c�rporatian and a transfer af the maj ority stock <br /> ow.nership interest in the carporation occurs ar �he Trustor corporatian merges in any form with annther <br /> c�rporatian or entity. Seneficiary shall ha�e waived such option to accelerate if, pr�or to the sa�e, <br /> transfer, ar con�eyance, Beneficiary and the person to whom �he Property is �o be sold or transferred <br /> reach agreemen� in vvriting�hat the credit of such persan �s satisfactary to Beneficiary and that the �nterest <br /> payable an�he sums secured by�his Trus�Deed shall be at such rate as Benef c�ary sha11 request. <br /> �2. A��ELERATI�N iTP�N DEFAULT; REMEDIES; SALE. The failure by �he <br /> Trustor to make any payment or to perform any of the terms and conditians of th�s Trust Deed, or the <br /> terms and canditions of the N�te, or any renewals, modificati�ns, or extens�ons thereof, ar the fa2lure �o <br /> make payment af any other �ndebtedness, prior or subsequent to �his Trus� Deed, and secured by this <br /> property, or the death of ane or mare Trustars, shal� be a breach and defaul� of this �rust I]eed and the <br /> Beneficiary may declare a default and may dec�are a�� sums secured hereby immediately due and payable, <br /> and the same sha�l thereupon became due and payable without presentmen�, dernand, protest or natice of <br /> any k�nd, pro�ided Trustor shal� have any statut�ry right �a cure the default before any n�tice of default <br /> and demand far saie ma}� be de�ivered �a the Trustee. Thereafter, Benef ciary may de�i�er to Trustee a <br /> writ�en declaratian of default and demand fnr sale. Trustor agrees and here�y grants that the Trustee sha�� <br /> ha�e the pQwer of sale of the Praper�y and, if Beneficiary d�cides the Pro�er�y is �o be so1d, it sha�t <br /> dep�sit with Trustee �his Trust Deed and �he Nate or notes and any other documents ev.idencing <br /> expenditures secured hereby and shall deli�er to Trustee a written na�ice of default and e�ection �o cause <br /> �he prapet-ty to be sold, and Trustee, in turn, shall prepare a similar z�otice in the fnrm required by law, <br /> which shall �e duly filed for record by Trusti�e. � � <br /> a} After the lapse of su�h tirne as may be required by Iaw fo�lowing the recardat�on of <br /> Nat�ce of L7efault, and Natice af I]efault and Notice �f Sale ha�ing been given as required by law, <br /> Trustee,w�thaut demand an Trustor, shal�sell the Property, if no�redeemed, in one or more parce�s and �n <br /> such arder as Trustee may determine an the date and the time and place designated in sa2d Nat�ce of Sa1e, <br /> afi public aucti�n, accarding to law. Pro�ided h�we�er, prior to foreciasure of the leasehvld in�erest, <br /> Trustee shali be required ta pra�ide notice to the Depar�ment of V�terans Affairs as required under <br /> Article�� of the Amendment#1 �o�he Enhanced Use Lease dated December 3, ��I 5. <br /> b� When Trustee seils pursuant to�he powers, Trustee shall apply the pr�ceeds of the <br /> sa�e to paymen� �f the costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale and of the sale, iI1C�LIC�I�'lg, <br /> withou� �imitat�on, attorneys' fees and the payment �f Trustee's Fees iricurred, which Trustee's Fees shall <br /> n�t, in the aggregate, exceed the foll�vving amoun�s based upon the amaunt secured�y and remaining <br /> unpaid at the time scheduled for sa�e: 5 percentum an the ba�ance thereof and then ta the items �n <br /> subparagraph�c}, in th�order therein stated. <br /> c} After paying the items specified in subparagraph �b}, if the sa�e is by Trus�ee, or if the <br /> sale is pursuant to jud�cial foreclosure,the proceeds nf sale shatl be applied in the fo�lowing order: <br /> �} c�st of any evidence �f tit�e pr�cured in �onnectian with such sa�e and of any <br /> revenue transfer fee requ�red ta be pazd; <br /> 2} a11 obliga�ions secured by this Trust Deed; <br /> 3} j uniar trust deeds,mar�gages, or other 1 ie.nholders; <br /> 4} th�remainder, if any,t�the person �egal�y entitied thereto. <br /> 13. En�ironmental Protection Requirements,Warranties And Indemni�ies: That Trus�or <br /> sha�l na� use, nor permi� any tenant, occupant ar any a�her par�y or entity �o use, the Premises, or any <br /> par� �hereof, far the purp�se of generating, treating, produc�ng, staring, hand�ing, transferring, <br /> �7I'OC�551I�g, ��'aI75�]�T�1ri�, �15p�51I7g�I'4��']ei"W15�' I'e1e�51ng "hazardaus substances," as he.reinafter defined, <br /> either an, in, fram or abou�the Premises which: <br /> a� creates or causes a contaminatio.n either on the Premises ar e�sewhere which is required <br /> � . by any gavernmental authority to be remo�ed, remediated, or otherwise c�eaned up under <br /> any appl.icab�e "Environmental Law," as defned below, <br /> b� creates any form ar ��ability, ci�il or criminal, direct or indirect, due to such <br /> contaminatian, or <br /> c} is in c�ntraven�ian af any Environmental Law. <br /> That the terms "En►vironmental Law" and "Enviranmen�al Laws" as used in this Trust Deed <br /> include any and all current and future f�deral, state and lacal en�ironmen�a� 1aws, statutes, rules, <br /> regu latiions and ardinances, as the same shal] �e ame��ded and m�dified from time to time, including but <br /> no� lrm�ted to, "comman law," the �omprehens��e Envir�nmenta� Response, Compensa�ian and Liability <br /> Act ("�ER�LA"}, as amended frorn time ta time, the�urce Conservation and Reco�ery Act <br /> ("R�R.A"�, as amended from time to time, and �he Toxi� Subs�an�es Control Act�"TSCA"}, as amended <br /> from �ime ta�ime. <br /> P age 4 of S <br />