2� 15�8211
<br /> 'I 9. Sa�e o�N�te; �ha�c�e of Loan��erv�c�r;�Votice at Grie�anc�.The��te or a pa��a�interest in the
<br /> Note(together with this Security I�strument}can be sa�c�on�or more times�vithout prior not�ce to
<br /> Borr�wer,A sa�e m.ight result in a change in�h�entit�(kno�rn as the "Loan Servicer"}that�o��ects
<br /> Peri.Qdic�ayments due unt�er the Note and�his Security�astrument and performs o�her martgage��an
<br /> servieing ob�igatians under the N�te,this S�curity�nst�ument,and A�p�icabl�Law,Ther�alsa might be
<br /> one ar more chan�;es of the Loan S�r`riGer unrela�ed ta a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the L�an
<br /> Servicer,Borrvwer�i11 be given writ�en notice of the change which wi11 state the name and address of
<br /> the ne�u Laan S�r�icer,th�address ta which payments s�ould b�made and an�y other informatian RESPA
<br /> requires in connection�vith a n�tice of transfer of ser�icing. If the Nate�s sold and therea�er the Laan is
<br /> s�r�icec�by a Loan Serv�cer other than th��urchaser of the Note,the mor��age�oan ser�icing�bligatio�ns
<br /> to�arrower wi��remain vvith the Loan Servic�r or be transferred to a suc�e�sor L,oan Ser�icer and are
<br /> �ot assumed by th�e Note��rchaser unless other�ise pro�ided by th�Note purchaser,
<br /> Neither Borro�er nvr Lender may cammence,join,or be joined to any judicial action(as eith�r an
<br /> individual lxtigant or the member of a class)that arises fr�m the oth�r part�y's actions pursuant to this
<br /> Securi�ty�Instrument or that al�eges that the other party has breached any pravision of,or any duty owed
<br /> by reasan of,thi�Security Instrument,until such Borrower o�r Lender has aotifi�d the o�her party��v�th
<br /> such notiee given.in comp��anc�with the re�uirements of Sec�i�n 14�of su�h a��eged breach and afforded
<br /> the other pa,rty hereto a reas�nable period a#�er�he�i�ing of such notice to tal�e corrective action. �f
<br /> App�icable Law pravides a time period which must elapse befor�cer�ain acti�n can be ta.�en,��.at time
<br /> �er�od�v���b��.eer�ed tv be Feasona�le fo�purpvses of this Section. The nati�e�f a.ccel�ratian and
<br /> opportunity to cu�re given to Borr�wer pursuant to Sec��on 2�and the notice of accel�ration given to
<br /> Borrower pursuant to Section �7 sha11 be deemed to sat�sfy the notice and opportuni�y�o take corrective
<br /> a�tivn prvvisions of this S�etion �9.
<br /> Z�. Bvrrower Not Third-PartyBensficiaryto C�ntract of�nsuranc�.M�r�gage Insurance reimburses
<br /> Lender�or any ent�t�that�urchases�he Note�for certain�osses it ma�r incur if Borrower does not re�ay
<br /> the Loan as agreed.Borrovver ackno�r�edges and agrees that the Barrower is n�ot a third par�beneficiary
<br /> to the contract of insurance between the�ecretary and Lender,nar is Bonower entitled to enfvrce any
<br /> agree��nt bet�veen.L�nder a�d the Secr��a�,un�ess ex���c�t�y authori.�ed tv do so b�App��cable Lativ.
<br /> ��. Hazardous Su bstan�es,As used in this Section�1: (a} "I�azaxdous Substances"are those substances
<br /> define�l as�oxic or hazardous sul�stances,pollutants,or was�es by Envuonm�ata�Law and the following
<br /> substances:gasatine,kerosene,other flammab�e or�oxic petroieum praducts,tox�c pe�ticides and
<br /> herbic�des,vol�tile solvents,materials containing asbe�tos or forma�d�hyde,and radioactive materials;
<br /> (b}"Environmental Lativ"means federa�laws and laws of th�jurisdict�on where th�Pr�perty is�vcated
<br /> that relate to health,safety or environmental protectian;�c) "Environmental Cleanup" includes any
<br /> response action,rernedia�action,or remova�action,as defined in Environmental Law;and�d}an
<br /> "�nviror�e�ta�C�ndit�o�"means a conditiv��ha��an�aus�,�ontribut��a,o�r othei-�v��e�r��ger a�
<br /> Environmentai Cleanup.
<br /> ��rro�ver shal�not Gause ar permit th�presence,use,d�sp�sal, storage,or release af any Hazardaus
<br /> Substanc�s,or threaten to release any Hazard�us Substances,on or in�the Property. Barro�ver shatl not
<br /> do,nar a�iow anyone e�se t�do,anything affectin.g the Praperty(a}that is�n.violation of any
<br /> E�v�r�nment�.l La�, �b)whicb cr�ates an Environmen�a.1�on��t�on,or�c��v�ich.,due to the prese�ce,
<br /> use,or r�lease of�Hazard�us Substance,crea��s a condition that adverse�y affec�s the value af the
<br /> Property. The prec�ding twfl sentences sha1�not app�y to the pr�sence,use,or stflrag�on the Property af
<br /> FHA�eed af Tn�st With MERS-NE 9l3D12��4
<br /> Hankers SystemsTM VMP� VMP4N�NE}[i 5Dfi).�
<br /> Wolters Kfuwer F�nancial Ser�ices Page 13 0�1T
<br /> qU334G843739 �233 334 131�'
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