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2� 15�8211 <br /> In the e�ent of a part�al ta.king,destructian,or loss�n�a�ue of the Proper�in�hich the fair market <br /> �alue�f the Prop�rty immediately before the partial taking,destructi�a,ar lo��in valu�is le�s than the <br /> amount of�he sums se�ur�d immediately before the partial taking,d�struction,or loss in value,un�es� <br /> �arrower and Lender otherwise agree rn writing,the IVI�sc�l�aneaus�'roceeds s�a���e app�ied to the�ums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument whether ar not the sums axe then due. <br /> If th�Proper�y is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after natice by L�nder to Borrower that the�pposin� <br /> Party(as��fned in the next��nt�nce}offers ta make an award to sett�e a claim far damages,��rra�ver <br /> fails to respon.d ta Lender within 34 days after the date the notice is g�v�n,Lender�s authorized ta cv�lec� <br /> an�.app����,e Mi�ce��aneaus Pr�ceeds e�t�.e�t�rest�ratYon or repau vf t�e�'r�pe�vr to the sums <br /> secured by th�s Security Instrument,whether or nat then due. "�pposing Party'�m�ans the third par�y <br /> that o�ves Borrower Misce�laneous Praceeds or the part�y against vwhvm Bono�ver has a right of action in <br /> regard to Miscellaneous PrQceeds. <br /> Borrower shalt be�n defaul�if any action or praceeding,whether civil vr crimina�, is begun that, in <br /> Lender's,�udg�nent,cou�d resu�t�n�'orfe�t�.re of t�e PropeY-t�or ot�er rnater�al�rn�aairment of I�ender's <br /> in�erest i�the Property or rights under this Secu�r��y Instrument. $orrower can cure such a default and, if <br /> acceierati�n has occurred,reinstate as pro�ided in Section 18,b�causing the action or praceeding ta be <br /> dismissed with a ru��ng that,in Lender's judgm�nt,precludes forfeitur�of the Property or other materia� <br /> impairment of Lender'�intere�t in the Property or rights under this Securit}�Instru.ment.The proceeds of <br /> any award flr�laim for damages that are attxibutab�e ta the impaument nf Lender's interest in�he <br /> Praperty are hereb}�assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> Alt Miscellaneous Proceeds that are not applied to restoration�r repair of the property shall be applied in <br /> the order provided fvr in Secti�n 2. <br /> ��I. Borrower Not Releas�d;FarbearanceB}�LenderNot a Wa��er. Extens�oa of the�ime for paym�n.� <br /> or modificati�n of amarti�at�on of�he sums secured by this Security Instrument grar�ted by Lender to <br /> Borrower or any Success�r in Interest of B�rraw�r sha11 not operate to re�eas�the liability of�3orro�uer or <br /> any Successars in Interest�f B�rro�ver. Lend�r shall not be required to commence proceedings against <br /> any Successor in Interest�f Borrower or to refuse to extend time for pa�ment ar otherwise modify <br /> amor��zation of the sum�secured by this Security�nstrument by reason of any demand made by the <br /> original$orrower or any Successors in Interest of F3orrower,Any forbearance by Lender in exercising <br /> an�rYght dr rerne�y ine�udYng,�r�t�out�xrr�xtation,�.ender'�acce�ata�tce o��ayr�ze�ts fram t�.u-d�aersons, <br /> enti�ies or Succes�ars in Interest of Borrower or in amounts less than the amoun��h�n due, shall nat be a <br /> wai�er of or preclude the exercis�of any right or remedy. <br /> 1�. .laint and�everal L�ability;�o-signers;5uccessorsand Assi�nsBound.Borro�ver covenants and <br /> agrees that B�rrower's obliga�io�s and�iab��ity shall be j�int and several. Havwever,any Borrower who <br /> cv-s�gn.s this Securit�Inst�rur.�ent but d�es not execute th�Not���a"co-signer"): (a�is co-signing this <br /> Security�nstrument on�y to mvrtgage,gran�and co�n.vey th�co-�igner'�interest in the Praperty under the <br /> terrns of th�s Security Ins�rurnent; (b}is not persona�ly o��igated t�pay the sums sec�red by this Securit� <br /> Instrument;and�c}agre�s�ha�I�ender an.d any other Borr�vver can agree to extend,modify, far�ear or <br /> make any accommodatians wi�h regard�o th�terms of this Security Instrum�nt or the Note without the <br /> co-signer's consent. <br /> FHA DPed of Trvs#With MERS-NE 913Dl2414 <br /> Bar�lcers SystemsT"" VMP� VMP4N(NE}t154B}.�4 <br /> Vlla�ters�{luwer Fi�ar�cfal 5enrices Page 14 of 17 <br /> q�3346843739 DZ33 33� 1�l? <br />