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2� 15�8171 <br /> �EED �F T�L1�T <br /> Lo�n No: �'��U�a 7� 4C�ntinu�d� Page � <br /> contrvC of�he Property; {2} use,�perate or manage the Property; and t3} co�fect the Rents-�rom the Proper�ty, <br /> �uty fo Maintain. Trustor shall maintain �he Property in tenantable eondit�fln and p�ramptly per�orm a[[ repairs, <br /> rep[acements; and maint�nance necessary to preserve i�s value. <br /> Gompliance 11Vi�h Environmen�al Laws. Trustor rep�esents and warranfs to Lender-�ha�: �1� During the period of <br /> Trustor's ownership o�F�he Prvperty,there has been no use, generation� manu�ac�ure, s�to�age,treatment. dispasa[, <br /> reiease or threateneci release �f an�i Ha�ardous Su€�stance by any pers�n on, under, ahouf or fram the Prvperty; <br /> ��3 Trusfio� has no knowledge of, �r reasan tv befie�e �hat�here has been; ex�ept as pre�ious[y disc[osed to and <br /> acknow[edged by Lender in writing, �a} any brea�h or �iolation o�r any En�ironmenta� Laws, 4h} any use, <br /> generation, manufacture, storag�, treatment; disposai, rel�ase or �hreatened refease o� any Ha�ardous Substance <br /> on, under, about or �rom �he Property by any privr ov+rners or vccupants of the Property, or {c� any actua[ or <br /> threatened lit��ativn or c[aims vf any kind by any person relating to such matters; and �3} Except as pre��ousiy <br /> disclosed to and acknaw[edged by Lend�r in writing, {a� nei�her Trustor nor any tenant, contractor, agent or ofiher <br /> authvrized us�r�f the Property shall use, generate, manu�acture, st�re, treat, dispose of or re[ease any Hazardous <br /> Substance an, underr about or�rom the Property; and �b} any such aeti�i�y sha11 be conduc�ed in comp[iance with <br /> all applieable €ed�ral, sta�e, and faca� lavirs, regu[at�ons and ordinances, including withou�t lirnitation af[ <br /> En�irvnmental Lavtirs. Trustar au�hori�es Lender and its agents to enter upon the Proper�y to make su�h <br /> inspec�ions and tests, at Trusforrs expense, as L�nd�r may deem appropriate to determine comp[ian�e �� the <br /> Proper�y wi�h -�his sectivn o� the Deed of Trust. Any inspec�ions or tests made by Lender shal[ be for Lender`s <br /> purposes vn�y and sha[[ no�be cvnstrued to Greate any responsLbi[i�ty or liabili�y on the par�of Lender fiv Trustor or <br /> �v any other person. The representations and warranties contained herein are based on Trustorrs due diligence in <br /> investigating�he Property for Hazardous SubstanCes. Trustor hereby ��� reieases and wai�es any fu�ure claims <br /> against Lender foc indemnEty or contribut'ron in the even� Trustor heG�mes fiable for cfeanup ar other cos�s under <br /> any such �avvs; and 4�� agrees to indemnify,de�Fend, and hold harmless Lender against any and aE� c[aims, losses, <br /> ��abi�ities, damages, penalt�es, and e�epenses which Lender may direc�ly or indii-ectly sustain or suffer resulting from <br /> a brsach of�his sec�ion o�the Deed o�Trust or as a cansequence �f any use, generation, manu�acture, storage, <br /> disposal, �-efease vr fihreat�ned release occurring privr to Trustor's❑wner�hip ar in�erest in�he Prvperty,whether�r <br /> not the same v+ras or shou[d have been [�nown to Trustor. The pro�is�ons of thEs section v� the Deed �� Trust, <br /> �nc�uding the obligation�v indemnii`y and de�end,sha[E survi�e the payment of the �ndeb�edness and the sat�s€activn <br /> and rec�n�eyance o�the [ien of�his ❑e�d a�Trust and shall nat be afFected by Lender's acqu�sif��n of any interest <br /> in the Property, vvhe�ther by�oreclosure or o�herw�se. <br /> Nuisance, V1ras�e. Ti�ustor sha[[ no� cause, conduct or any nu.isance nor cammi�, pe�mit, or su�fer any <br /> stripping of or wasfe on or ta the Property o� any pvrtivn of the Property. 11Vithout �imiting �he genera�ity vf�he <br /> �oregoing, Trustor will not rema�e, or grant�o any v�her party the right to remo�e, any�imber, minerals {inc�uding <br /> oi! and gas}, coal, clay,scoria,soil,gra�el or rock products without Lender`s prior written Gonsent. <br /> F�ema�al o�Imprn�ements. Trustor shal[ not demolish or remave any lmprovements fram the Real Proper�y without <br /> L�nder's prior written c�nsent. As a cond�tion to�he remo�al o�any [mpro�ements, Lender may require Trustvr to <br /> make arrangements satisfactory to L�nder ta rep[ace su�h lmprovements with Improvements of at least equal <br /> �a1ue. <br /> Lender's Right to En�er. L�nder and Lender's agen�s and representatives may enter upon the Real Property at al] <br /> reasonahle times to attend �o Lender's interes�s and ta inspect the Reai Property for purposes of Trustor's <br /> complianc�wifh the terms and conditions o�fih�s De�d o�Trust. <br /> Compiiance w��h Gov�rnmentaI Requirements. Trus�or shall promptiy comply wi�h all laws, ordinances, and <br /> regulatians, now or hereai`ter in effectf of a[[ go�ernmen�tal authorities appiicable to �he use o� occupancy of the <br /> Property, in�[uding vvithout [imi�ation, the Americans V�Iith Disahi[ities Act. Trustor may contes� in good fai�h any <br /> such law, ordinanc�, or regu[ation and wi�hhofd compliance during any proc�eding, including appr�pria�e appea[s, <br /> so Iong as Trustor has noti�Fied Lender in vuriting prior t� dving sa and so fong as, in Lender's sole�pinion, Lender's <br /> interes�s in the Prvperty are not jeopardized. Lender may require Trus�or to post adequafie security or a surety <br /> bond; reasonably satis�faetory tv Lender,tv pra�ect Lender's interes�. <br /> Duty to Prvtect. Trust�r agrees neEther t� abandon �r lea�e unattended the Proper�y. Trustor shall do al[ other <br /> aets, in add�tivn�a those ae�s set fvr�h a.bove in this s�crtion, which�fram the character and use af the Proper�y are <br /> reasonably necessary to protec�and preser�e the Propert�. <br /> DUE�N SALE-G�NSENT 6Y LENDER. Lender mayr at Lender`s optivn, declare immediately due arrd payabie a[[ sums <br /> s�cured Iay this Deed Q�Trus�upon the sale�r transfer, without Lender's prior written consen�r af all or any part af the <br /> Real Prop�rty, or any�nterest in the Real Property. A "sale or transfer" means the cfln�eyance of Re�a� Proper�ty or any <br /> righ�, ti�le �r in�eres� in �he Rea� Property; whether [ega[, bene�icial or e�uitab[e; whether �olun�ary or 'rnvo[untary; <br /> whether by outrigh� saIe, deed, insfa!lment sale cantra�t, land contract, con�ract for de�d, leasehold interest with a <br /> �errn greater than�hree {3� years, ��ase--opt�on con�ract, �r by sa[e, assignment, or trans�er af any h�ne�Ficial interest in <br /> or to any [and t�-ust ho�d':ng t�tle tv the Real Proper�ty, or by any oth�r meth�d �f con�eyance af an interest in�he Real <br /> Proper�y. Howe�er, -�his option shaff nv� be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by federa� faw or by <br /> N�braska law. <br /> TA�CES AND L�ENS. The �ollowing pr��'rsions relat�ng to �he taxes and l�ens on-�he Proper�y are part of this Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Paymen�. Trustor shall pay when due {and in all events prior�o de�inqu�ncy} all taxes, special taxes, assessments, <br /> charges {inc[uding water and sewer}, fines and impositions Ie�ied against or on account of the Praper�y, and shalf <br /> pay wh�n due a�l �laims far wvrk done an or�or ser�ices rendered or materEa� furnished tv�he P�operty. Trust�r <br /> sha[[ maintain�he P�operky€�ee o�F a�� �iens ha�ing priority a�er vr equal to the interest of Lender under this Deed o� <br /> Trust, except �or �he �ien o� taxes and assessments not due and excepfi as oth�rwise pro�ided in �his Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Rig�t to �ontest. Trustor may withhv[d payment o�any�ax, assessment, or c[airr� in �onnection with a good faith <br /> dispute over the ab[igati�n tv pay, so long as Lender`s interesfi in the Properry is not��opardi�ed. lf a lien arises or <br /> is filed as a result o� nonpayment, Trustar shall wi�hin fifteen �'[5� days after the lien arises or, if a lien is fi[ed, <br /> within �ifteen �15} days after Trustor has notice o�the filing, secure fihe discharge of�he lien, vr if requested by <br /> Lender, depasit with Lender cash or a sufficien�corporate surety bvnd or other s�curity satis�actnry tv Lender'rn an <br /> amount su��ic��nt to discharge the [ien p�us any costs and attorneys' fees, or othe�charges�ha�cou[d accrue as a <br /> resul�fl�a fvrecCosure or sa[e under the [ien. ln any contesfi, Trustor shalf defend itseff and Lender and shall satisiy <br /> any ad�erse ludgment befiore enfarcement against�he Pr�perty. Trus�or sha�i name Lender as an additional obligee <br /> under any surety bond furnished in the con�es�proce.edings. <br /> Evidence o�Payment. Trustor sha11 upon demand �urnish �o Lender satisfactory evidence o�payment of fihe taxes <br /> or assessmen�s and sha[[ autharize th� appropriate governmenta[ of�icial �v deli�er�o Lende� at any time a written <br /> sta�ement afi�f�e�axes and assessments against the Prvperty. <br /> Nvfice o�Construction. Trustor shall nvtify Lender afi i�ast�i�keen {15� days �efor� any work is commenced, any <br /> ser�ices are furnished, or any ma�erials are supp[,ied tv the Proper�y, if any mechanic's lien, materia[men's Iien, or <br /> other f�en �vu[d be asser�ed on accvunt o�the work, ser�ices, or materia�s. Trustor will upon r�quest vf Lender <br /> �urnish to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfa�t�ry to L�nder �ha� Trustor can and �nrill pay the cast of such <br />