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2� 15�81 �9 <br /> required by RESPA, and Borrower sha��pay �a Lender�he amount necessary ta make up the de�c�ency �n <br /> accardance�v�th RESPA, but in no more than �2 manthly pa�ments. <br /> [Jpan�ayment�n full of all sums secured b�r th�s Secur�ty �nstrument, Lender shall pr�xnptly refund�� <br /> B�rrflv�er an� Funds h�ld�y Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrou�er sha��pa� al� �a�es, assessm�nts, charges, fines, and �mpositions at�ribu�abie�� <br /> �he Propert�wh�ch can atta�n priar��y over�h�s Securit� �nstrument, leasehold payments ar ground rents on <br /> the Property, if any, and ��mmun�ty Assoc�at�on Dues, Fees, and Assessmen�s, if ar�y. To the extent�ha� <br /> these items are Escr�w �t�ms, Borrav�er sha��pay �hem in the manner pr�vided in Sect�on 3. <br /> Borr�wer shal�promptly discharge any Iien which has pr�or�ty nver this Securx�y�n�trument unl�ss <br /> B�rr��ver: (a� agrees �n writing t�the payment of th�ab��gatian s�cured by the��en in a manr��r acC�ptable <br /> �o Lend�r, but�n�y sa�ong as Barrov�er is perfarming su�h agr�emen�; �b} cantests�h�lien�n��od faith b�, <br /> or defen�s again�t�nforcemen�af the�ien in, �ega�praceed�ngs wh�ch �n Lend�r's op�n�on ap�ra�e�a prev�nt <br /> the enforcem��t of the��en whi�e thos�proce�dings are pend�ng, bu�on�y untz� such proceed�ngs are <br /> conc�uded; or�c} �ecures from�he holder�f th��ier�an agreement sat�sfa�tor�to Lender subardznat�ng the <br /> lien ta�his�ecuri�� Instrument. �f Lender determines tha�any part af the Proper�y is subject ta a lien which <br /> can attain pr�or�ty a�er this Secur�t�r�nstrument, Lender may giv�Borra�ver a natice ident�fying the li�n. <br /> �i�1i��i �D i1�.yr�s�f tl����.t���a w�a��,�1���at���t�+�� i�giv�n, I3�rravv�r��aa�� ,�ati��� ���li�r�or taA.c ar���r��Z�r� <br /> of the ac�ions s�t forrh ab�ve in thzs Sec�xon 4. <br /> L�nd�r may requ�re Borrower to pay a ane-�ime charge f�r a real�s�ate tax verzfica���n andlor rep�r�xng <br /> s�rv�ce us�d by L�nder�n c�nnec�ion�ith this Loan. <br /> 5. Property lnsuranc�. Borr�w�r shall���p�he impro�ements n�� exist�ng ar h�r�after erected on the � <br /> Prop�r�y �nsured agains�loss b�r�re, hazards��cluded wzthin�he term "ex�ended coverage," and any�th�r <br /> hazards inc�uding, but na��ixni�ed t�, ear�hqua�es an�. flaods, far wh�ch Lend�r requires �ns�ran�e. Th�s <br /> insurar�ce sha�� be main�ained �n��e a�mounts ��n��ud�ng d�du�tib�e l�vels} and for�he periads�hat Lender <br /> r�quxres. �Vhat Lender requires pursuan��o the pr���d�ng sen�er���s can chang�during the�erm�f�he Laan. <br /> The in�urance carrier providing th�insurance shal�be chosen��Borrower subj ect tn L�rider's rzght t� <br /> d�sappro�re B�rr�vv�r's cho�ce, which righ�shall not be exere�sed unreasonab�y. Lender may require <br /> Borrovver�o pay, �n c�nn�ct�an�v�th this Loan, e�ther: �a} a one-time charge f�r f��od zan�determinati�n, <br /> certifi�atian and tracking ser��ces; or�b} a one-time charge far flood zone d�t�rmination and certi�ca�ion <br /> servic�s and subsequent charges�ach t�nn.e remapp�ngs or similar changes occur which reasonab�y mi�h� <br /> affect such determina��on or�er��fica�i�n. Borrow�r sha�I a�so be responsibl�for the pa�ment of any f�es <br /> imposed by the Federa� �m�r�ency Manag�ment Agency �n cnnnec�ion wi�h the revzew of any�1ood zan� <br />�ion resu��ing from an o�j e��ion by Borro�ver. <br /> �f Borrower fa�ls to mainta�n any of the coverages described above, Lender may obtain insurance cnverag�, <br /> at Lender's opt�on and Borro�ver's expense. Lender is under no ob�igation to purchase any par�icu�ar type or <br /> amoun�af cav�rage. Th�refore, such coverage shall cover Lender, hut might ar might nat pratec�Borr�wer, <br /> Borrawer's equ��y �n the Praperty, or the contents of the Proper�y, against any risk, hazard or�iability and <br /> might provide greater or�ess�r c�verage than was pre�iously in effect. Borrower ackn�wledges that the cast <br /> of the insurance caverage sfl nb�ained rnuight s��nz�cant�y exceed the c�st of insurance that Borrower cou�d <br /> ha�e nb�ained. Any amoun�s d�sbursed by L�nder under th�s Section 5 sha11 be��me addi�iona� debt of <br /> Bflrrow�r secured by th�s S�cur�ty Instrument. Thes�amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the <br /> date of disbursemen�and sha��be payabl�, w�th su�h �nterest, upon notice from Lender��Borr�wer <br /> requesting pa�ment. <br /> N�BFtASKA-Singte Fami�y-Fanni�Ma�IFrecldie Mac�NLFaRM INSTRUMENT Fnrm 3028 1101 <br /> VMP[] VMPfi�N�}t1302y <br /> Wotters Kluwer Financia[5er�iGeS Page fi�f 17 <br />