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2� 15�81 �9 <br /> BURR���R��VENA�TS�hat Borravver�s�avvfully se�sed�f t�.e estate hereby conve�ed and ha��he righ��a <br /> gran�and can�ey the Praper�y and that th�Praper�y is unen�uxn��red, except for�ncumbrances of record. <br /> Borrow�r warran�s and wi�� defend g�nera���r the title to the Prap�r�y against all c�aims and�emands, su�je�t t� <br /> any encumbrances of re�ard. <br /> TH�S SE�L�R�TY�NSTRUMENT cambines un�f�rm��venants for national use and n�n�uniform Cavenants with <br /> 1imi�ed varia���ns by juris�icti�n to constitute a un�f�rm security ins�rumen�covering rea�proper�y. <br /> Un�f�rm Correnants. Borrow�r and Lend�r��venan�and agree as f�llows: <br /> �. Payment �f Principa�, Interest. Es�rvw �tems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Barrower <br /> sha�l pay when due the principa� of, and interest on, the deb�e�idenced by the Nnte and any prepayment <br /> charges and �a���har���due under�he N��e. Borrower sha�l also pay funds f�r Escrow ��ems pursuan�to <br /> Section 3. Pa�m�nts due under the Note and this Security �nstrument shall be made in U.S. �urr�ncy. <br /> Havvever, if any ch��k or�ther instrum.en�recex�ed by L�nder as payment under�he Note or�h�s S��urity <br /> Instrum�nt�s returned to Lend�r unpa�d, Lender ma�r requ�re�ha�any or al� su�sequent pa�rments�ue under <br /> the Note and this Securzt��nstrurnent be made �n on�or�af�he fo��ow�ng farms, as s��ect�d by Lender: <br /> �a� cash; �b} maney arder; �c} cer�i�ed check, bank ch�ck, �reasur�r's check�r cashier's che��, pra�id�d any <br /> su�h checl�is drawn upan an insti�utian vvhos�deposits are insured by a federa� age�.cy, �nstrume�tali�y, or <br /> en��ty; or�d} El�ctr�nic Funds Transfer. <br /> Paym�nts are de�med received by Lender when received at�he�ocation designate�i in th�Nfate or a�such <br /> o�her 1aca�ion a�may�e�es�gnated b�Lender in accordance v�ith�he notice pr�visions in Sectz�n �5. <br /> Lend�r may re��y payment or par��a.�payment �f the paymen��r partial payments ar�xnsuf�c�ent�o <br /> bring�he Laan Current. Lender may ac�ep�an�r paymen��r par�xal payment insuf�c�ent to bring th�L.�an <br /> curren�, u���hout wa�v�r�f any rights hereunder or prejud�ce t���s r��hts to refuse such payment or partial <br /> payments in th�fu�ure, but Lender is n�t ob�igated to appl�such pa�rments at�he time such paym�nts are <br /> ac�ep�ed. �f eaCh Per�adic Paym�nt is applied as of its sch�duled due�ate, then Lender r�e�d nat pa��nterest <br /> �n unapp�zed funds. L�nder may ho�d such una�plied funds until Barrower makes payments��bring�he <br /> L�a�curr�n�. �f Borrower does no�do s�wi�hin a re�.s�n�.ble peri�d of�ime, i�ender sh��� e�ther appiy su�h <br /> fu�ds�r return�hem to Barrov�er. If nQ�app��ed�ar���r, such funds w���be app��ed to�he ou�standing <br /> princ�pa� ba�an��under the Note immediate�y pr��r to farec�asur�. No�ffset ar c�a��n which Barrou�er might <br /> have n�w or in the future agains�Lend�r shal� rel�eve Barrflv�er fram making payments due under the 1Vote <br /> an.d�h�s Security Instrument or perforrning�he c��enants and agreements secured by this Security <br /> �nstrum.��t. <br /> Z. App��cat�on flf Payments vr Prn�e�ds. Except as o�herwise�escr�bed �n this S�c�z�n 2, a��payments <br /> accepted and app��ed by Lender sha�l be app��ed in the ffli�o�v�ng arder�f pr�or�ty: �a� xnterest due under the <br /> Nate; �b}princzpa� due under�h�Nate; �c} amounts due und�r Sect�nn 3. Such payments shal��e applied to <br /> �ach Per�od��Paymen��n the order in v�hich�t becarne due. Any rema�n�ng am�unts shall l�e applied�rs�to <br /> lat��harges, second to any other amoun�s due under this Securi�y Ins�rumen�, and�hen ta reduce the <br /> �r�nG�pa�ba�ance af th�Note. <br /> Zf Lender rec�i�es a paymen�fr�m Borrower for a delinquent Peri�dic Pay�n�nt which inc�udes a suf�c�en� <br /> amount to pay any Ia�e charge due, the payment may b�app�ied ta th�de�inquent paym�n�and the�ate <br /> charge. �f mar�than one Per�adic Payment �s au�stand�ng, L�nder may app�y any payment rec��Wed from <br /> B�rrower t� the repayment of the Per�fldi� Payments if, and to th�extent that, �ach payment pa�d zn <br /> full. Tfl the e�t�nt�ha�an�r excess��zsts af��r the paymen� is applied���he full payment�f ane�r nlore <br /> Per�od�c Payments, �uch excess ma�r he a�pl���to any Iate charg�s du�. Voluntary pr�paymen�s�ha���e <br /> appi��d�rs��o any prepayment charges and th��as described ir�th�Note. <br /> NESRASKA-Singte Famity-�annie MaeJFteddie Ma�L1Nt�QRM INSTRUM�NT Fnrm 3�28 114� <br /> VMP� VMP6{N�f 4�3�2} <br /> Walt�rs Ktuwer Fir�anciat Ser�ices Pag�4 0#�7 <br />