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2� 15�81 �9 <br /> satisfactian, prov�ded that such inspect�on shal�be undertaken pramp�ly. Lender may pay for the repa�rs <br /> and restoration xn a single disbursemen�or�n a series of progress payments as�h�vvork is completed. <br /> Unless an agreement is made�n wrzt�ng or Applicable Law requires in�ere�t to be paid on such <br /> M�scel�an�aus Pra�eed�, Lender shai� not be required to pay Borrower any in�erest or earnings on such <br /> Miscellaneaus Pr�ce�ds. �f�he res�oratzQn or repair is n�t�cononu�al�y feasible or Lender's security tivauld <br /> b�le�s�n�d, the Miscellan�ous Prnce�ds shall be app�ied ta the sums secured by�his Securi�y�nstrument, <br /> �vh�ther or nat then due, with �he excess, �f any, paid to Borrower. 5uch M�sc�llaneaus Proceeds shai��e <br /> applied in the order pr��ided far�n Sect�on�. <br /> ��the e�v�n�of a�otal taking, des�ructian, ar l�ss �n va�u�of the Property, �he M�scel�an�ous Praceeds sha�l <br /> be applied ta the sums secured by this Securi�y �nstrument, �vh�ther nr nat then due, wz�h�he e�ces�, �f any, <br /> pai�.to Borrawer. <br /> �n the e�ent af a par�iai taking, �iestruction, or loss �n�a�ue�f�he Praperty in vvhich the fa�r market va�ue of <br /> th�Proper�y immed�a�ely�efare�he partia� tak�ng, destruc��on, or��ss xn value�s equa� to�r greater than the <br /> amoun�of the sums secured�y th�s �e�ur�ty Instrument �mmedza�e�y before�he par��a� taking, �ies�ru�t�an, ar <br /> loss �n value, un�ess Borrower and Lend�r oth�rwise agre� �n vvrzt�n�, the sums s�cured by th�s Security <br /> �nstrumen�shall b�reduced�y the amnun�of th�Miscel�aneous Pr�ceeds�mult�p�ied by�he fa��av�in� <br /> fract�an: �a}�he tota� amount af the sums s�cured immediate�y before the�ar�ial taking, destru�tion, or Ioss <br /> �n value d�v�ded by�b}the fa�r marke�vaxue of the Prop�rt� immed�ately bef�re the par��al takir�g, <br /> des�ruct�on, or�oss in�alue. Any balance sha��b�pa�d to B�rrawer. <br /> In the event of a par��a� ta.king, destructzon, or�oss xn va�ue of the Proper�y in vvh�Ch�he fa�r mar�e��a�ue af <br /> �he Praper�y immediat��y befnr�the partia� �aking s destruc�zon, ar�oss�n�alue i��ess than the amoun�af the <br /> sums se�ured immedia�e���ef�re�he par��al taking, destructz�n, or�oss�n va�ue, un�ess Bflrrow�r and <br /> Lender o�herv�ise agree in wr���ng, �he Misc�lla��ous Proc�eds sha���e app��ed�a the sums secured by this <br /> Se�urity �ns�rument whether ar not the�ums are th�n due. <br /> If the Proper��is abandon�d by Barr�wer, or xf, after n�tice by L�nder��Borrower that the�pposing Far�y <br /> �as defin��in the nex�s�ntenc�� off�rs �o�n.a.�e an a�vard�o sett�e a claim f�r dama�es, Barr��vver�a��s�o <br /> r�spond to Lender wi�h�n 3�days after the dat�th�nat�c�zs gzven, Lender�s au�har�ze�i�a c���ec�and app�y <br /> the M�sce�laneous Proceeds e�ther to rest�ration or rtpair of the Proper�y or ta th�sums s��ured by �his <br /> �ecurity �nstrument, whether ar no��hen du�. "�ppas�ng Par�y" m�ans �he third party that owes B�rrower <br /> N�isc��laneous Proceeds�r the party aga�nst whflm Borrower has a right of a�ti�n in r�gard to Mzs��l��us <br /> Pr�ceeds. <br /> Borrower sha11 be in defau��if a�y a�ti�n or proceed�ng, �vhether c�v�l ar crimina.�, zs begun tha�, �n Lend�r's <br /> judgment, could resu��in farfe�tur��f�he Pr�p�r��r ar other ma�er�a� �mpa�rmen��f Lender's interes�in�h� <br /> Property or rights under th�s Securz�y �nstrumtn�. B�rrow�r can cur�such a default and, if acc�leration has <br /> oc�urred, reznstate as pravided in Sec���n �9, by causing th�ac��on or proceeding to be dismiss�d v�ith a <br /> ru��ng tha�, zn Lender's�udgment, prec�ude�forfe�ture�f th�Property or o�her material �rnpairment af <br /> Lend�r's in��res�in�he Proper�y or r�ght�under this Se�urity Ir�strum�nt. Th�proc�eds of any award or <br /> c�aim for dan�ag�s tha��re attributab�e to the impaxrment nf Lender's interest in the Pr�perty are hereby <br /> assign�d arad sha��be paid�a Lender. <br /> A11 Misc�llaneaus Proc��d� that are n��appl�ed to res�ora�ion or repair of�he Pr�per�y shal� be app��ed in�he <br /> o�der pro�i�ed for in S��t�on 2. <br /> N�BRASKA-Sing{e�ami�y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiF�RM INST�tUMENT �arr�n 3Q28 11D� <br /> VMP Q VMPBtN���7 3�2] <br /> Wolters Kfuwer F�nancia�5er�ic�s Page��of 7 7 <br />