2� 15�81 �8
<br /> (a� Assignor fails to perform ar cause to be performed any abligat�on or obser��any
<br /> C4I7C�1t1Drl, c�venant, term, a�e�I�7.�I1� �r �]rDV151�r1 r�C�111r�CI �0 �7� �]�rf��1�C� �r ��75erVeC� �7�
<br /> A551�1��'C�I1talYleC�1�]t�115 A5S1�I7�lerlt;pravided,hav�ever,that if such failure by�ts nature can
<br /> be cured, then so �ong as the cant�nued aperatian and safety of the Premises, and the priority,
<br /> validity and enforceability af the liens created by this Assignment �r an� of the other L�an
<br /> I]ocuments and the value af the Premises are not impaired, threatened or j eopardized, then
<br /> Assignor shall have a periad �"Cu�e Pe�ioc�"} of thirty�3�� days after Assignor �btains actual
<br /> l�nawledge of such failure �r receiv�s vvritten notice �f such failure to cure the �arne ar�d an
<br /> Event af I]efau�t sha�l not be deemed ta ex�st during the�ure Per�od(pravided,hawever, such
<br /> per�od sha��be lxmited ta ten�1 D� Business Days if su�h failure can be cured by the payment of
<br /> maney�,provxded further that�f Ass�gn�r c�mmen�es to cure such failure during the Cure Peri�d
<br /> and xs dx�xgent�y and in go�d faith attempt�ng to effect such cure, the �ure Per�od shall be
<br /> extended for thxrty �3�� addit�anal da�s, but �n no event shall the Cure Peri�d be l�nger than
<br /> ninety �9�} days �n the ag�regate; provided, further that the �ure Period shall not app�y t�
<br /> Assignor's obX�gati�ns to repaxr, restore or rebu��d the Property pursuant to the terms and
<br /> co�.d�tions of the De�d of Trus� and the cure periods set forth �herein sha�� govern such
<br /> ab�igations; and
<br /> (b� Th�occurrence�f an�"E�ent�f Default"(as such�term�s respect�vely used and
<br /> defined�n the Loan Agreement�that has cantinued aft�r the giving of any applica�le notice and
<br /> the exp�ratxan of all applicable grace or cure periods, if any.
<br /> 5. Rx�hts and Remedies Upan Defau�t.l�t any time upon or follavving the occurrence of any
<br /> one or m�r� Events of Default hereunder,l�ssignee may, at its option, exercise any one or more �f the
<br /> follov�ring rights and remed�es Without any obligation ta do sa,vv�thaut in any way waiving such Event�r
<br /> Events�f D e fault,withaut further noti c e ar demand on As signor,vvithout regard to the adequacy�f the
<br /> security for the ob�igati�ns secured hereby,withaut releaszng Assignor or any guarantor or co-maker�f
<br /> the Note fram ar�y ob��gatian hereunder, and v�ith or withaut �ring�ng any acti�n or pr�c�eding t�
<br /> foreclose the Deed of Trust ar any other li�n granted by the Loan Documents:
<br /> �a} Dec�are the unpaid ba�ance of the princxpal sum af the Note, together w�th all
<br /> accrued and unpaid interest thereon, �mmediate�y du� and payab�e;
<br /> �b} Enter upon and take possess��n of the Property,�ither�n person ar by agent or by
<br /> a receiver appointed by a caurt, and ha��, h��d, manage,-��ase and op�rate the same on su�h
<br /> terms and for such periad of t���ne as Ass�gnee may deem necessary or proper,with fu��pa�ver to
<br /> make from time to t�me al� alterations,ren�vatxans,repaxrs or replacemen.ts theret�or thereof as
<br /> may seern praper to Assi�nee, ta mal�e, enforce, rnodxfy and a�ce�t the surrend�r�f Leases, ta
<br /> obta�n and�v�ct Tenants, t� f� or n��dify rents, and ta do any ather act which Assxgnee deems
<br /> necessary�r proper;
<br /> �c� E�t��er with or�vithou��aking possession�f the Propert�, demand,sUe for,settle,
<br /> compr�mis�, co��ect, a�ad g��e ac�uittances for all rents, issues,�ncome and prafits of a�1d fran�
<br /> th� Pr�per�y and pt�rsue all re�nedies for enforcement of the Leases and all the lessor's rights
<br /> �
<br /> �4���2��4�z4���-o 04�
<br />