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2� 15�81 �8 <br /> pursuant ta this Secti�n and L�nder faxls ta respond to Assignar's request f�r such can�ent v�ith�n <br /> twent� �2�� "13usi�zeSs Duys" �as such term is used and def�ned in the Loan Agreement� of <br /> Assignar's vvritten request th�refor, such cansent �hal� b� deemed giv�n by Lender. �Vithaut <br /> ��miting the foregoxng, in n�event sha�l Lender's consent be required f�r an�nevv Lease that xs <br /> nat a Maj ar Leas�,xncluding,,without]imitation the new Lease for the premxses�eased t�Rue 2� <br /> as of the cl�sing of the Loan,ar for any amendrnent,mod�fi�ati�n�r term�natxon af an�r existing <br /> Lease that is nat a Maj�r Lease <br /> �b� Assignor shall ob�er�e and perform aII �f the �ovenants, terms, conditions and <br /> agre�ments contained in the Leases t�be obser�ed or perform.ed by the lessor thereunder, and <br /> Ass�gnor shall not do ar suffer t�be done anything to impa�r the security thereof,or�vithout the <br /> e�pr�ss wr�tten reas�nab�e cansent af Ass�gnee (vvhich cons�nt shall n�t be urareasonably <br /> Withheld, conditioned ar delayed�: (i�release the��ability of any Tenant thereunder; (ix�permit <br /> any Tenant thereund�r to wxthhold the payment af rent�r to ma�e mor�etary advances and off-set <br /> the same aga�nst future renta�s; �iii� permit any Tenant thereunder ta c�a�m a t�ta� or part�al <br /> �V1Ctl�r1; �iv�permit any Tenant thereunder to terminate�r canc�l any Lease;or�v�enter�nto any <br /> �ral Leases vvith respect to a�� �r any portion of the Property; <br /> �c} Assignar shall not collect any of the rents, issues, �n�ame ar profits ass�gned <br /> hereunder more than thirty�3�� days ir� advance of the time�hen the same shal�be�ome due, <br /> e�cept for security or s�m��ar dep�s�ts; <br /> �d� Assignor shall n�� make any other assignm.ent of its entire or any part of its <br /> �nterest in or to an�or a��Leases,�r any ar a��rents,issues,inc�me�r profits assigned hereunder <br /> vvithout the prior Written consent af Assignee; <br /> �e� Assign�r shal�r��t,w�thout th�priar vvritten c�nsent of Assign�e,v�rh�ch consent <br /> sha�l n�t be unr�asonab�y withheld,condi�ianed or delay�d,accept a surrender of any Lease other <br /> thar� any Lease zn which the Tenant thereunder is �n default �unless such Tenant pa�s a <br /> r�asanable term�nation fee f�r such surrender,in vvh�ch case Assignee's pr�or Written c�nsent is <br /> �.�t required�,or convey ar transfer, or suffer�r p�rm�t a conveyance or tra�.sfer,�f the Pr�perty <br /> demised under an� Lease ar of any interest in any Lease so as to effe�t, directly ar indir�ct�y, <br /> proximate�y�r remotely,a merger of the e�tates and rxghts of,or a t�rmi�.ation�r d�rninuti�n the <br /> obligatians of,ar��r Tenant ther�under�ther than any Lease in which th�Tenant thereunder�s in <br /> default; <br /> (� �ssigmor sha�� not vvaive �r�xcuse the obligat�on to pay rent under any Lease; <br /> �g� Ass�gnor sha�]enforce the abservance and performance of each material�ovenant, <br /> terrn, candit�an and agreement contained�n each Maj or Lease to be observed and performed by <br /> the Tenant(s� thereunder and shall �unless in Assignor's reasanab�e business judgement such <br /> action is not�n the best iz�.terest�f Ass���or andlor Lender),enforce a�l rights and remed�es of the <br /> lessor thereunder in case �f defaul�t�lereunder by any Tenant; <br /> 4 <br /> 3471222�412477�-�041 <br />