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2� 15�81 �7 <br /> right to have the property and estates comprising the premises marshal��d up�n any fareclosure of the lien <br /> hereof and agrees that any c�urt having jurisdiction to f�reclose such lien may order the Mortgaged Property <br /> so�d as an entirety. <br /> 27. Transfer�f Mort� ed Pr��aerty; Further Encumbrance. <br /> �a� In determining�hether�r n�t to make the laan secured hereby,Lender�xamined th� <br /> credit-�ror�hrness af Trust�r, found it acceptab�e and re�ied and c�nt�nues to rely upon sarne as the <br /> means of r�payment of the N�te, Lender a�so eva�uated the ba�kground and experienc�of Trustor in <br /> ovvnxng and operating pr�perty such as the Mortgaged Propert�found xt acceptabx� and reli�d and <br /> cont�nues to rely upon same as th�means of ma�nta�n�ng th�value�f the Mortgaged Proper�y which <br /> zs Lender's secur�ty for the Not�. Trustor�s we�l--e�perienced in borr�vv�ng mo�.ey and ovvning and <br /> aperating pr�perty such as the Mortgaged Property,v�ere ab�y represented by a lic�nsed attorney at <br /> �avv in the negat�atx�n and d��umentatx�n�f the loan secured hereby and barga�ned at arm's len�th <br /> and vvithout duress of any k�nd for al� af the terms and c�nditi�ns of the loan, 1r1C1LIC�lI1� t�]1S <br /> pravision. Trustor a�so recogn�zes that any furth�r sec�r�dary or jun��r financ�ng p�aced upon the <br /> Mortgaged Pr�pert�(a}m.ay divert funds Wh�ch would�thervvis�b�used to pay the Note s�cured <br /> h�reby; �b� �au�d resu�� in acce��ration and foreclosure by az�y such junxar encumbrancer Which <br /> vvould force Lender to ta�e measures and �ncur e�.penses to prot�ct its security; �c� wauld detract <br /> from the value af the Mortgaged Property shou�d L�nder c�m.e xnto possess�on thereof vv�th the <br /> �ntent��n of sel�ir�g same;and�d�vv�u�d impair L�nder's right to ac�ept a de�d in�xeu of fore��osure, <br /> as a far�c�asure b�Lender v�r�uld be necessary to ��ear th�tzt�e to the Mortgaged Property. <br /> �b� In acc�rdance with the f�regoing and for the purposes of�i} pr�tecting Lender's <br /> security, both �f repayment and of value of the Martgaged Property; (ii� giving Lender the ful� <br /> benefit of�ts bargain and contract vvith Trustor and Trust�r's benef�ciary; �i�i} all�vving Lender to <br /> raise the�nterest rate and callect assumption fees; and(iv}keeping the Mortgaged PrQperty free of <br /> subordinate financ�ng�ien�, Tru�tor agrees that if this Secti�n be deemed a restraint�n alienati�n, <br /> t}1�.t 1� 15 a reasanable one, and that, e�cept far a Permitted Transfer �as defined in the Loan <br /> Agreement�, any sale, conveyance, assignm�nt, further encumbranc��r ather transfer af tztle�o the <br /> M�rtgaged Prop�rty,�r an}�interest�n the M�r�gaged Propert��v�hether vo�untary or by operation of <br /> law�, in�luding vvithout�imitat�on, the ent�ring into of an installment agreement for the sale �f the <br /> Mortgaged Proper��,the placement�r granting of liens on a11 or any part of th�Mortgaged Praperty <br /> or the p�acem�nt or grant�ng af chatte�mortgages,conditiona� sales�ontracts, f�nan��ng or security <br /> agreements whzch would be or create a Ii�n on the personal property utilized in the operation�f the <br /> M�rtgaged Property, or the p]acement or granting of a mar�gage cammonl� �nown as a "vvrap <br /> around"rnortgage ar a��improvement loan,vv�thout Lender's r�asonable prior written consen�sha11 <br /> be an Event of Defau��under�h�s�nstrument. Any consent by Lender,or any wa�ver by Lender of ar� <br /> Event of I�efau�t under th�s Sect�on shall n�t��nstitut�a consent to,or wa�ver of any right,remedy <br /> or power�f Lender upon a subsequent Event�f I�efault und�r th�s Sect�on�7.Trustor acl�raowledges <br /> tha� any agree�-nents, liex�s, charges or encumbranc�s created xn v�o�ation of the pra�is��ns of this <br /> Sect�an �7 sha�� be void and of no force or effect. <br /> 18 <br /> ��1711�7v�'�,'I"r71 t)t)�1 <br />