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� 2� 15�81 �2 <br /> [�EED �F T�U�T <br /> . <br /> Loan No: 87❑D�a4� { o�lt�nu� F'age 7 <br /> be considered de�eted �rom this Deed af Trust. Unless atherwise required by Iaw, the i�legality, invalidi�y, or <br /> unenfnrceability of any pra�ision o�this Deed of Trust sha�( not affec��he legality, �alidi�y or enfor�eability of any <br /> other provision of this Deed of Trust. <br /> � Succe�sors and Assigns. 5ub1eG� to any limitations s�a�ed in this Deed of Trust on �ransfer of Trusfior's interest, <br /> this Deed of Trus� sha[I be binding upvn and inu�e to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. �f <br /> awnersh�p o��he Property becomes �ested €n a person o�her�than Trust�r, Lender, wi�hout notice to Trustor, may <br /> deaf�rvith T�ustor's successo�s �nrith re�erence to this Deed af Trust and the indeb-�edness by way of forbearance or <br /> ex�ensian�rvithout re[easing Trustor-€ram the obligations vf this Dee� of T�-us�or liabiiity under the[ndebtedness. <br /> Time is vf�he Essen�e. Time�s of the essence �n�h�performan�e o�this Deed o#Trust. <br /> VtiCaiv� Jury. A11 par��es to�his ❑eed of Trus� hereby waive the righ#ta a�ny�ury tria[ in any action� proceeding, or <br /> counterclai�n braugh*by any party against any other par�y. <br /> lltilai�er of Hvmes�ead Exemption. Trustar here�y r��eases and wai�es aIl righ�s and b�ne�its a� the homestead <br /> exemp�t�on �aws of the State of Nel�raska as to all �ncleb�edness secured by�his Deed vf Trus�. <br /> I�EFtN�T�DNS. The �of[awing capi�ali�ed v�rards and�e�-ms shalC have the�o[[�wing meanings wh�n used in�his D��d o# <br /> Trus�. Unfess specifica[[y sta�ed to the contrary, a�� re�eren�es fa dol[ar amr�unts shall mean amoun�s �n Iawful mone}� <br /> of the Uni�ed States af Am��-�ca. Vllords and terms used En the singular shal� include the plural, and the plural shal[ <br /> include �he singu�ar, as �h� conte�ct may requir�. V1lords and �erms no� oth�rwise de��ned in this D�ed �f Trust sha�1 <br /> ha�e the meanings attribu�ed�o such�erms in�he Uniform Comrnercia[ Code: <br /> Benefi�iary. The wo�-d "Beneficiary" means Equi�able Bank,and its successors and assigns. <br /> gvrrov►rer. The word "Borrovtirer" means RQDNEY J D[FHL and SUSAIV C D1EHL and includes ai� co-signers and <br /> co-makers s�gning the Note and a��the�r successo�s and assigns. <br /> Deed af Trusf. The vvords "D�ed o� T�-ust" mean �his �eed o� T�-us� �mong Trus�or, Lender, and Truste�, and <br /> includ�s �nrithou� limi�a�ion ail assignment and security in�eres� pro�isions rela�ing to �h� Persona[ Prop�r�y and <br /> R ents. <br /> Defau[t. The word "De�au��" means�he ❑efaul�se�far-�h in this Deed o�F Trust in the section titled "De�auEt". <br /> EnvironmentaI La�rvs. The vtirords "En�ironmenta� Laws" mean any and al� s�ate, ��dera[ and local sta�utes, <br /> regula�ions and �rdinances relating to the protec�ion o� human heal�h ar t�e en�iranmen�r incfuding withaut <br /> limi�ation the Compr�hensive Environmen�al Response, Cornpensation, and Liabilify Act o� 198�, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. Section 96D�, et seq. {"CERCLA"}, �he Super�und Amendmen�s �nd Reau�horization Ac�o�F 1986, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99�499 {"SARA"�, th� Hazardous Niaterials Transpor�a�ion Act,49 �.S.C. Sec�ian �8��, e�seq.,the Resflurce <br /> Cvnserva�ion and Re�o�ery Act, 4� U.S.C. 5ection 69��, et seq., or ather app��cab�e s�at� or �edera� faws. ru[es, <br /> �r regulatians adop�ed pursuan�thereto. -� <br /> Event af Default. The v�rards '�E�ent vf Default" mean any o�the events of defau[t set forth in th�s Deed of Trust in <br /> the e�ents o�de�au�t sect�on o�this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The vuord "Guaranty" means t�e guaranty from guarantor, en�orser, surety, �r accommada-tian party tv <br /> Lender, including �ithou�fimitati�n a guaranty of a�[or part of�he Not�. <br /> Ha�ardous Subs�ances. The words "Hazardaus Substances" mean �na�erials.tha�, because o� th�ir quantity, <br /> concent�ration o� physic�l, chemical or in�e��ivus charac�terist�cs. may cause or pose a present �r po�en�ia� ha�ard <br /> to human heal�h or the er,vironm�nt when imp�ope�iy�used,��eat�d, sto�red,�disposed a�, generated, rnanufactured, <br /> �transported or otherwise hand[ed. The wvrds "Ha�ardous Substances" a�e used in their �ery braadest sense and <br /> include wi�hou� [imita�ian any and all hazardous or toxic substances� materials ar waste as defined by or ��sted <br /> under�he Enuironmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" a[so inc�udes, withaut iimitation, petroieum and <br /> petro�eum by-produ�ts oa�any�rac�ion thereof and asb�s��s. <br /> lmpro�emen�s. The vvord "Improvements" means ai� existing and #uture improvements, bui[d�ngs, structures, <br /> mobile homes affixed an the Reai Proper�y, faci[ities, addi�ions. rep[ac�rr�ents and.ather constructian on the F��a� <br /> Pra��rty. �� . . .,..., . . ,. .� , . <br /> 9ndebtedn�ss. Th� rrvord °'Ind�b��d�ess" �-neans �all �priricipal, anfieres�, and oth�e� �mou�ts, costs and �xpenses <br /> payah�� under th� [Va'te �r; �e[afied;Docur�ents, �ogether �rvit� af� renewa�s o�, e��ensions o�, rnodi-��cations,af, <br /> consolidatior�s o��a�d��subs�'r"tu�ions��for�the �lo���or'�e�a��d Do�umen�s and any�mounts e.xpended ar advanced by <br /> Lender to dis�harae Trustor°s obligations v� expenses incurred by �rustee or Lender to en�o�ce Trustar`s <br /> obligations under this Deed of Trust, toge�her v�rith inte€-es�t on such am�unts as provided�in this Deed of Trust. <br /> Spec€-�ica�iy, withou� limi�ation, lndebtedness inc[udes �he �uture advances set �arth in ��the Future �tdvances <br /> pro�ision� �agether with af1 interes� thereon and af[ amounts fihat may b�e indirect�y secured by the <br /> Cross-Ca[fatera[izatian provisian of this Deed o�Trust. � <br /> Lender. Th�vuord "Lender" means Equitabse gank,its succ�ssors and assigns. <br /> Nvfie. The wvrd '`Note" means �he p�omissory note dat�d No�ember 3�, 2�7 5, in th� �a�ig�na� prir�cipal <br /> �rl'1Dunt �f $1��,��D.D❑ frorn Trustar#a Lender, together v�ith a�l r�newals of, ex�ensians af; madifications <br /> ��� re��nanc�ngs�f, ��nsofidat3ons of, and substitutians f�r�he promissory note or agre�ment. <br /> Pe�svna[ P�ope�. The �nrords "P�rsanat Prop�rty" mean a�� equ�pmen�, �i�ures� and other ar�icles af personal <br /> property na� �r �nereaf�er owned b� Trus�or, and r�ow or hereaf�er a�tach�d o� a�#ix�� ta the ��al P�-oper�ty� <br /> �ogeth�r wi�h all aCC��SID1`1Sr �ar�s, and additi�ns to, all repla�e�er��s a�a and a1� su�stitutions for, any of such <br /> pro`pertya and �oge�he� witF� aI� proceeds �inc�ud�ng w�tF�ou�t Iim��ation afl insurance �roceec�s and refunds a� <br /> premiums� frorn any sale or ather disposition of the Propert�. <br /> Property. The ward "Rroperty" mearrs co�lecti�ely�the Real P�operty and�he Personal Properky. <br /> �eal Property. The �rards "Real Property" mean the rea[ praperty, �.nterests and r�ghts, as further described in�his <br /> Deed of Trust. <br /> Re�ated Qocuments_ The words "Related DDCLl17]�f1�S"r mean a[� promissary nvtes, credit agreements� loan <br /> �greements, envia-onmenta[ agreements, guarant�es, security agreem�nts, mortgages, deeds of �rus-�r secur��y <br /> deeds, caliateral mortgages, and a[[ o�her instrumen�s, agree�ents and docurn�nts, vsrhetFaer no�nr or hereafter <br /> existir�g, executed in cortnectian wi�h the [ndeb�edness. <br /> �en�s, The �vard "Ren�s" �neans alI �resent anu �Future ren��, reWen�es, sr�come, issues, royal��es, pro�its, and <br /> other b�nefits deri�red frQm the Prop�rty. <br /> ��ustee, The word ''Trus�ee" means Equita��e gank ��rand [s�and F��gion}, �vhose addres� is �'�3-�"15 N Lacust <br /> �t; P� Bo�1 E�r Grand fs�a�df NE �SSQ2--016D and any suiasfii�ute or successor�rus��es. <br /> Trusto�. The wvrd "Trus�or=' means RDDIIlEY J D1EHL and SUSAN C D[�HL. <br />