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2� 15�8158 <br /> �EEv oF T�usT <br /> Loan No: �fl�'I6�75 �Cont�nued� Page 7 <br /> un�ess Lender dves so in writing. The fac� that Lender delays or omits tv exercise any r�ght wii[ no� mean that <br /> Lender has gi�en up that righ�. C� Lendsr does agree in writing to gi�e up one o� Lend�r's rights, tha� daes not <br /> mean Trustor wi11 not have �v comp[y wi�h the other pro�isions vf this D�ed of Trust. Trustor also unders'�ands <br /> that if Lender dves cons�nt to a request, that does not mean that Trustvr wiii not ha�e to get Lender`s consent <br /> again if the si�uation happens again. Trus�vr further understands that just becaus� Lender consen�s tv❑ne or more <br /> o�Trustor's requests, that da�s not mean Lender wil! be required to consent to any o�Trustor's �uture reques�ts. <br /> Trustor wai�es presentment,demand for paymen�, protest, and no�ice of dishvnor. <br /> Seve�ahility. [f a court �Finds tha� any provisEon af�his ❑eed of Trust is nafi �ralid vr should nat be enforc�d, �hat <br /> �Fact�y itse�f wiII not m�an�hat th� rest�€this Deed of Trust wilI not be�a�id or enfvrced. There�ore, a court will <br /> enforce the r�st of the pro�isivns o�this Deed o�Trust even i�a pr��ision o��his ❑eed of Trust may be fvund to be <br /> in�a[id or unenforceaE�ie. <br /> Suc�essors and Assigns. SuE��ect ta any limifiafiions stated in �his Deed af Trust on transfer of TrustorTs interest, <br /> this Desd of Trusfi shali be binding upon and inure ta th� bene�it o�the parties, their successvrs and assigns. I� <br /> ownership of the Property becomes vested in a persvn other than Trustor, Lender, without notice tv Trustor. may <br /> deai wi�h Trus�or's successors v►ri�h reference to this Deed of Trust and the lndebtedness �y way���forbearance or <br /> e�ension►nrithou�releasing Trus�or from the vhligations of this ❑eed of Trust or liability under-the lndeb�edness. <br /> Time is vf the Essence. Time is vf the essence in the per�armance of this Deed o�Trust. <br /> �IVaive Jury. All parties�v this Deed �f Trust hereby waive the right to any jury#rial in any actian, prviceeding. v� <br /> countercla�m brought hy any party against any other party. <br /> VVai�er of Homestead Exemption. Trus�or hereby re[eases and wai�es a[[ rights and bene�its vfi the hvmestead <br /> exemption l.av+rs of the State v�Nebraska as to a!� lndebt�dness secured by this De�d o�Trus�. <br /> DEF�NITIDNS. The�ollvwing words shall ha�e th��vllowing meanings when used in this Deed of Trust: <br /> Banef�ciary. Th�word "Beneficiary" means Equitable Bank, and i�s successors and assigns. <br /> Borrower. The word "Borrvwer" means R�CHARD J DSB�F�NE and F�UTH A�SgDRNE and inciudes a�l co--signers <br /> and co-makers signing the Nvfie and alI�heir succ�ssors and assigns. <br /> De�d a# Trust. The words "Deed of Trus�" mean �his Deed o� Trust amvng Trustar, Lender, and Trustee. and <br /> includes withou� �imitativn a[I ass�gnmen� and securi�y in�erest pro�isions relating to the Persona[ Prvper�y and <br /> Rents. <br /> EnvironmentaI Laws_ The wvrds "En�ironmen�a[ Laws" mean any and all s�ate. federal and 1oca1 s�atutes, <br /> regulations and ordinances relating to the protection of human hea[�h or the en�ironment, including w�thvu� <br /> IimEtation the Comp�-ehensi�e En�irvnmental Response, Compensation, and Liahi�ity Act o�F �98D, as amended, 42 <br /> U.S.�. 5ectian 9601, et seq. {"CEF�CLA"�, the 5uper�und Amendmen�s and Reauthorization Act of 1985, Pub. L. <br /> N�. 99-499 �"SARA"�,the Hazardous Materia[s Transpvrtation Ac�, 4-9 U.S.C.Sec�ivn �8D�.et seq.,the Resaurce <br /> Conser�ation and Reco�ery Act, 4� U.S.�. Section 690�. et seq., or v�her applicaf�le state or fiedera� laws, ruEes, <br /> or regulations adopted pursuant thereto. <br /> E�ent vf Default. Th�words "E��nt vf De-�ault" mean any a�the events o�defau[t set�orth�n this De�d of Trust in <br /> �he e�ents of default sectivn of this Deed v�Trust. <br /> Existing lndebtedness.. The vvords �'Exis�ing Indebtedness" mean th� indebt�dness described in �he Existin� Liens <br /> provisivn o�this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The v►rord "Guaranty'' means the,guaranty from guarantor, endorser, surety, or accommadation par�y to <br /> Lender, including without��mi�ation a guaranty v�al!o�part ofi�he Nate. <br /> Hazardvus Substanc�s. The words "Hazardaus Suhstances" mean materiafs tha�, because ❑f their quantity, <br /> concentration or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics, may cause or pose a pr�sen� or patentia! hazard <br /> �o human health or the en�ironment when improperly used,treated, stvred, disposed af, generated, manufactured. <br /> transported or otherwise handled. The words "Ha�ardous Subs�ances" are used in �heir�ery broadest sense and <br /> include without Iimitation any and af� hazardous or tvxic substances, materials or was�e as defined by or listed <br /> under the Environmental Laws. The�erm "Hazardvus Substances" also includes,without Iimitation, petro�eum and <br /> petrv[eum by-products�r any fraction�hereof and asbestos. <br /> Impro►�ements. The v+rvrd "fmprovements" means all existing and future Empra�ements, bui[dings, structures, <br /> mobi[e hames affixed on the Real Property, €aci�ities, additians, rep[acements and flfiher cvnstruction on the Rea[ <br /> Property. <br /> Indebtedness. The word "[ndeb�edness" means all principaI, interest, and other amounts, costs and expens�s <br /> payab[e under �he No�e or F�elated ❑ocumen-�s, together with a�� renewa[s v�, extensions of, modificativns o�, <br /> consa[idations o�and substitutions f�r the No�e or Related Documents and any amounts expended or ad�anced by <br /> Lender to dis�harge Trust�r's ob[igations or expens�s incurred hy Truste� or Lender to enforce Trustor`s <br /> vb[igativns under this Deed of Trus�,tagether w��h interest an such am�unts as pro�ided in this Deed af Trust. <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Equitable Bankr i�s successvrs and assigns. The words "successors or <br /> assigns" mean any person or company that acquires any in�erest in the Note. <br /> Note. The word "Nv�e" means the promissory nvte dated No�ember 24, ���5, In the vriginal prin��paI <br /> amount �f $7 7,53�.5�from Bo�rvwer to Lender, �ogether with a[� renewafs of, ex�ensions o�, modifications <br /> vf, re�inancings of, cvnsolida�ions of, and substitutions for�he prvmissory note or agreement. The maturity date vfi <br /> fihis Deed of Trust is December 3, 2D2�. <br /> Personal Property. The vvords "Personai Proper'�y" mean a[[ equipmen�, �ixtures, and o�her articles v�F personal <br /> praperty naw �r hereafter o�nrned by Trustor, and now or hereaf�er attached or affs�ced to the Rea[ Property; <br /> together with all accessions. parts, and addi�ions to, all replacemen�s of, and a�� substifiu�ivns �or, any ❑� such <br /> property; and �€��e�her with aI� proceeds �including without �imitation a11 insurance proce�ds and re-�unds of <br /> premiums} from any sale or-other dispvsition of the Prvperty. . <br /> Property. The word "Property" m�ans cvllecti�eiy�he Rea[ Property and th� Personal Property. <br /> F�eal Prvperty. The words "l�ea� Prvperty" mean the reaf praperty, interests and righ�s, as�urther descr�bed in�his <br /> Deed of Trust. <br /> Related Documents, Ths words "Rela�ed Docum�ntsn mean af[ prvmissory notes, credit agreements, loan <br /> agreements, en�ironmentaE agreemen�s, guaran�ies, secur�ty agreemen�s, mortgages, deeds o� trust, security <br /> deeds, ca��ateral martgages, and all other instruments, agreements and dvcuments, whe�her now or her�after <br /> exis�ing, executed in c�nnection wi�h�he lndebtedness. <br /> �ents. The ward "R�nts" m�ans afl present and future rents, re�enues, income, issues, raya�ties, pro��fis, and <br /> other benefi�s deri�ed�rom the Properry. <br /> Trustee. The w�rd "Trustee" means Equ�tab[e Bank ��rand Is�and Region}, whvse address is '��3-��5 N L�cust <br /> S�; P� Box �50, Grand fs�and, NE 588�2-D1 E�and any substi�u�e or successor trustees. <br />