2� 15�8158
<br /> D�EI] �F T�UST
<br /> Loan iVo: ���'i��75 �Continued} Page a
<br /> Bvrrower vr Trustvr.
<br /> Taking of the Proper�y. Any creditor or gv�ernmenta[ agency tries to tak� any of the Property vr any vther of
<br /> Borrvwer's ar Trus�or's prvperty in which Lender has a lien. This inc�ud�s tal�ing o�, garnishing of or le�ying �n
<br /> Borrower's vr Trustor's accounts with L�nder. Hvwe�er, if gorrower or Trus�or disput�s in govd�aith wheth�r�he
<br /> claim vn which the taking of the Property is based is va�id or reasvnahl�, and if Borrower or Trustvr gi�es Lender
<br /> wr�tten notice of the claim and -�urnishes Lender with monies or a surety bond satisfactory to Lender to satis-�y t�e
<br /> �iaim,then this de�auit pro�ision will no�app[y.
<br /> Breach af ather Agreern�nt. Any hreach by gorrower or Trustor under the terms vf any other agreement be�ween
<br /> Borrawer or Trustor and Lender that is nvt remedied wi-�hin any g�-ace period prorrided therein, including without
<br /> limitation any agreement concerning any indebtedness or othe� obligation v� Borrower or Trustor ta Lender,
<br /> whe�her existing now or Iater,
<br /> EWents Af�ec�ing Guarantor. Any vf the preceding e�ents occurs with respect tv any guarantor, endorser, sure�y,
<br /> vr a�c�mmodation party v� any vf the [ndeb��dness �r any guaran�or, endarser, sure�y, or accommoda�ion party
<br /> dies vr becvmes incompetent, or revakes or disputes the validi�y of, or liabili�y und�r, any Gua�ranty o� the
<br /> indebtedness.
<br /> �nsecurity. Lender in good fiaith be[ie�es itsel�insecure.
<br /> Existing �ndebtedness. The payment of any instal�ment v�principa[ or any interest on�he Existing [ndebtedness is
<br /> nvt made within�he time required by the promissory not�e�idencing such indebtedness, ❑r a defauit vccurs under
<br /> the instrument secur�ng such indeb�edness and is nvt cured during any app[icab�e grace peri�d in such instrument,
<br /> vr any suit or other aCtion is commenced�o for�c[ose any ex�sting lien on the Property.
<br /> Right to Gure. If any de�ault, v�her than a defau[t in paymen�, is curab[e and i�Trus�or has not been gi�en a no�ice
<br /> o�F a breach o�ths same pro�isian of this ❑�ed of Trust with�n the preceding twel�e �1�� mon�hs, it may be cured �f
<br /> Trustor, af�er Lender sends written notice to Bvrrvwer demanding cure af such de�ault: �'[} cures th� defau[t
<br /> within twen�y �2D} days; or �2} if the cure requires more than twenty ��0� days, immedia�ely initiates steps whEch
<br /> Lender deems in Lender's s�fe discretion fo be sufficient to cure the default and thereafter continues and
<br /> cvmp[etes all reasanahle and necessary steps sufFicient to produce comp�iance as soon as reasona�ly practical.
<br /> �R[GHTS AND REMED�ES �N DEFAULT. I#an E�ent o�Defau�t occurs und��this Deed of Trust, at any tim�thereafter,
<br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any one or more of the�olfowing rights and remedi�s:
<br /> Acceleration Upon De�au1��Addit�onaI Remedies. �f any Event of D�fault occurs as per the terms of the Note
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may dec�are aCI [ndebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to be due and payable and
<br /> the same sha11 thereupan become due and payable withvut any pres�ntment, demand, pratest ar not��e❑f any
<br /> kind. Thereafter. Lender may:
<br /> �a� Either in person or by agent, wi�h or withaut bringing any ac�ion or prviceeding, or by a receiver
<br /> appointed by a court and withvufi�egard to the adequacy vf its security, enter up�n and�ake possession
<br /> of the Property, or any part thereof, in Ets awn name or in the name v�Trustee, and do any acts whi�h it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value, marketabi[ity or rentabi�ity of the Property, or part o�
<br /> the Property or in�erest in�he Property; increase�he incame �r�m the Pr�perty vr pratect the security of
<br /> the Prvperty; and, with ar without �a[�ing possession of �he Properry, sue fvr or oth�rwise cv�lect the
<br /> rents, issues and profits af�he Properry. in�Iuding thvse past due and unpaid, and apply the same. [ess
<br /> �vsts and expenses o�apera�ian and collection attorneys' �ees,�o any indeb�edness secured by fihis Deed
<br /> of Trust, all in such order as Lender may determine. The enfierin� upon and tak�ng pvssession of�he
<br /> Prvperty. the cvl�ection of such rents, issues and pra�ifis, and the applicati�n ther�o� shal[ not cure vr
<br /> wa��e any defauI�or notice v�de�ault und�r th�s Deed ��Trust or in�a�idate any act done En response �o
<br /> such defauit or pursuant to such notice��defauit; and. nqtwithstanding th� c�nt�nuance�n possessivn of
<br /> the Property or the co[[ecti�n, rece�pt and applicat�on of rents, issues or profi�s, Trustee or Lender shall
<br /> be entitled to exercise e�ery righ� pro�ided �or in the Note a�the R�la�ed Dacuments vr by faw upon the
<br /> occurrence of any event of d�fauft, including the right to exer�ise the power of sale;
<br /> �b} Cvmmence an action t❑foreclose this Deed af Trust as a mortgage, appoint a rec�i�er or speci�ically
<br /> enfarce any v�the co�enants hereo�; and
<br /> {c} Deliver to Trustee a v►rritken declara�ion o�d��auEt and demand for saie and a writfen notice o�defaul�
<br /> and ele�tion to cause Trustor's in�erest in the Property�o be sold, which notice Trustee shall cause to be
<br /> duly�Filed fvr r�cord in the appropriate offices o�the Coun�y in whi�h the Properry is located; and
<br /> 4d� Vllith respect to al� or any part af the Personal Propertyr Lender sha[[ have all the ri�hts and remedies
<br /> o�a secured party under the Nebraska L]nE�arm Commercial Cvde.
<br /> ForecIosure by Power of Sale. �f L�nder e[ects ta fvrec[ose by�xercise o�the Power vf Sale herein con�ainsd,
<br /> Lend�r sha[[ noti�fy Trus�ee and shall deposit wi�h Trustee this Deed vf Trust and the Note and such re�eipts
<br /> and evidence o�expendEtures made and secured by this Deed af Trus�as Trustee may r-equire.
<br /> �a} Upan rec��pt of such notice from Lender. Trus�ee sha[I cause to be recorded, pub[ished and de[i�ered
<br /> to Trust�r such No�ice af Default and Notice af Sale as then required by�aw and by this �eed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee shail, withou� demand on Trustor, after su�h �ime as may then �e requi��d hy [aw and after
<br /> rec�rdatian ❑f such Notice a�F De�au�t and a�ter Notice of Sa[e ha�ing been gi�en as required hy �aw, se[[
<br /> the Property at the �ime and place o� safe fixed by it in such No�ice o� Sale, either as a whofe, or in
<br /> separate lo�s or parce[s or items as Trustee shali deem expedien�, and in such order as it may determine,
<br /> ,. at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in Iav►rful money o-�the Uni�ed 5tates payab[e at the time
<br /> of sa1e. Trustee shai[ de[iver tv su�h purchas�r or purchasers thereof i�s g�vd and sufficien� de�d or
<br /> deeds con�eying �he property so svfd, but withou� any co�enan� �r warranfiy, express ❑r implied. The
<br /> reci�tals in such deed af any mat�ers or facts sha11 be conc[usive proof vf the tru�hfu[ness thereof. Any
<br /> person. including withaut�imitafiion Trus�or,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase at such sale.
<br /> �b} As may b� permitted by law, af�er deducting all Cvsts, �ees and expenses ofi Trustee and �� this
<br /> Trust, inc[uding costs vf e�idence vf�itIe in cvnnec�ion with sa[e,Trustee sha�1 appEy the pro�eeds of sa�e
<br /> to payment o� ti} all sums expended under the terms o�this Deed v�Trus�or under the terms of the No�e
<br /> n�-�then repaid, including but not limi-�ed fo accrued interest and la�e �harges, {ii} all other sums then
<br /> secured hereby, and 4ii�}fh�remainder, if any,t�the person ar persons Iega[[y entitled thereto.
<br /> �c} Trusfiee may in the manner provided by[aw pvstpone sale o�all or any por�tion o�the Prop�rty.
<br /> Remedies Not Exciusive. Trust�� and L�nder, and each of them, sha�i be entitled to enfvrce paymenfi and
<br /> perfvrmance of any indebt�dness❑r v�l�ga�ivns secured by this Deed of Trust and to exercise a[! rights and powers
<br /> under this Deed vf T�ust, under the Note, under any o�the Fielated Documents, or under any other agreement or
<br /> any �aws nflw ar hereafter in force; notwithstanding, some or all of such indebtedness and vbligati�ns secured hy
<br /> this Deed o�Trust may now or hereaf�er he o�herwise s�cured, whe�her by mortgager deed vfi trust, pledge, ii�n,
<br /> assignment or other►nrise. Neither the accep�ance of this Deed o� Trust nor its en�arcemen�, whether by court
<br /> activn or pursuan�to the power o�sa[e or oth�r powers contained in fihis Deed of Trust, sha�� prejudice or in any
<br /> manner affect Trust�e's or Lender's righ� to realize upon vr enfarc� any other securi�y now vr hereafter held by
<br />