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2� 15�8158 <br /> [3EED �F TRUST <br /> Lvan No: ��D 7 6�75 �Continued} Pag� � <br /> acknowIedged by Lender in writing, �a� any breach or via[ation o� any En�ironmenta[ Laws, {b} any use, <br /> g�neration, manu�aGture, storage, treatment, dispvsaI, release or threat�n�d release ot any Hazardous 5ubstance <br /> on, und�r, ahout �r from the Prop�rty by any prior owners or accupants of the Properry, ar {c} any actua[ or <br /> threa�ened �it�gation or claims o�F any kind by any persan relating to such matters; and 43} Ex�ept as pre�ivusly <br /> disclosed tv and acknowledged by Lender in vtirri'�ing, {a} neither Trus�or no�any tenan�, contractor, agent or other <br /> authvrized user v��he Property shail use; generate, manufacture, st�re, treat, dispose v�or reiease any Hazardous <br /> Subs'�ance an, under, abvut or fram the Properry; and {b} any such actE�i�ty shalI be Gonducted in c�mpIiance with <br /> all app[i�able federal, s�a�e, and Ioca[ laws, r�gulations and ordinances, ine[uding w�thvut l�mitation a�l <br /> Environmen�al Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and its agents to enter upon t�e Properry to make su�h <br /> inspections and tests, at Trustvr's expense, as Lender may deem apprvpriate to determine cvmplian�e of the <br /> Properry with this sec�ivn o�the D�ed of Trust. Any inspections or tests made by Lender sha[[ be �or Lender's <br /> purposes ❑nly and shai[ not be cons-�ru�d to create any responsibility or liabiiitjr on the part vf Lender to Trustor or <br /> to any other person. The representations and �r►rarranties contained herein are based on Trus�or's due di[igence in <br /> in�estigating the Pr�perty�For Hazardous Su�s�an�es. Trustvr hereby �'1} re[eases and wai�es any-�uture claims <br /> against Lender for ind�mnity ❑r contribu�ion in the e�ent Trustvr becvmes [iab[e for cleanup or other ��sts under <br /> any such �a�rvs; and {�} agrees ta indemn:�ty, defend, and ho�d harmless Lender against any and a11 claims, losses, <br /> Iiabi[i�ies. damages, pena�ties, and expenses which Lender may directly or indire�tiy susta�n or sufFer result�ng from <br /> a breach a�this sec�ion flf the Deed of Trust or as a consequence a� any use, gen�ration. manufacture, starage. <br /> dispvsal. release or threatened release o��urring prior tv Trus�or's vwnership or interest in the Property,whether or <br /> not the same was or sh�u[d ha�e been known t� Trustor. The pro�isians of this section o�the Deed of Trustr <br /> inc�uding the ob[igation tv indemni�Fy and de�end, sha��sur�ive the payment of the Indehtedness and rthe satisfactivn <br /> and recon�eyance of�he [ien o�this D��d of Trust and sha[[ not b� affec�ed by Lender`s acquisition of any inter�st <br /> in�he Property,wh�ther hy fvrec[osure ar otherwise, <br /> Nuisance, V1laste. Trustor sha�1 not cause, conduct or permit any nuisance nor commit, permit, ar suf�er any <br /> stripping of or vvaste on or tv th� Properry or any portivn v�the Praperty. VVi�hout Iimifiing the generaiity ot�he <br /> �oregoing, Trustor wi11 nofi remo�e, or grant to any other party the right to remv�e, any timber, minerais �including <br /> �i! and gas}, coa�, c�ay.scoria,soii, gra�ei ar rock products without Lender`s prior written consent. <br /> Removal of Improvements. Trustor shall nafi demolish or rsmo�e any�mprv�ements frQm the Real Prop�rty withvut <br /> Lender's privr written �vns�nt_ As a conditivn t�the rema�a[vf any Imprvvemenrts, Lender may requir�Trustor to <br /> make arrangements satis�actary tv Lender to replace such Impro�ements wi�kh lmpro�emen�s of at Ieast equal <br /> va[ue. <br /> Lender's Right tv Enter. Lender and Lenderrs agents and r�presentati�es may enter upvn the ReaI Property at ali <br /> reasanable t�m�s �o at�end to LenderTs interests and to inspect the ReaI Property for purpvses �f Trustor's <br /> campliance with the terms and condi�ions❑f this Deed of T�ust. <br /> Compliance with �o�ernmenta[ Requirements. Trustvr sha[I promptly comp[y with all Iaws, ordinances, and <br /> regulafiions, novu or hereafi�er in effect, o� all governmental auth�ritfes appIicab[e to the use �r occupancy of the <br /> Property. T�ustvr may c�nt�st�n good�aith any such Ia►nr, ordinance, or regu3ation and withhoId c�mplian�e during <br /> any proceeding, including appropria�e appeals, so �ong as Trustor has nv�ified Lender in writing privr to doing so <br /> and so long as, ln Lender`s sale opinion, Lende�-'s in�erests in the Praperty are not�eopardi�ed. Lender may require <br /> Trustor�o post ade�uat�securi�y ar a sur�ty bond, reas�nably satisfactory to Lender,�o protect Lender`s interest. <br /> Du�y to Prote�t. Trus�vr agrees nsither to abandon or leave unattended �he Prvperty. Trustor shaIl da all other <br /> a�ts� in addition�o those acts set fortf� abo�e in this section,which from�he character and use of the Property are <br /> r�asonably ne�essary to protec�and preser�e th�Property. <br /> DUE flN SALE-CflNSENT BY LENI3ER. Lender may, at Lender's option, deciare immediateiy due and payabt�all sums � <br /> secured by this Deed vf Trust upon the sale or transfer, without LenderFs prior written consent, af all or any part vf the <br /> ft�a[ Property, or any interes��n the Real Property. A "sale o�transfer" means the con�eyance of Rea[ Property ar any <br /> righ�, titie or interest in the R�a[ Property; whether legaI, bene�icial vr equitabie; wh�thsr vo[untary or lnvaluntary; <br /> whe�her by ou�right sa[e, deed, installment sale can�ract, �and contrac�, contract fvr deed, Ieaseh�ld in�erest v�rith a <br /> term greater than�hree {3� years, [eas�-option �ontract, or by sa[e, assignm�nt, or transfer of any benef c�a� interest in <br /> or to any Iand trust halding �it[e to th� Real Property, or by any other method af con��yance of an interest in th� Real <br /> Property. Hvwe�er, this aption sha11 n�� be exercised by L�nder if such exercise is prohibi�ed by federa[ �aw or by <br /> Nebraska �aw. <br /> TAXES AND LIE11�S. The fvI[vwing prvvisions re[ating to the ta�ees and [iens on th� Property are part of this D��d o� <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay when due �and in all e�ents prior to de[inquency} aIl taxes,special taxes, assessments, <br /> charges {incIuding vvater and sewer}, fines and impvsitions 1e�ied against or on account vf the P��perty, and shal� <br /> pay when due aII claims for wflrk dane an or for servi�es rendered flr materia� furnished tv the Property. Trustor <br /> sha[� maintain the Property�ree o�aIl Iiens ha�ing pri�rity o�er or�qual tv the interest o�Lender under this Deed�f <br /> Trust, ex�ept fvr �he [ien of taxes and assessments not due, �xcept �ar the Existing Indebtedness re�Ferred �a <br /> be[aw. and except as otherwis�provided in this ❑eed af Trust. <br /> Right to Cvntest. Trus�or may withhoId payment vf any tax, assessment, or claim in cflnnection with a goad faith <br /> dispute��er the obliga�ion�� pay,sa [ong as Lender's interest in�he Property is not l��pa�dized. If a [ien arises or <br /> is fi[ed as a resu�t v� nanpaym�nt, Trustor sha[[ within fif�een {15} days atter the lien ar�ses ar, i�F a [ien is fi�ed, <br /> wi�hin fif�een �'1�} days aft�r Trus�or has notice of�he fiiing, secure the dis�harge of the lien, or if requested by <br /> Lender,deposit with Lender cash or a sufficien�corp�rate sur�ty bond vr other securi�ty satisfactary t� Lender in an <br /> amaunt sufficient to discharge the Iien plus any costs and attorneys' �ees, ar vther charges that couId accrue as a <br /> resu�t vf a foreclosure or sa�e under the [ien. [n any cvntes�,Trustor shall de�end itself and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgment before en�Fvrcem�nt against the Property. Trustor sha[[name Lender as an additiona[ abligee <br /> under any sure�y b�nd fu�nished in the contest proc�edings. <br /> Evidence of Payment. Trustor shall upon demand furnish to Lender satisfactory evidence ot payment of�he tax�s <br /> vr assessmen�s and shall autharize the appropriate ga�ernmenfal afficia[ta de[i�e�to Lender at any time a written <br /> statement af the taxes and assessments against the Property. <br /> Natice vf Canstru�t�on. Trus�or sha[I nati�y Lender at Ieast fif�een ��5} days be�ore any work is cammenced, any <br /> ser�ices are furnished, or any materials are supp�ied to the Property, if any m�chanic's 1ien, materialmen's lien, or <br /> other �ien could be asserted on account of the wark, services, ar mater�ais. Trustor will upon requ�st of Lender <br /> furnish to Lender ad�ance assuran�es sa�isfactary fio Lender tha� Trus�or can and will pay the cos� o� such <br /> improvements. <br /> P1��PERTY DAMAGE INSURANGE. The�o[[vwing pro�isions relating ta insuring�he Property are a part v�F this Deed of <br /> Trus�. <br /> Maxn�enance of Insurance. Trus�or sha�� prv�ure and maintain pa[icies of fire insurance wi�� standard extended <br /> co�era�e endorsements on a rep[acem�nt basis for the full insurab[e �a1ue co�ering a!� Improvements on the Reai <br /> P��perry in an amount suf�i�ient to a�oid app[ication o� any coinsurance clause, and wi�h a standard mortgagee <br /> c�ause in fa�or of Lender,�oge�her with such other hazard and liabili�y insurance as L�nder may reasonably require. <br /> Policies sha[[ b� writfen in form, amaunts, co��rages and basis reasonably acceptable to Lender and issued by a <br /> _ <br />