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2� 15�81 � 1 <br /> far the r�pa�rs and res�ora�ion in a s�ngle payment nr in a ser�es af pragress payments as th�work is <br /> �ompl�t�d. �f the insurance or condemnation pr�ceeds are nat suff�cient�� repair or restore th� Proper�y, <br /> Borrower is n�t r�lieved of Barr�wer's abliga�i�n for the cample��on of such repair ar r�stora��on. <br /> Lender or its ag�nt may make reasonable en�ries upon and inspection� af the Property. �f�t has reasonable <br /> cause, Lender may inspect the inter�or of the impr��emen�s on�h�Property. Lender shal� gi�e Barrower <br /> no��ce at the��m�of or prior ta such an in�eri�r inspectzon spec�fying such reasonabie cause. <br /> S. Bnrrower's Loan Applicativn, Borrawer shail be in default�f, during the Loan appiica�ian process, <br /> Barra�ver�r any pers�ns�r entities act�ng a�the direction of Barra�er or w�th Borrower's knaw�edge ar <br /> consen�gave xnater�a���fa�se, misleading, or�naccurat�informat�on or s�a�emen�s to Lend�r�ar faz�ed�o <br /> pra�ide Lender vv�th mater�a� infarmation} �n c�nnect�on wi�h the Laan. Materia�r�presen�atia�s include, �ut <br /> ar�not lirni�ed�a, representa��nns conc�rning Borro�ver's o�cupancy of�he Prap�rt� a�B�rrnwer's princ�pa� <br /> res�denCe. <br /> 9. Pr�tect�on of Lender's lnterest in the Property and Ri�ht� Under th�s S�curity Instrument. �f�a} <br /> Borrower fa�ls�o perform the c��e�ants and agreements �on�a�ned in thzs S��ur�ty Instrum�nt, �b} �here xs a <br /> Iegal proc�eding that mught signi�ca�t�y affec�Lender's in�eres��n�he Praperty andlor rights under th�s <br /> Security �nstrument ��uch as a proC�eding in bankruptcy, proba�e, f�r��ndemnation or forf�iture, f�r <br /> enforc�ment of a lien which may attain pri�ri�y over this Se�uri�y �nstrument or to enfarce�av�s�r <br /> regulations}, or�c}Barrower ha�abandaned the Property, then Lender may do and pay for whate�er�s <br /> reasona��e or appropria�e to pra�ect Lend�r's inter��t in the Pr�p�r�y and rights under this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument, includ�ng protect�ng andl�r assessing the va�ue of th�Proper�y, and securing andlar repair�ng <br /> �he Praper��. Lend�r's actians can includ�, hu�are na��imz�ed�o: �a}paying any sums s�cured by a�zen <br /> which has pr�orit�over this Security Instrum�nt; �b� appear�ng xn court; and �c}paying reasonable at�flrn�ys' <br /> fees to prot�ct �ts �nterest in the Proper�y andlor r�ghts under�h�s Secur��y �nstrument, including �ts s�cured <br /> pasition in a bankruptcy praceeding. 5ecuring the Prnperty inc�udes, but is not l�m.zted t�, en�ering the <br /> Praper�y t� make repairs, change 1�cks, rep�ace or baard up�ia�rs an�windo�vs, dra�n wa�er from pipes, <br /> e��m�na��building or other code v�alat�ons or dan�erous condi�i�ns, and ha�e u���ities turned on or aff. <br /> A�thaugh Lender may take a�t�on und�r this S�ction 9, Lender doe�nflt ha�e��do �o and is not under any <br /> dut�or ob��gat��n ta do sa. I� is agre�d that Lender incurs na��ab�l�ty far n��taking any or a�� a�t�ans <br /> authorized under�hzs Section 9. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Len�.er under�h�s 5�ct�on 9 shall bec�me add�tiona� debt�f Barrow�r secured by <br /> this Security �n��rumen�. These amoun�s shall bear�nterest a�the Note rate from�he date of disbursement <br /> and shal�be pa�ab�e, v�ri�h such �n�erest, up�n not��e frQm Lender to Borrower requesting paym�nt. <br /> �f this Securit� Ins�rumen� is on a�easeho�d, Barr��ver sha�i compl�w��h a�l th�pro�is�ons of the�eas�. �f <br /> Borrflwer aCquires fee title to the Propert�, the leasehold and th�fee t�tle shali no�merge unless Lender <br /> agrees ta�he merger in wr�ting. <br /> 'I�. Nt�rtgage �nsurance. �f L�nder required MQr�gage�nsuranc�as a candition of making�he Loan, Borrov�er <br /> �hall pay �h�prem�ums requ�r�d to maintain the Mar�gag��nsuran�e in effect. If, for any reason, the <br /> N�ar�gage Insuranc�coverage requ�red by Lender ceases to be a�ai�able fram th�mor�gage insurer�hat <br /> previous�y provid�d su�h �nsurazac�and Borrawer wa� required��make separat�ly designated pay�m.en�s <br /> toward the prern�ums f�r Mortgag�Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premuums requir��to obtain co�era�e <br /> substantiall�equiva�ent t� the M�rtgage�nsurance pre�iousl� in effect, at a c�st substant�ally equ�valent to <br /> the cast to Barrower flf the Mortgag�Insurance prevzousiy in effec�, from an alternate nr�ar�gage insur�r <br /> selected by Lender. If substan��al�y�qu��al�nt M�r�gage �nsurance co�erage�s no�avai�ab�e, Borrower shall <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amiIy-�annie MaelFreddi�Mac�NtFORM iNSTRUMENT �orm 3��8 110� <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NE�t�3�2} <br /> Wolters Ki�aw�r�inanciat 5er�ices P�g�$���7 <br />