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2� 15�81 �� <br /> Prop�rty Condition, A�terations and Ins�ection. Trustor wiil k�ep the Froperty in ��4C� condi�ion and <br /> make a11 repa�rs that are reasonably necessary. Trustor shall not commit or alxow any was�e, impaxrm�nt, or <br /> d�teriorat�on af the Praperty. Trustar agrees �hat the nature of the accupancy and use will not substantia��y <br /> chang� without Benefxciary's pr�ar written consent. Trustor urill not permit any �hange in any license, <br /> restrictive cov�nant or easement without B�n��cxary's prior written consent. Trustor wxl� notify Ben�ficiary <br /> of a11 demands, proceed�ngs, claims, and act�ons against Trustar, and of any Ioss or damage to the Property. <br /> Benefic�ary ar BenefiGiary's agen�s may, at Benef�ciary's optian, enter th�PrflperCy at any reasonable time for <br /> the purpase of �nspec��ng the Prop�rty. Beneficialy shal.� give Trustor noti�e at the t�me af or �efore an <br /> inspe�tion specifying a reasanable purpos�for the inspecti�n. Any inspection �f the Praperty sha��b� entirely <br /> for B�nefi�iary's benefrt and Trus�ar wil� in no way rely an Beneficiary's inspectian. <br /> Authority to Perform. If Trus�ar fa�ls to perform any duty or any of th� co�enants contained in this S�curYty <br /> Instrument, Benefie�ary may, without notice, perfarm or cause th�m ta be performed. Trustor appain�s <br /> Benefxciary as attorney �n fact to sign Trustor's name or pay any amaunt necessary far performance. <br /> B�nefz�iary's right to perform for Trustor shaX� not create an obligatian �o perfarm, and Benefi�iary's failur� <br /> to perform v�ilX not preclude Beneficiary from exercising any of Beneficiary's other r�gh�s under the law ar <br /> this Security Ins�rument. <br /> Leaseho�ds; �ondom�nYums; Pianned Unxt De�elopments. Trustor agrees �v camply with the pra�isions of <br /> any �ease if th�s Security Instrument �s on a�easehold. xf the Property includes a un�� in a candomYnium or a <br /> planned unzt development, Trustar w�ll perform alX of Trustor's duties under the covenants, by-laws, or <br /> regulations of the Condominium ar planned un�t de�e�opment. <br /> �ondemnation. Trustor wiii give Bene�c�ary prompt notice of any p�ndin� or threaten�d action, by pri�ate <br /> or publi� entities ta purchase ar �ake any or a11 of the Property through condemnatian, emxnen� domain, or <br /> any oth�r means. Trustor autharizes S�neficiary to Ynter,vene in Trustor's name in any af the abov� describ�d <br /> ac�ion� or claxms. Trustor ass�gns ta Beneficiary the prac�eds af any award or claxm for damages �onnected <br /> with a �andemnatYon or other tak�ng of a�l or any part of the Property. Such proceeds shall be consider�d <br /> payments and w�lX be applied as provided in this Securi�y 7nstrument. This assignment of praceeds is su��ect <br /> ta the terms of any prior mortgage, deed of trust, securi�y agreement or other Iien dacumen�. <br /> Insurance. Trust�r sha�� ke�p Proper�y insured against Ioss by fire, flood, theft and other hazards and rxsks <br /> r�asanably associat�d wYth the Praperty du�ta its type and Iocation. ThYs Ynsurance sha.i.x be mainta�ned in the <br /> amounts and for th� p�rYods that Benefx�xary requzres. Wha� Benefic�ary requires pursuant ta the preceding <br /> �vvo sentences can change durxng the term of�h� Secured Debt. The insurance carrxer praviding�h� insurance <br /> shal.� be chosen by Trustar sub�ect to Bene�ciaz-�'s apprava.l, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. �f <br /> Trustar fails ta main�ain the ca�erage described aba�e, Beneficiary may, at Beneficiary's aptxon, obtain <br /> co�erag�ta prate�t Benefic�ary's rights �n the Praperty a��ardin�to �he terms of th�s Security �nstrum�n�. <br /> All �nsurance paiicies and renewals shall be acceptab�e to Beneficiary and sha],I include a standard "mar�gage <br /> clause" and, where appli��ble, "loss payee claus�." Trustar shall immediately notzfy Beneficiary of <br /> �an�ellation or terminatian of the insurance. Benefi�iary shall have the right to hold the pfllicxe� and <br /> reneWals. If B�neficiary requires, Trus�ar shall immediately gi�e to Beneficiary a�� receip�s of paxd premiums <br /> an� renewal notices. �C]'pan �oss, Trustar shali give �mmedia�e notice ta the insuranc��arrier and Ben�f�crary. <br /> Ben�ficxary may make proof of�oss xf no�made immediately by Trustor. <br /> Unless o�herwise agreed in writing, all �nsuran�e pro��eds shall be appli�d t� �he r�staration ar repair �f the <br /> Property or to the 5ecured Deb�, whether ar na� then due, at Beneficiary's option. Any appl�cation of <br /> proceeds to principal shall not ex�end or postpane the due da�e of the scheduied payment nor change �h� <br /> amoun� af any �aymen�. Any �xc�ss will be pa�d ta the Trustor. If the Properry is acquired by Benef�ciary, <br /> Trus�or's righ� �o any insurance poli�i�s and proceeds resulting from damage to th� Prap�rty b�fore the <br /> acquxsition sha.11 pass to Beneficiary to the extent of the Secured Debt immediately before the acqu��ition. <br /> Frnanc�ai Report5 and Additional Documents. Trustor wx�l prov�de to Beneficiary upan reques�, any <br /> financial statement or infarmatian B�nef�c�ary may deem reasanab�y necessary. Trustar agrees to sign, <br /> deliver, and f�Ie any addi�xonal d�cuments or certYfi�ations that Benefrciary may c�nsider necessary to p�rf��t, <br /> continue, and preserve Trustor's abliga�ions under this Security Ynstrument and �eneficiary'� �i�n s�a�us on <br /> the Property. <br /> 6. �W TY a�TITLE. Trust�r warrants that Trustor �s ar wii� be lawfully se�zed af the �state cflnveyed <br /> by th�s Security Instrument and has the right ta irrevacably grant, c�nvey, and sell the Property t� �rustee, in <br /> trust, with pflw�r flf sale. Trustor a.I�o warrants that �he Proper�y is unen�umbered, ex�ept for �n�umbrances <br /> af r�cord. <br /> 7. DUE �N SALE. Bene�c�ary may, at its op�ion, declare th� entire balance of the Se�ured Debt to be <br /> immediately due and pa�able upon the creation af, or cantract for the creation of, a transfer ar sale Qf a1X or <br /> any part of the Property. This right is sub�ect to the restrictions rmposed by federal law (12 C.F.R. 59�}, as <br /> applicable. <br /> Security fnstrument-�pen-�nd-Consumer-NE O�P-RE�T-N� 712120�� <br /> VMP�Bank�rs 5ystemsT�" VMP-C465fNE) (11Q7}.�D <br /> Wvlters Kiuwer�inancial 5er�ices Q1994,201 1 Pag�3�f 6 <br />