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2� 15�8�99 <br /> far�he r�pa�rs and restorat�on in a s�ng��pa�ment or in a ser�es of progress�ayme�ats as �he wark is <br /> camp�et�d. �f the insuranc�ar condemnat�on proceeds ar�nat suff�cient ta repair ar res�are the Property, <br /> Barr�wer�s not relie�ed of Borrawer's ob�igation for the c�mp�et�on of such repair or r�s��ratzon. <br /> Lender or its agent may make reasonabl�entries upan and �nspe�t�ans of th�Pr�per�y. �f�t has r�asonable <br /> cause, Lender may inspe�t�he�n�erior of th�impro�ernen�s�n the Pr�per�y. Lender sha�� gz�e Bflrrower <br /> notic�at�he t�m�of or prior�o such an interior�nspec�ion spe��fy�ng such reasanabl�caus�. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan App�ication. B�rraw�r shal�be in d�fau�t �f, dur�ng the Loan app��catz�n pr�cess, <br /> Borraw�r or azay persons�r entities ac��ng a��he dir��tion af Borrower��r w�th Borrav�rer's knav�Iedge ar <br /> cons�nt gave material��r fa�se, m�s�eading, �r�naccurate informa��an�r statements to Lend�r�or fail�d to <br /> pro��de�end�r w��h materia� infor�mation� �n cannect���with th�Loan. Materia� repr�sentation� include, but <br /> are n�t�imited ta, represen�a�i�ns coneern�ng�3arrow�r's occupar�cy�f�he Proper�y as B�rrflwer's prin�xpa� <br /> residence. <br /> 9. P�ote�t�on of Lender's �nterest in the Property and Rights Under this Security �nstrument. �f�a} <br /> Borrower fai�s to perform�he covenant� and agre�ments cantained in�his Securit� �nstrumen�, �b� �her� �s a <br /> l�gal proceeding that might s�gnx�can��� affec� Lender's �n�eres�in the Proper�y andlor rights under thzs <br /> S�curi�y�nstrumen��such as a proc�edxng �n bar�kruptcy, probate, for condemna���n or forfex�ure, for <br /> enforcem�nt of a l�en vvh�c�may a��a�n pr�or�ty a�er�his Secur��y �nstruzrzen�or to enforce�aws or <br /> reguXatians�, or�c}Borr�wer has aband�n�d�he Prop�rty, then Lend�r may da and pay for whatev�r is <br /> reasonable or appropr�a�e t�pro�ect Lender's xnterest in the Prop�x�y and rights under this Securi�y <br /> �ns�runl�nt, includ�ng protec�ing andlor assessing�he va�ue of the Pr�perty, and s�cur�ng andl�r r�pa�r�ng <br /> the Praperty. Lender's act�ons can include, bu�are nat��mi�ed�o: �a}paying any sums s�cure��y a�zen <br /> whic�.has pr�ority o�er th�s Securit��ns�rument; �b}appear�ng �n caur�; and�c}pay�ng rea�onab�e att�rne�s' <br /> fees ta pro�e�t��s in��rest in the Property andlar rights und�r�h�s Secur�ty �nstrument, �nc�ud�ng i�s�ecured <br /> position in a ban�rup���proceedin�. Secur�ng �he Praper�y inc�udes� but is no�limi�ed to, entering�he <br /> Praper�y to make repa�rs, chang�locks, rep�ace or�aard up door� and wind�ws, drain water from pipes, <br /> e�iminate building or ather c�de�i��at�ons or danger�us cnnditi�ns, and ha�e ut��ities turned on or flff. <br /> Although Lender ma�take act�on under this Sectian 9, Lender daes no�have to dn so and zs not under any <br /> du���r ob��gation to da so. �t is agreed tha�L�nder incurs no �zab����y for n�t takxng any or a�� act�ons <br /> author�zed un�er th�s Section 9. <br /> Any amounts disburs�d by L�nder under�his Sec��on 9 shal�be�ome addi��onai debt of Barrower s�� by <br /> �his Secur�ty ��s�rum�nt. These amoun�s shal��ear�nt�res�a�the Na�e rate from.the da�e�f d�sbursement <br /> and shall be payable, w�th such�nteres�, upon not�ce from Lender to Barrower request�ng payn-�ent. <br /> �f�h�s S�curity�n��rumen��s on a�easeho�d, Borr�w�r shal� c�mp�y w�th all �h�prav�si�ns af the�ease. If <br /> Borrower aequires fe��i�le t� the Proper�y, �he��asehold and the fee ti�.�e sha�i not merge un�ess L�nder <br /> agrees to the merger in v�rxtzng. <br /> '1 fl. M�rtgage Insurance. �f Lend�r required Mortgage�nsurance as a�onditi�n of mak�ng the Loan, B�rr��ver <br /> s�aa�I pay�he premiums required�o maintain�he Mor�gage�nsurance in effec�. �f, for any reason, the <br /> Mortgag��nsurance caverag�re�uired by Lender ceases to b�a�a�lab�e fr�m the mor�gage xnsurer that <br /> pr�vious�y pravided such insurance and Barr�vver was requ�red ta make separat��y designa�ed payxn�nts <br /> toward the premiums for N�or�gage Insura�zc�, Borrower shall pay�he pr�m�ums requ�red to obta�n coverage <br /> substan�ia��� equivalent to the Mor�gag��nsuranc�pr�vzously �n effect, at a cos�substantially equ�va�ent to <br /> the cost ta B�rrower of th�Mar�gage Insurance�rev�ously zn effe��, from an a�t�rnate mor�gage�nsurer <br /> s��ected by Lender, �f subs�antia���r equ��a�ent Martgage �nsurance coverage is not avai�ab�e, B�rrow�r shal� <br /> N�SRASKA-SingEe�ami�y-�anr�ie MaelFreddie Mac 1JNI��RM iNSTRUMENT Farm 3�28�1�7 <br /> VMP Q VMPS�N�j t1302f <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fina�cial 5�r�ices Page 8 af 17 <br />