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2� 15�8�99 <br /> B�RR�WER C�VENANTS �hat Bnrr�wer is Iawful�y s�ised�f the estate hereby c�n��yed and has the right�a <br /> grant and canvey the PrQperty and�hat�h�Pr�p�r�y is unencum.bered, excep�for encumbrances of recard. <br /> Borro�ver warran�s and w�l� def�nd general�y th�tz��e ta the Proper�y aga�nst a�I c�aims and d�mands, subj�ct�o <br /> an�r encumbranc�s�f rec�rd. <br /> TH�S SECUR�TY�NSTRUMENT�om�ines unifarm covenants f�r national use and n�n-uniform c�v�nant�with <br /> l�mi�ed�ar�atz�ns b�r jurisdiction ta consti�ute a unifar�m secur�ty �nstrument���ering real pr�p�r�y. <br /> Uniform �orrenants. B�rra�rer ax�d Lend�r covenant and a�ree as f�ll��s: <br /> �. Payment vf Pr�ncipai, Interest, Es�r�w �tems, Prepayment �harges, and Late Cnar�es. Borrower <br /> shall pay when due the principal af, and inter�st an, �he d��t���den�ed by the N'�t�and any prepayment <br /> �harges and�ate charges due under�he Note. Borrower shai� a�sfl pa�funds f�r�scrow �tems pursuant�a <br /> Se�ti�n 3. Paymen�s due under the Nate and�his Security �nstrument shal�be made in U.S. curr�ncy. <br /> �3a�re�er, �f any check or other instrum�nt received by Lender as payment und�r the N��e or�h�� Security <br /> �nstrumen� is returned ta Lender unpaid, L�nder may require t�at any ar a�� su��equent payments due under <br /> �h�Nat�ar�d this Securzt� �nstrument be made�n one ar more of the f���ow�ng f�rms, as sel�cted by Lender: <br /> ta} cash; ��} m�ney arder; �c) certi�ed�heck, bank�hec�, treasurer's�he�k or cashier's check, pro�ided any <br /> �uch check is draw�up�n an institu�ian whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or <br /> entity; ar�d} Electro��c Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are de�med received by L�nd�r wh�n rec��ved a�th�Ia�ation deszgna��d�r�th�Note nr a� �uch <br /> a�her locat�on as may be designa�ed�y Lender�n acc�rdanCe w�th th�not�ce prov�si�ns �n Section �5, <br /> L�nder xnay return any pa�ment or part�a�payxnent�f the pa�ment�r par�ial payments are�nsuf���ent to <br /> br�ng the Laan current. Lender ma� ac�ept any paym�nt flr par��ai paym�n�insuff�c�ent t�br�ng the Loan <br /> curren�, without wazver of any rights hereunder ar prejudice t� zts r�gh�s t� refuse such payment ar par�ial <br /> paymen�s�n th� futur�, but Lender is nat obliga�ed to apply such paymen�� at�he time such payments are <br /> accepted. �f eaCh Peri�d�c Payment�s applied as of its scheduled due date, then Lender need no�pay interest <br /> on unappl��d funds. Lender may ho�d such unapplied funds until Borr�wer makes payments t�bring the <br /> Loan current. ��Borr�v��r do�s no�do so�v�th�n a reasona�b�e periad of tim�, �.�nder shal� eit�er app�y suc�a <br /> funds �r return them tfl Borrower. �f not app���d ear��er, such funds�i1I be applied to the ou�s�and�ng <br /> przncxpal balance under th�N�t� immediatel�priar to forec�osure. Na offse�or c�a�m wh�ch Barrower might <br /> have na�or in�he future aga�n��Lender shal� rel��v�Borrow�r from mak�ng payments due under the Note <br /> arad this S�cur�ty Instrumen�or performing th�covenants an�agreements secured by�his�ecuri�y <br /> Ins�rum�n�. <br /> �. Applicat��n nf Payments or Proceeds. Except as o�herwise described in�his Section 2, a��paym�n�s <br /> accep�ed and app��ed by L�nder shall be app���d �n th�fa��ov�ing order of prior�ty: �a� znteres�due under th� <br /> Note; �b}principal due under the No�e; �c} am�unts du�und�r Se�t�on 3. Such paymen�s shal��e appi�ed to <br /> each Per�odic Payment�n th�order in which it b�came du�. Any r�ma�n�n� amoun�s sha�� be appl�ed firs�to <br /> �at�charges, s�cond to any o�her amounts due und�r�his S�curi�y �nstrumen�, and then to reduce�h� <br /> principa�balanc�of�he Nate. <br /> If Lender rece�ve� a payme�zt from Barrower f�r�.delinquent P�r�adic Paym�nt which inc�udes a suffic�ent <br /> amount ta pay any late charge du�, the payment may he app�ied t�the delinquent payment and the�a�e <br /> charge. If mare thar�one Per�ad�c Paym�nt �s outstanding, L�nder may apply any payment received from <br /> Borrav�er t�t�.�repayment of the P�r�od�c Payments if, and to�he�xtent that, each payment can be pa�d in <br /> full. Ta�h�ex�ent that any excess exzsts after th�paymen�is applied to�he fu�l payment of�ne or more <br /> Feriodic Pa�n�.�n�s, such exc�ss m.a�r be applied to any late charges due. Voiun�ary prepayments shal��e <br /> appl�ed f�r�t t� any prepaym�nt charges and then as described in the Nate. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amity-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFqRM INSTR�M�NT Farm 3D28 1101 <br /> VMP� VMPfi4N��[13�2) <br /> Walters Kiuwer Finan�ial 5er�ices Page 4 of�7 <br />