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r { � ` �J � � �J��J�� <br /> , r <br /> , <br /> i <br /> r � <br /> the rea� prnperty described is located in HALL�'�UNTY,NEBRASKA and b�ing set farth as fvl�aws: <br /> SEE E�H�BIT"A"ATTA�HED HERET��ND MADE A PART HERE�F: <br /> In canside�-ation of �he mutual proinises and �greem ents e�c�aan�ed, the parties hereto agree a� fo�la�vs <br /> �no�withstanding any�hin�ta the contrary contained in the Note or 5ecur�ty Instrument): <br /> 1. Barrov►re�r agrees that certain amaunts owed vvi�l not be capitali�ed, waiWed, or addressed as part of this <br /> Agreement, and will remain awed unti� paid. These amounts a�ed are referenced in the ���er Letter to <br /> this A�;reement,which is incnrp�rated he�ein,and are ta be paid with the return�f this ex�c��ted Agreement. <br /> If these amaunts nwed are na�paid with�he refurn af this ex�c�.�ted Agreemen�,�hen Ler�d�r rnay deem this <br /> Agreem ent v�id. <br /> Z. As af, N(��EM�ER l,24�5 the�moun�k payabl� under�he�ote and the�ecurity instrument�the"Unp��d <br /> P�in�rpa� �a��nce"} is U.S. �35,47�.47, cansisti�a� �f th� am�unt��} �oaned ta B�rrower by Lender, plus <br /> capita.��zed interest in the an�aunt of U.S. �1,�23.39 and other amoun�� capita�ized, �rhich is lim�ted t❑ <br /> es�rows�nd any legal fe�s and related f.oreclosure c�sts that may ha�e b�en accrued for work campleted. <br /> 3. Borrower promises to pay the Unpaid Princ�pal�alanc�, p1u� interest, tQ the ord�r af Lend�r I.nt�rest will <br /> be charged on the Un�aid Frincipaf Ba��n�e at the year�y rate �f�.2544°/0, frozn N�VEMBER 1, 2�15. <br /> T��Barrower prornises to mal�e rnonthly payments of princi�a� and interest of L�.S. �i?4.Sfl, �egznnrng an <br /> the 1 ST day of DECE N�.BER,�4�5,and cantinuing th�reaft�r an the same day af each s�cceeding month <br /> un��!principal and�nter�st are paid in full, If on N4VEMBER 1,2�45�the"Maturity I3a�e"},the B�rrower <br /> s�i�l ovrr�s amaunts under the l�dot� and the Security �nstrument, as amended by this Agreement, B�rrower <br /> will pay�hese amounts in fu�1 on the Ma�urity Date. <br /> 4. If a�� or any part of the Proper�y ar any interest in i�is so�d or�ransferred �or if a b�neficial interest in the <br /> B�rro�ver is so�� or t�ansferred and the Borrower is nat a nat�ral p�rsor�}with�ut�he Lender's p�ior wri�ten <br /> consen�,the L���der may re�uire im�nedrate payment in fu��of a�.�sums secur�d by rhis SecurYty�.ns�trument. <br /> If th� L�nder exer�ises this option, the Lender �ha�l giW� the Borrawer nati�e of acce�erat��n. The natice <br /> sha�l prav�d� a period of not less than 3U da�s fram the date the natice ks delivered or ma�led wi�h�n w��zch <br /> the�orrvwer must pay all sums secured by this Security�nstrurnen�.If the Borrower fails to pay these sums <br /> prior tn the expirati�n af this periad, the L,en.der may invoke any rem�dies permitted by th�s Se�urity <br /> I.nstrument witho��t furth�r notice or demand on th��o�-rnvvei•. <br /> 5. The�o�r��ver agree� ta make a�nd execu��sue�other�a�um�r�ts or pap�rs as may be n��e�sa�ry or reyu�red <br /> to effe�tuate the terms and canditions of this Agreem�nt. <br /> �. The Barror�ver a�so will comply with a11 other c�venants, agreemen��, a�d requarements of the S��urity <br /> Instrum�nt, in�luding vvithout lim i�ati�n,the Borrower's c�venants and agreements to make all payrnents of <br /> �taxes, insurance pr�miums,assessm�nts, escrow items,impaur�ds,and all o�her pa�ments�hat the Borrower <br /> is obl�gated t�make under th�Security Instrume��t;hawe�er,the fo�lflwing terms and provisxons�re forever <br /> cancelled,nul�and void,as af the date specified in Paragraph No. � abaWe: <br /> ��} all terms an�pra�risions of the Note and S�curity Ins�rument�if any}pr�viding far, implementir�g,ar <br /> relatin�to,any change or adjustment in the rate of in.terest payable under the Note;artd <br /> �b} a�l term� and pro�isions af any a�justable rate r�der, or ather instrument or document�hat is affix�d <br /> to, v�r�olty ar partial�y rncorp�rated in�ta, or is �art of, the Note or Security Instrument and that <br /> Wells Fargo Custam Loan Mod�?��2�15_77 7U8���II�II��11ifNl������������1�����` <br /> �'irst American Murtgage Solutions �'�ge� <br />