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<br />SCNAAf'S 7N
<br />4PPROVAL5
<br />Submiyled to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Noll
<br />County, 6rond island, Wood River and the Villages of Aldo, Cairo and
<br />Don /phan, Nebrosko.
<br />I
<br />a 2cp-,z,
<br />Chairman Dale
<br />Approved and cccepted by the City of Grand island, Nebraska, this a l
<br />gay of--2000.
<br />Ci y C /eYk
<br />VEB�q a�
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<br />A trot/ anon comprising all of Lot One lll, Schaaf s Third Sobdivision, and a pare of the Norineosi
<br />Ouorler of the Southeast Ouorler lNEV4SE %41, of Seclian Twelve 1121, Township 'e ,en /11/ No(th,
<br />Range Nine 19/ West of the 61h. P.M., in Hell County, Nebraska, and more podicularliv described as
<br />follows:
<br />Beginning of the southeast corner ofsaid Lat One it), School's Third Subdivision; !hence running
<br />southwesterly along the southerly line o1 sa/dLol One ll1 Schaaf's Third Subdivision, o distance of
<br />Eighty Two and Twenty £ /ght Hundredths 182.29/ feel, to the southeast corner oft of Two 12/, School's
<br />Third Subdivision; thence deflecting right 11/'25'59 "andrunn /ng northwesterly o dlslance of Two
<br />Hundred Nine and fiyyh/yy Seven Hundredths /209.971 feel; thence deflecting /off 76'46'34 "and
<br />running westerly a dis /once oJ5 /x /y five and Forly Four Hundredths 165.441lee1; thence dellecfng
<br />left 48'16'16 "and running southwesterly a distance ofForfy Two and filly Six Hundredths 02.56 / fee
<br />thence deflecting /el/ 43'04'40 "andrunning southerly a distance of One Hundred Twenty One and
<br />Thirty One Hundredths 1121.311 feel; thence deflecting left 92'17'46° and running easterly a distance
<br />of Seventy One one' Sevenly Seven Hundredths 171.771 feel; thence deflecting. righl83'47'29 "and
<br />running southerly a distance ofNiaely Two and Sevenly Five Hundredths 192.75/ feel, to the southwest
<br />corner ofiol Two 12/. School's Third 5ubdivision; thence deflecling right 65'11'48 "and running
<br />sou /rwesfer/y along the southerly line of said Lot One //L School's Third Subdivision, a dislonce of
<br />Two -ludred Filly Eight and Eighty Five Hundredths 1258.85/ feel, to the southwest corner of said Lol
<br />One '/, School's Third Subdivision; thence deflecting right 120'32'53 "and running northerly along th
<br />.westerly tine afro /d Lot One ltl, School's Third Subdivision audits extension, o distance of One
<br />Thousand Two Hundred Seven and Thirteen Hundredths 020713/ feet; fhence deflecling right 91'31'4
<br />andrunning easlerly o distance of Three Hundred Forly Seven and Sevenly Eight Hundredths !347791
<br />feel, to the northwest corner at Lot One Ill, School's Fourth Subdivision; thence deflecting right
<br />B8 °28'45" andrunning southerly along the westerly line of School's Fourth Subdivision and the
<br />wester ly line of Shoal's Second Subdivision, a distance of Nine HundredNinely Two and Forly Five
<br />Hundredths /992.451 feet, to the point of beginning and containing B. 315 acres more or less.
<br />husband and wife, RUDOLFF. PLATE and JEANN/CER. PLATE, husband end wile, and TIM C. PLATE, a
<br />single person, being The owners of the land described hereon, have caused same to be surveyed,
<br />subdivided, p/o/led and designated as 'SCHAAF'S FIFTH SUBDIVISION', Halt County, Nebraska, as
<br />shown on the accompanying plot thereof, and do hereby dedicate the easements, if any, as shown
<br />/hereon for the location, construction and maintenance ofpublic service utilities forever, together
<br />with the right ofingress and egress thereto, and hereby prohibiliag the planting of lrees, bushes and
<br />shrubs, or placing other abstruclions upon, over, along or underneath the surface of such easements,
<br />and /be/ the foregoing subdivision os more porticu/ar/y described /n the descriplion hereon as appear:
<br />on this plat is mode with the free consent ondin accordance with the desires of the undersigned
<br />owners oedproprietars.
<br />IN W /TN S WHEREOF, we have affixed our signatures hereto a/ Grand Island, Nebraska, this_
<br />Jay of 2000.
<br />6
<br />John W Lo endo f Rudol .jrfole —Tim C. Piore
<br />Poll,' R. L amen orf Jeannice R. Plale
<br />State 01 Nebrosko ss
<br />Co111"if lHoll
<br />On ihe_�day a/ 2000, before me, - - - -�_ Nolory
<br />Public within and for so' aunty, personalty appeared JOHN W. LANZENDORF. and PATT1 R.
<br />L ANZENDORF, husband and wife, RUDOL F F. PLATE and JEAN #ICE R. PL ATE, husband an d wi le, and
<br />TIM C. PLATE, a single person, to me personally known to be The idealicol persons whose signatures
<br />are affixed herelo, end /ha/ each did acknowledge the execulion thereof to be their volunlory ocl and
<br />deed.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, /have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed ny elficio /sea/ of Grand
<br />My commission expo ese -& aodv1 written.
<br />/Seal/
<br />Notary Public �����
<br />I hereby cerlify that on January 4, 2000, I comp/eled on accurate survey of SCHAAF'S FIFTH
<br />SUBDIVISION', yell County, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plot /hereof; that the lots, block:
<br />streets, avenues, alleys, parks, commons and other grounds os shown on the accompanying p /al /herec
<br />are well and accurately slaked all and marked; lhol iron markers were placed of all /Of comers; Ihof
<br />The dimensions of each tof are as shown on the plot; that each /a/ beefs its awn number; and that said
<br />survey was made with reference to known ondreecc�orded monumen /s.
<br />Rono /0 .. Rockwell - eg. L and Surveyor No. 34.leg. L and Surveyor No. 34! ��40 �
<br />Approved and accepted by the Half County Board Of Slip ervisofs this S611AAt 'S Elf Tfl -I- VISION
<br />gay of° 2000 %�i.l'( "eet��
<br />Choirmaa Of he Boord Cou ly Clerk
<br />4eodl
<br />Sheol No. 10 /l
<br />