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2� 15�8�9� <br /> DEED DF TRUST <br /> {�o�tin�ed� �ag� � <br /> En�iranmenta� Lav�s. Trustor authvrizes Lender and its ag�nts tv enter upan the Prvperty ta make such <br /> inspec�ions and tests, at Trust�r's exp�ns�, as Lender may deem apprvpriate �o de�ermine compliance of the <br /> Praperty wi�h this se�tion v� the Deed a� Tru�t. Any �n�pectians or tests made by Lender shalt b� fvr L�nd�r'� <br /> purpases a�iy �nd shall no�be cans�rued to create any respvnsibility or liabili�y on�he par�vf L�nder�o Trustor❑r <br /> tv any other person. The represen�atians and warranties cantained h�rein ar� hased on Trustar's due diligence in <br /> in�es��gat�ng the Prop�rty for Ha�ardous Substanc�s. Trustor hereby t 1� r��eases and v�a��es any �uture c�aims <br /> against Lender for indemnity vr cantrEbutivn in the e�ent Trustor b�cvmes li�ble for �leanup Qr ❑�her cos�s under <br /> any such laws; and �Z� agr�es to indemni�y, defend, and hvld ha�mless Lender against any and at[ claims, lasses, <br /> IiabifitiE�, damag�s, p�nalties, and e�penses v�hich Lender may directiy or indirectly sust�in vr suf#er result�ng f�om <br /> a breach ❑� this section of �the Deed �f Trust ar as a GonsequenCe of any use, genera�itin, manufacture, stQrage, <br /> dispvsal, r�kease a�r thr�aten�d r��ease accurring privr to Trustvr's o�nrnership or interes�in the Property, whether or <br /> r�ot th� same uvas or shvu[d ha�e heen knvwn ta Trus�or. Th� pro�i�ions vf �hi� sec�ion of �he D�ed v� Trus�, <br /> in�luc�ing the obligation�v indemnify and defend, shall sur�i�e the payment of the �ndebtedness and�he sat��#ac�ion <br /> and �ecvn�eyance of the ii�n�f this Deed of Trust and shall nat be affected by Lender's acquisition of any in�erest <br /> i�r the prop�r�y, wh��her#ay fore�lvsure or ath�rwise. <br /> Nuisance. Waste. Trus�o� shall nvt cause, �anduct vr permit any nuisance nor Gommit, permit, or suff�r any <br /> �tripping of ar was�� on ar to the Praperty o� any portion of �he Praperty. Vllithaut �imiting �he generality v# the <br /> foregain�, Trustar wil� nat remv�e, or grant tv any other party the righ�to remo�e, any tim�er, minerals {including <br /> vii and gas�, �aaf, ciay, scoria, soil, graue�ar rock produc�s withvut Lender's priar w�itten G�nsent. <br /> Remv�al v�Impro�ements. Trus�ar shall nvt dema�ish ar rem��e�ny Impro�ements�rom the Real Property w�thou� <br /> Lender's priar wri#ten consent, As a c�ndition to the remo�a� af any Impra�ements, Lender may require Trus�ar to <br /> make arrangemen�s satisfactory to L�nder �� replaCe �uch lmprti��ments with lmpraWemen�s af at leas� equ�l <br /> ��lue. <br /> Lende�r's Righ#tv En�er. Lender and Lender's agents and r��resentati�es may ent�r upan �he Real Property at ail <br /> reasonable times to attsnd t� Lender's inter�sts and to inspect the Real Prop�rty far purposes af Trustor's <br /> compliance with�he terms and cond��i�ns of this ❑e�d of Trust. <br /> Gampl�ance with Gv�ernmen�kai Requirements. Trust�r shall �ramp�tly camply with al� 1aw�, ard�nan�es, and <br /> regu�afiions, now or hereafrer in effect, o# al� ga�ernmental authorities applicabl� t❑ �he use or occupancy of the <br /> Prop�rty. Trustvr may cvn�est in�vod fai�h any such law, ordinan�e, or�egulativn and withhold campliance during <br /> any proceeding, inc�ud�ng apprvpriat� appeals, so lang as Trus�or has noti�ie�l Lender in w�iting prio� t� daing so <br /> and sa long as, �n Lender's sole opiniQn, L�nder's interes�s in th� Property are not jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> Trus�ar tr� pvst adequate�e�urity or a�urety b�nd, reasonably�atis#actary to Lender, ta protect L�nder's interest. <br /> ❑u�y �o Protect, Trustor �grees neith�r �o abandon or le��e unatt�nded the Praperty. Trust�r shall do all o�her <br /> acts, in additian ta thase acts set�orth abvve in this seGtion, whiGh from the character and use of th� Prvperty are <br /> r�asana�ly necessary to prat�c�and pr�ser�e the Prvperxy, <br /> �UE Dllf SALE-C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lend��'s aptian, declare immediately due and payab�e all sums <br /> secured by�his Deed vf Trust upan the sale Qr t�ac�s�err wi�thvu� Lender's prior vlrritten c�nsent, of al�or any part vf the <br /> Real �'rvperty, o� any int�r�st in the Reaf Proper�y. A "s��e ar�rans�er" me�ns fih� con��yance o�Reai Proper�y or any <br /> right, tifile or interes# in �he Real Property; wheth�r lega�: beneficial or equitabier whether �o�unt�ary �r in�aluntary; <br /> whe�he� by ou�r�ght sa��, de�d, installment sa�e c�n�ra�t, ��nd car�tract, contra�t far deed, leaseho[d �nterest wi�h a <br /> �erm greater than �hree (3} years, lease-aption can�ract, or by sale, assignment, c�r tran5fier af any bEnefiGial inte�est in <br /> ar ta any land trust halding title to �he Real Property, vr by any other method vf con�eyanc� o# an int��est in �he Rea� <br /> PrQperty. �lowe��r, this opt�on shall nvt be ex�r�ised by Lender i� such exercise is prohibi�ed by federal law ar by <br /> Nebraska faw. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. Th� fv�l�wing pro�is�vr�s rel�ting �Co th� taxe� and li�ns on �he Praper�y ar� part o�this Deed o� <br /> Trust: <br /> Pa�ment. Trus�tor shail pay when due f and ir�all euents prior tr�de�inquen�y} alf taxes, special taxes, ass�ssments, <br /> charge� �in��uding wafier and sewer�, fines and �mpo�i�ions le�i�d agains't�r on ac�oun'�o��he Property, and sha�l <br /> pa� when due a�l claims for w�rk dane ❑n or '�ar serv�ces render�d or mat�rial furnished to �he Pr�perty. Trustar <br /> shall maintain the Property�ree a�all liens ha�ing prit�rEty ouer Qr�qual#a the interest of Lender under this Deed �f <br /> Trust, �xcept tor th� lien of �axes and assessments nv� due �nd except as oth�rwise pro�`rded in this Geed ❑f <br /> Trust. <br /> Right ta Cantest. Trus��r may withhald payment o�any �ax, assessment, ar cla�m in �onneGtion vui�h a good �aith <br /> dispute a�er the abfigation�a pay, so long as Lender's interes� in the Prap�rty is nat jeopardized. If a �ien arises �r <br /> is ��led as a result af nonpayment, Trustar shaf[ within �i�teen �15� days after the lien arisss vr, if a lien is filed, <br /> wi�hin fi�teen {�5� days after T�usCor has notiGe o� the �iling, s�cure the discharg� af th� lien, or i� request�d hy <br /> Lender, depasi�with Lender cash vr a su'�ficient cvrp�rat�surety bond or ather s�curi�y satis�actory t� Lender in an <br /> amQunt sufficient ta discharge the lien plus any cvsts and a�tv�n��s' fees, �r o�her charges that could ac��ue as a <br /> r�sult a�a for�closur�or s�le under the lien. In any cvnte�t, Trustor shaff de�end i�s�l#and Lender and sh�li satis�y <br /> any ad�erse judgment be�are enforc�ment against th� Prvpe�ty. Trustor shall name Lend�r as an ac�ditianal a�biigee <br /> under any surety hc�nd�Furnished in the conte��prviceed+ngs. <br /> Ev�den�e of Paym�nx. Trustor shaf[ upon demand furn�sh to Lender sat�sfactory e�idenc� of payment of the taxes <br /> or a�sessments and sha�l au�harize the appropriate �v�ernmen#al offi�ial tv de�i�er�ta Lender at any t�me a written <br /> s��tement o��he tax�s and assessments against�he Property. <br /> Natice ❑�Construction. Trustor shall no�ify Lender� at least fifteen �15} days before any wark is commeneed, any <br /> s�r�ices are furnished, or any mat�ri�ls are supplied t❑ �he Prvperty, if any m�chanic's �ien, materiafm�n's lien, �r <br /> o�her li�n �vuid b� asserted vn �ccvunt of �he w�rk, ser�ices, ar materials and the �ast exc�eds $1,4�4.�D. <br /> Trust�r will upon request af Lend�r furnish to L.�nder ad�ance assuran�es satisfactary to Lender�that Trustor ean <br /> �nd wi1� pay�he cost of s�ach imprv�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY ❑AMAGE INSVRANCE. The #v!!o►�v;ng prvvisivns re�ating to insuring the P�operty are a part of this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance a� Insurance. Trusto� shalf pro�ure and ma+ntai� pvlicies �f fire insurance with standard extended <br /> cv�erage endorsernent� Qn a ��placement basis fvr the full insura��e �alue c��ering all �mpr�Wements vn the Real <br /> Proper�y in an amaunt sufficien� ta a�vid app�i�a��an a� any cvinsur�nce clause, and with a s�andard martgagee <br /> clause in fa�vr of Lender, �ogether with$uch other ha�ard an� �ia�ility in�urance as Lende�may reasanabfy require. <br /> Palicies sha11 be written in f�rm, amounts, cc�Werages and ha�is rea�anably accept�hle to L�nd�r and issu�d k�y a <br /> company or cvmpar�ies reasona�ly acceptable �o L�nder. Trustar, up�n reques� of Lender, wil� deliver �o Lender <br /> from tim� t❑time the p�licies ar certificates of insurance in fnrm satisfa�t�ry �o Lenderr inc�uding st�pulations that <br /> cv�er�ges wEll nv��e cancelled�r diminish�d wi�hou� a� least�hir�y ��Dy da�s prior wri��en natice tv Lender. Ea�h <br /> insurance poiicy alsa �ha�� in�iud� an �ndorsement prou�ding tha� cou�rage in fa�or af Lender will nv�t be impaired <br /> in any way by any act, omi�s�an or default a�Trustor ar any v�her person. 5hvu�d �h� Real Praperty be located in <br /> �n are� designated by the Admin�str��or vf�h� Federa� Ernergen�y Management Agency as a speG�al �faad hazard <br /> area, Trustv� agrees to obtain and mair�tai� F�deral Flaod Insurance, if a�ailab�e, for the m�xEmum arr��unt of <br /> Trustar's credit line and �he �ufi unpaid prin�ipal balan�e of any prior liens❑n the praperty securing the loan, up t❑ <br />