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2� 15�8�81 <br /> �ran��� �g��es �a lay th� pip��ine a�� d�p�h �fi�� leas�3 F�e��o �vvid inter�erin� wi�n �ulti�a�i�n of�h� <br /> soil, �nd �� pay �ran�vr� fnr �amag�� t� �rovtir�ng �r�ps, f�n�es or ��her �rr�prvvements nr far pe�son�1 <br /> injury �r dam��� �a prap�r�y u+rn�ch may arise f�om �I�e op�rafiio�s ���ran��e. Any �uch damag�r if no� <br /> mufiva�l� ��re�d upon, shal� �e a�cer#ained �nd de��rmin�d by �h�ee d'rsir���r�sfed pers�nsx one <br /> �pp�inted by Gran�ars, one ay G�an���, �nd �he tC�i�d ch�s�n �� �n� fi�o persan� so appain��d. Ths <br /> wri��r��w�rd o��m�j�rity af su�h�hree pers�n�si�af� be final and �on��usive upon ���n�or and �r�n��e. <br /> l� is a�r�ed by Gran�a�s tha� any p�ymer�f o� c�nside�a�ion due ur���r th� terms h�r�of m�y b� ma�� <br /> �ointl}�t� �r�ntor �nd any m�r#ga��es af r�cQrd at th��ime su�h paym�n�b�co�m�s �u�. T��s F���h�of <br /> WVay�r�n�and th�duti�s and a�l�ga#ian��re�#�i h���in�ha�!run wi�h��e�a��and �h�ll be��n�ing��on <br /> ��ant�r, �rant�e�nd�heir respect��e heirs, d�visees, su��e�s�rs a�td�s���r�s. <br /> ���gn�ture I�a���o FQI�o�r� <br /> �#oint�ornmonwf�ev.81251'#'i 3 <br />